Saturday, March 1, 2025

Toc under construction


  1. Eagletail Mtns
  2. Gibraltar Mtn Wilderness 2012
  3.  Harcuvar Mtns 2012
  4. KOFA 2011
  5. Little Horn Mtns 2012
  6. Mount Nutt Wilderness 2011
  7. New Water Mtns 2012
  8. Plomosa Mtns 2013
  9. Saddle Mtn 2012


  1.  Anza Borrego State Park 2016
  2. Blythe
  3.  Central Sierra Peaks 2012
  4. Chuckwalla Mtns 2012
  5. Clipper Mtns 2016
  6. Desolation Wilderness 2011
  7. Granite Chief Wilderness 2011
  8.  Mopah Range, Turtle 2015
  9. North Turtle Mountains Indian trails
  10. Riverside Mtns 2016
  11. Saline Valley  2011
  12. Sierra Buttes 2011
  13. Silurian Hills  2016
  14. Warner Mtns 2011
  15. Whipple Mtns 2015
  16. White Mtns 2013

  1.  Arco 2016
  2.  Mackay 2016
  3. Southern Idaho 2016

New Mexico          


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Indian Trails of Anza-Borrego

The route down the east ridge of Pyramid Peak

Travertine Palms

Trail high up at Travertine Palms Wash

Rocks BM trail with peculiar rock piles

Palm near Rocks BM

 The NE corner of the park has a lot of trails and nobody goes in there but for a few hiking to the benchmarks. Nearly every bench has a trail making for endless loop possibilities. 
  1. WONDERSTONE WASH LOOP - a one way hike can be done up Travertine Palms Wash then over into Wonderstone. Take highway 86 to Brawley Rd and drive to a gravel plant. Go south along it on an easy 4wd power road for nearly a mile and leave a vehicle. Then take the highway to 86th Ave and go west on good dirt to a gate. There is a large pullout just before the gate. Walk south a few feet to a main wash. That works for a fifth mile then I had to get on the left bank and head for N33 24977, W116 05112. I walked along a wash then in it and on to a trail at 24275, 05701 that goes thru the palms then up the right bank into a saddle on the rim of another wash. I got on the left bank of a wash at 23973, 06032 and went up it a tenth mile and stepped up to a higher level and kept walking the edge of the wash to the end at the 940 line. I went straight down a slope to the wash then up thru a narrows and picked up the trail on the left at 22759, 06994 el 1080. It goes up on top of a bench then on up canyon and fades where the bench ends and a ridge starts. But the route most likely continues up the ridge which I went up almost to el 1800 then leveled off to the right to get on the divide. I had a trail again that skirts bumps and along the north side of peak 2052 and then at 21528, 08011 el 2000 it goes into a saddle. I leveled off there but should have gone higher because I didn't find the trail again until 21477, 08225 el 2100 and lost it again but found it at 21376, 08402 el 2200. Now I had to cross a wash to get on a ridge to the rim of Wonderstone. I got to the rim at 21051, 08217 el 1900 and saw no way down so I walked the rim on a trail for a third mile and saw a way down then walked the wash past peak 649 and got up on the rim at the 460 line. I walked pavement to 21351, 04225 and stayed on the high ground but vehicle damage would make me scout another route next time. I followed the high ground to the flats then on to my cycle. 8 and a half hours, nearly 15 miles with about 1000 gain that requires any effort.  It would take 9 hours with just cars for the shuttle. I put a track on peakbagger under Abe BM. Just going to the palms and back would be a 3 hour hike. I saw no hiker tracks there. Posted 2025
  2. HOT BENCHMARK LOOP -  Take highway 86 to mp 60 and turn east on Treadwell road to get under the highway to a power road as shown on the topo. That goes less than a mile to Big Wash then drive up that to the trail at N33 19336, W116 01558. That soon comes to a fork where I stayed left to a gully where the trail tops out at 19649, 01759.  Then on to 19455, 05324 and then 19996, 01867. In another 200 feet the trail forks. I went left past a cleared circle then to 20111, 01993 and in another half mile left the trail and went left at 20359, 02418. I followed the high ground to 19932, 03202 where I crossed a deep wash then on toward Hot BM. I hit the rim just past the BM and came back to it then followed a trail down the rim and into Big Wash and back to the start. 3 and a half hours, 7 miles with hardly any strenuous gain. I put a track on peakbagger under the BM. All roads are easy 4wd. Posted 2025
  3. BIG WASH TRAIL - this one runs along the rim thru Cool BM and Hot BM.  I went up Arroyo Salada over into Big Wash then down to highway 86. Take highway 86 to an exit at mp 61.1.  Parking there should work but who knows if vandals come along, so I went south on the frontage road for a fifth mile to Gravel Wash at BM -87 . Cycles can go a fifth mile up that. I left my cycle there then drove 15 miles  to mp 35.5 on S22 and strolled up Arroyon Salada to the saddle el 2000 at the end. Then it's best to walk the left rim down the other side to Big Wash then down to the 1180 line then exit left up to the bank. Walk the bank to the trail at N33 19116, W116 06173  then on past Cool BM then comes a dangerous gap. The sissy route is to go left on a trail at 19468, 05413 and down a point to the wash. Walk that to the first right bend then back up to the rim and on past Hot BM then take a left on a faint trail at 19566, 03662 and walk a bench to 19652, 02923 then left down a  gully to the wash. Walk that then exit at 19930, 01593 to get to the highway.  This hike takes nearly 6 hours, nearly 12 miles. Noticeable gain is about 400. If using an ebike for the shuttle there is a paved shoulder except on S22 from 86 to the park entrance. Sunrise Drive is a shortcut in town. I put a track on peakbagger under Cool BM. I found out later that I could have left the lower vehicle at the parking spot for the Slip BM loop. Posted 2025.
  4. BIG WASH SOUTH RIM - for this one I walked up canyon then back on a trail on the south rim. Take highway 86 to mp 60 and turn east on Treadwell road to get under the highway to a power road as shown on the topo. That goes less than a mile to Big Wash then drive 2 miles up that to a main fork. Vehicles go left but park there and walk the right fork. It had zero tracks. Soon there is no main wash so I just guessed at the channels and they took me to the north bank where the blue line is on the topo. For variety I went up an island at N33 19239, W116 04410. That ends in a third mile then I should have gone left to a main wash but instead I went to the north bank where rocks forced me back to the wash. The trail is on up on the south bank at 18929, 05125. It goes 300 feet down a gully then right to 18894, 04967 where it's more obvious. It goes to 18895, 04645 then down a point to the flats. Then either stay low back or use a trail on the left rim. I did that by going up a gully at 19030, 03951 to get on top then walking down to the point then down to the right to get to the wash and back. 3 hours or less, easy. All roads are easy 4wd. Posted 2025.
  5. SLIP BENCHMARK LOOP - this one combines two trails and might be the best. Take highway 86 to an exit at mp 61.1 then go north on the frontage road for a third mile to a main wash then up that to the power road on the topo and that's the park boundary. Walk up the wash a half mile then to a trail at N33 19985, W116 01722. It goes on to a fork and to 20112, 01994 then 20550, 03036 and on to 20532, 03284. I lost it near tire tracks but it goes right of the tracks at 20559, 03191 and  I was on it again at 20572, 03407 then it drops to a wash at 20592, 03550. It goes up the wash over a mile and past Low BM then exits at 20731, 04711 and goes over to the rim of Wonderstone Wash. Stay on the high ground over Slip then on to 20427, 06457 where you cross a gully and a trail is on the other side up on the rim. It goes to 20288, 06194 then on to a point. A gully on the left at 19729, 05275 is the way down to a main wash. Go down that and a trail is on the right rim at 19883, 04074. Stay in the wash until a third mile away then go up a point to the trail. It goes on to a rim at 19939, 03489 and left of a hill then to a rock ring at 19860, 02014. It then drops to the wash that leads back to the start. 6 hours, 12 miles and 300 noticeable gain. I put a track on peakbagger under Slip and Low benchmarks. Next time I'll stay in the canyon south of Slip to connect the trails for a shorter hike and something different. Posted 2025
  6. PYRAMID PEAK el 3480 has an Indian trail to the west saddle el 3150. I went over the summit then down the east ridge. Take highway 86 to an exit at mp 61.1 then go north on the frontage road for a third mile to a main wash then up that to the power road on the topo and leave a 4wd there. Then drive to mp 32.55 on S22 where you should be reading N33 17886, W116 11213 el 900. Any farther west means more rocks. Walk a tenth mile to a smooth channel at 17973, 11202. Follow that to the west side of a hill and walk the channel along the base. Upon reaching the north side of the hill, drift right a little to get in the main channel of Palo Verde Wash where you'll see a million footprints. Go on up the wash thru point 18536, 11111 then on to the start of the trail at 18873, 10748 el 1350. The trail goes up along the rim of a side canyon and be sure not to miss where it crosses to the left side of the creekbed at the 1550 level. It goes on up steeply to the top of the ridge el 2000 then down to the bed of Smoke Tree Canyon el 1900. Go up the main canyon 400 feet as the crow flies and the trail exits right at cairns. It gets fuzzy, but be sure to be on it where it levels off  at 19430, 09720 el 2250. It's easy to follow to a creekbed where it vanishes. Go up the bed for 300 feet and it exits left. The reading there is 19838, 09605 el 2500. It goes on to a saddle on the main ridge el 3150 then it's easy up to the summit then down the east ridge. Be careful not to disturb a rock ring at el 3250. Another possible one is at el 2950. I went on down and over a bump to a saddle at 20211, 08383 el 2700 and it has a ring. I could see a saddle el 2350 down to my left and it has a good ring. I walked east from there down the left bank then cut to the right bank at 20302, 07971 el 2000 then soon I could see a slope to get me up to a saddle on the left rim. I went thru it then down the left bank to a deep wash and got on the left bank of that. When it ended I cut over to the right bank and then was on a huge bench. I drifted over to the right edge and on down past the southern leg of the Slip trail. That would be the best way back but I wanted to check out the bench ahead. I went to to the south of peak 711 reading 20359, 04622 then soon crossed a wash and walked the base of a slope. When that ended I moved far right to stay on the bench then to the northern leg of the Slip trail at 20563, 03321. I took that across a wash to 20474, 02797 then for the last mile headed straight for my cycle. That took 8 hours, 10 minutes and nearly 14 miles with 2500 noticeable gain. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2025
  7. TRUCKHAVEN TRAIL connects Arroyo Salada Campground to the Calcite Mine road. Leave a bike at the campground at mp 34.9  then drive to mp 38.3 and turn right on a decent dirt road. Drive 3/4 mile to a deep wash and park. The trail drops down to the left but it's better to walk the road down then up the trail at N33 16533, W116 06523. It goes over a bench then back down and up into a side canyon where it goes up left at the mouth. It tops out on a bench then circles to the right to 16429, 06991 then on thru a saddle at 16348, 07351 and then enters Arroyo Salada Wash. Some people went up the wash but the hardy went up on the far bank and walked trailless terrain to 16338, 07993 and dropped into a wash and up to the trail at 16305, 08064. It goes over peak 960 to the campground then there is a paved shoulder to ride a bike back to the start. 100 minutes, 3 miles with 300 noticeable gain for the hike part. I put a track on peakagger under peak 960. Posted 2025
  8. 17 PALMS LOOP - a spotty trail connects peak 960 to the palms. I parked at Arroyo Salada Campground and went over the peak on the trail to a wash where it faded. I crossed the wash then on to a gully at N33 16368, W116 07911 then to 16281, 07476 where the trail starts showing up but spotty. I went on to 16104, 07241 then at 15851, 06994 I had a good trail that bends right into a wash and on to the palms. I returned in the main wash with the blue line on the topo. Just upstream from the 500 line is a main fork. I went left there then over the rim at 16009, 08408 and followed washes back using the sat image as I had cell coverage. Nearly 3 hours and 200 noticeable gain. I put a track on peakbagger under peak 960. Posted 2025.
  9. ROCKS BENCHMARK TRAIL - this one is in the NE corner of the park accessed from 86th Ave. It runs on a bench south of Rocks BM. 86th Ave is gated where Lincoln St goes north. I rode my bike west past the gate for a half mile to the end of the road. Then I walked to a wash at N33 25548, W116 05413. I went .17 mile up that then took a left turn on to a wash at 25349. 05734 and then another at 25067, 06088. I went on until I was half a mile from the trail which is at 24483, 06482 and then I left the wash and went direct to the trail. I followed it past a rock pile made by the Indians. It goes up on the bench at 24467, 06580. Rock piles line the trail and then end in a third mile but not because they ran out of rocks. I went on to a fork at 23954, 07710 at the 1040 line where I began a loop. I stayed left up the bench to 23600, 08251 then to a faint trail at 23378, 08829. It took me lower then I walked thru a low spot in the next rim to 23342, 09054 where I could drop to the smooth wash. I went down and came to palm saplings and then a bigger palm and then at 23951, 08088 I climbed up the bank. Then I crossed a gully to the trail at 23932, 07976 and it took me to the fork. Retracing back out is best. I tried following the trail back out more to the east and it dumped me into the rockiest wash on earth. 6 hours and a whole bunch of miles. I gained nearly 2000 but all easy grades. A shorter hike would be to go right at the trail fork and into the wash and up to the larger palm. I didn't get a waypoint but looks on the sat image to be at 23653, 08561. How many people ever see that? Posted 2025

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Joshua Tree NP South

Huge marker near Ridge BM

Survey marker on Ridge Canyon rim with peculiar pipe

Ridge Canyon rim

Slab at Ridge Canyon

Guzzler in Little Fargo

Peak 4134

Bert Basin

Tims Ladder Trail

East Deception Canyon

East Deception Canyon

  DILLON ROAD runs along the south side of the park and various side roads access the canyons. The historic aqueduct has made access tricky at some canyons. Posted 2025
FARGO CANYON ROAD - it goes paved to a quarry then 4wd for 2 miles to the mouth of the canyon then it goes to the far bank where some pavement has survived. That first 2 miles is lined with shooter trash and household trash. It's fairly clean on up canyon and easy 4wd until the SE side of Low Fargo BM. Jeeps have no trouble though and then the road splits where Rockhouse Canyon comes in. A half mile up Rockhouse are some bad spots then comes a main fork where the main road goes right and on to the Thermal Canyon road but I didn't ride it. The main arm of Rockhouse on up from that main fork is a rocky mess. One jeep got to the 2600 line and dirt bikes likely go all the way thru to the road at the upper end. Ebikes would make it nearly a mile inside the mouth of Fargo. I put info on peakbagger on the map for High Fargo BM. Posted 2024
RIDGE CANYON  is what I call the one between Rockhouse and Little Fargo. It's an easy loop up canyon then back on the west rim by way of Ridge BM. 4wds make it to the 1600 line in the canyon. Just past there are slabs on the left bank that must be associated with aqueduct construction. It's mostly smooth sand up to a 15 foot fall at the 2760 line. A gully on the left is an easy bypass then shortly a second little fall is passed on the left. Then a third fall is class 4 but I chickened out and went left around it then up a minor chokestone and on to the east side of peak 3659. A left fork there leads to the rim south of that peak then no issues down to Ridge BM and then a huge marker above the aqueduct. The rim is easy on down to peak 2594 and then a SE ridge leads down to the slabs. More markers are on the ridge at the 2080 line. 5 hours, 20 minutes, 8 miles with 2140 gain according to the app but hardly any is steep. Posted 2024
HIGH FARGO BENCHMARK el 3051 is an easy loop out of Fargo Canyon. I parked at the NW ridge reading N33 46139 , W116 04095 el 1700. I went up then down the north ridge to one of those huge markers over the aqueduct at 45519, 03379 el 2900. Then on down to 45693, 03304 el 2750 where I could either stay on the ridge down or move to the next one to my right. I chose the latter because I could see it. I hit bottom and strolled back. 3 hours, 15 minutes with 1500 gain. Posted 2024.
ROCKHOUSE CANYON - I walked up canyon then back over peak 4134. I parked a  half mile up the canyon north of peak 2562 then walked up the main fork and took the fork that goes to the 22 on the topo. The fork turns south there toward the peak then at the 3800 line I got on the right rim and on up to the summit. The reg there was placed by M&L in 1980. The next party came in 1983 then the last in 1993. I kept going down the south ridge to N33 47299, W116 01664 el 3550 where I could see the rest. 4 hours, 21 minutes and 8.4 miles. The gain was 2150 but all easy but for the last 200 up the peak. Sissy drivers can park near Low Fargo BM and it will only add a mile each way. Posted 2024.
LITTLE FARGO CANYON makes a good loop up canyon then back on west ridges. I followed the main road into Fargo Canyon as shown on the topo then followed obvious tracks leading into Little Fargo. I parked at the main fork near point 1539. It's easy 4wd that far. I walked up the right fork to a narrows at the 1960 line where a 15 foot fall stops vehicles. A class 3 rock ladder on the left is easier than it looks. I went up canyon to a guzzler that explained why I was seeing a million sheep tracks. 4 young sheep carcasses where there. I went on up canyon and took the fork along the east side of peak 3135 then up a ridge at N33 48718, W116 05719 el 2900. At the 3400 line I dropped down to the main ridge then stayed right of the first two bumps then left of a third large one and on to the west saddle of peak 3182 reading 48732, 06868 el 3100. I stayed on top of the ridge weaving boulders and it soon got easier and then on to the descent ridge at 48689, 07351 el 3000.  A handy sheep trail at 48360, 07249 el 2600 to the right of center makes it easy to go on another fifth mile where I dropped right down a ridge into a basin. I call it Bern Basin. I followed smooth sand down that and had one class 3 fall 15 feet high. I scooted down that on my butt then strolled on to the start. 5 hours, 8 miles with 2100 gain and hardly ever steep. ALTERNATE - another idea here would be to use Ridge Canyon for a loop in the two canyons. Posted 2024.
BERN BENCHMARK is on the west rim of Little Fargo. I made a good loop by parking at the 1160 line and walking up Little Fargo and then up the fork that goes into Bern Basin north of the peak. I went up a little peak on the rim of the basin for a view at N33 47906, W116 07444. I came back down the wash and thru a minor saddle at 47544, 06925 then up to a saddle on the right to get on the main rim and walked it over the BM then on down the rim to the start. Nearly 4 hours and maybe 200 noticeable gain. Easy. The basin is the prettiest area around. Posted 2024.
INDIO HILLS HIGH POINT has a jeep road all the way, but I made a hike out of it by walking up the road then down the long south ridge. At the junction of Dillon and Fargo roads, there is a dirt road heading west to the huge power lines. The southern road along the lines is the better one. At tower #27 there is a sandy roading cutting right that goes thru the hills. The reading there is N33 45062, W116 11259. Stay left at a main fork to get to the east side of the ridge. I parked north of peak 552 then walked the road up to the summit then back down the south ridge on a spotty trail. At 46069, 11611 I dropped down a gully back to the start. 3 hours, 1200 noticeable gain. The jeep road is steep but not eroded. I saw ebike tracks all the way to where I parked. NORTH RIDGE ROUTE - the Macomber Palms hike starts out up the north ridge of the peak and that's a shorter way up. Posted 2024.
BERDOO CANYON ROAD - this starts out as old pavement then at 1.3 miles in from Dillon Rd it drops into a wash. I call that spot the shooting gallery. Shooters have targets in the wash and they shoot in every direction. That lasts a quarter mile. Segments of driveable pavement have survived beyond there until the last segment on the left at point 1558 which is only wide enough for two wheelers. 4 wheelers stay right around it. The first tricky spot is at the 1900 line then at the 3400 line the road splits. The one on the right bank is the lesser of evils. Soon after that is the last tricky spot at a gooseneck then no issues to where the road tops out next to peak 4791. I stopped there, 10.5 miles in. I could have rode an ebike that far. Stock 4wds have no problem with this road. The aqueduct construction camp was just above the 1600 line. It had a hospital. Count on shooters 24/7  as far as the park boundary. I heard a machine gun one night. Cycle riders should wear a bulletproof vest and armored helmet. I put info on peakbagger on the map for Little Berdoo BM. Posted 2024.
WEST BERDOO CANYON is a smooth one that makes a good one way hike. I parked on the Berdoo road at a gully reading N33 49334, W116  10191 el 1250. I went up that then over to the main wash at 49523, 10645 el 1400. I went up staying left at main forks to the SE saddle of Push BM. I left my pack there and went up to the summit and back then down the ridge toward Center BM then on down to Dillon Rd to a pole near the 1000 line where I had my bike stashed. 2 hours, 40 minutes with 1300 gain. Only the last 500 to the peak is steep and that can be skipped. Posted 2024.
INDIO CANYON is smooth sand most of the way. I did a loop up canyon then back on the rim but the hike has to be started at dawn before shooters show up. I parked on the Berdoo Canyon road where it dips into the main wash a bit over a mile in from Dillon Rd. I walked downstream a third mile to an abandoned road going over the rim into Indio. I strolled up canyon and had some minor class 2 falls but at the 2600 line there is one 7 feet high bordering on class 4. I got up it OK then on to the saddle south of peak 3255. I walked up the rim on a sheep trail that levels off along the left side of the peak then went on to a deep saddle el 2150 near Berdoo Adit 1. I dropped down the drainage there on the left bank reading N33 49413, W116 08924 and then about halfway down moved right on smoother ground and hit the Berdoo road at the 1640 line. A bike there saves a 2 mile walk back. That took 5 hours, 8 miles with 2600 gain but 2000 is up the easy canyon. Those stats are just the hiking part and don't include the bike shuttle. Going one way from the 2640 line in Berdoo Canyon then over into Indio and down the canyon to Dillon Rd would avoid shooter risk but not entirely. A bullet fired at an optimal angle could hit Indio and the gravel plant and Dillon Rd. That would be a 7 mile hike and I would take a hook and line for that tricky fall. That's a pristine canyon. Posted 2024
PEAK 4717 is on the north rim of Berdoo Canyon. I made a loop up the east canyon then down the SE ridge. I parked on the Berdoo road at the 1900 line where there is a bad spot. I walked up the road and took a left fork at N33 50198, W116 07802 el 2100. I followed the forks that go to the 34 on the topo. At el 2700 there is a narrows with 2 tricky falls about 8 feet high. I barely made it up but there is a chicken route around the right on a mine road. I kept going up past the 34 then up to the saddle el 3950 on the main ridge. I followed a sheep trail up to the 4400 line then angled right to a trail at 51973, 08543 el 4500 and that got me around a peak to the last saddle. The reg was placed by M&L in 1981. I went down the SE ridge that leads to point 3056 then at el 3400 I could see an easy ridge going down to the right. I dropped down it to the main wash then down to a drop at the 2200 line. I backed up a little then up a minor class 3 gully to get on the south rim then went back down at the base of the fall and strolled on out. 5 hours, 8 miles and 2800 gain but the first 2000 is up easy washes. Posted 2024.
LITTLE BERDOO BENCHARK el 5400+ has easy routes but the scenic route is up the SW canyons and ridges. I parked on the Berdoo road at the return canyon el 2100. Lacking a shuttle, I walked on up the road over a mile to canyon at N33 49979, W116 06664 el  2500 and went up that to 50796, 05399 el 3850 where a steep ridge took me up to the rim. I followed a spotty sheep trail on up to the summit then on to peak 5238. I dropped down a ridge there reading 52149, 06048 el 5150 and walked down thru point 4620 then at el 3250 a crag is in the way. Sheep go along the right side and then the easiest looking route bends left to 50827, 07217 el 2650 where a trail drops left to the wash then on back to the road. 7 hours, 11 miles with 3700 gain but the first 1700 is up easy washes. An ebike shuttle would save over a mile. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
MACOMBER PALMS have a rough trail in from the north. Happy Valley Rd goes south from Dillon Rd and in just over a half mile I parked and walked up a ridge at N33 49615, W116 13979 then on to the trail at 49220, 14041. It goes to a saddle then down canyon to the palms. At 48838, 14292 el 1200 the trail runs on the left bank then down a point and stays on the left bank then fades but is easy sand on down to the palms. I followed the low ground to the right past more palms then on to a trail at 48639, 16257. It goes over the rim into the next canyon which is the one I returned in. I stayed right at the first main fork and followed the forks that go along the south side of the eastern 16 on the topo. At 49564, 14729 there is a trail that I used to get back to the start. 3 and a half hours, nearly 8 miles. The only noticeable gain is 150 at the start. Easy but rocky in places. ONE WAY VERSION - keep going the Pushawalla Palms then a trail goes on to the visitor center. That would need an 8 mile shuttle, all paved. Posted 2024
HERMAN MOUNTAIN el 1300 is at the Coachella Valley Preserve. A trail can be used to go one way over it. I parked on the Thousand Palms Rd at N33 51220, W116 18513 then coasted on my bike for 3 miles to the Willis Palms TH which is at the 380 line on the Thousand Palms Rd. At the palms a right branch of the trail reading 49545, 19770 goes up to the summit then down and then turns toward the visitor center. I left it there and walked to a faint road at 51175, 18664 that took me to my cycle. That took 2 hours, 15 minute with 1000 gain. Ending the hike at the visitor center should work but the area around there was closed that day. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
PEAK 5179 is accessed using the Thousand Pams Rd. It goes paved to a locked gate near BM 1494. Jeeps go around it but getting towed out in the event of a breakdown would be tricky. I walked from the gate and up the canyon on the west side of Rusty BM. At the 3200 line it's easy to go up to the rim and walk past the BM and on to the summit. Then I dropped down to the east canyon and back but that route is too tedious without a shuttle. It's better to take the south ridge down or the next one west. I had a 14 mile hike with 3700 gain but the first part to the 3200 line is easy. 7 hours was the time. EAST CANYON ROUTE - that's the route I descended and feasible if riding a bike past the gate to the main wash that leads into the canyon running east below Rusty BM. The easiest ridge is at N33 56787, W116 15622 el 4150 and it's all easy washes getting there. Posted 2024.
TIMS LADDER TRAIL is a steep one going up from Sky Valley Resort. It goes to Wide BM then on to a minor peak el 3100. I went up and came down East Deception Canyon but it's easier to reverse it. Drive to the resort on Dillon Rd then go west another tenth mile and park at a gate. Then ride an ebike east on Dillon to Gemini and go north on that to a T. Go right a short way to a gate. Walk on past the gate a tenth mile then to avoid rocks head for N33 54219, W116 19864 then on to the road and up canyon to peak 2669. It's way easier to take the wash on the north side of the peak and get into the NW saddle then go up ridge to the east  of peak 3584 and then it goes north of the peak. Get into a canyon there at 57115, 20124 and go down it a quarter mile or so where it's easy to get on the west rim. Then just stay on the high ridge all the way to Wide BM. The trail starts at 56024, 21097 el 3100 and hits bottom at 54577, 21610 el 1100 and easy to follow. Rocks aren't an issue until below Wide BM where the trail turns rocky.  5 hours, 45 minutes, 10 miles with 1000 gain up the ridge and then minor ups and downs on the high ridge to Wide BM. SHORT VERSION - try going up West Deception along the east side of peak 3327 then into the north saddle and then come back on the high ridge. Or even easier, go up East Wide Canyon then take the fork running to point 2755. Posted 2024. 
EAST WIDE CANYON is an easy one to make loop hikes. I went up then back in East Deception. The road into East Deception is gated but Gemini is the next road west and it can be taken to the end then a right turn soon leads to another gate el 1320. I parked there then rode my bike to Dillon Rd then west to Wide Canyon Rd. That road ends then I went right for a block to Aqueduct Rd then took that to a fence. Hikers go around the fence at the far left end. I strolled on up canyon and saw hiker tracks as far as the 2240 line. I took the fork running past point 2909 then on to peak 3605. I took a fork there running SE to the saddle  which is south of peak 4128. It reads N33 58380, W116 19824 el 3850. I went down and soon hit a minor drop but a gully on the right gets past it. Then I had smooth sand down to the main canyon. At a main fork el 2800 there was an odd mud flow coming down the east arm and it coated the wash the rest of the way. I got on the right bank at 55639, 19179 for smoother walking and eventulally merged with the road. At the 1440 line I veered off the road thru 54219, 19864 then stayed left of rocks to get out. 6 hours, 45 minutes and 15 miles. I hardly even noticed the 2500 gain. But I did get a workout on the 6 mile bike shuttle. Posted 2024
⦁  LONG CANYON has dirt bike trails. A graded road  goes up canyon to a gate at the 1600 line. Bikes go around that and I saw tracks on the sat image all the way to peak 4100. Another trail goes over Blind BM into Blind Canyon. No dirt bike? Then forget it. Posted 2025