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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Oatman, Arizona Flowers 2023

 ⦁ The south side of Boundary Cone has a variety of flowers. The biggest patch of purple flowers were at N34 57933, W114 25149.
Boundary Cone has canyons on the north side that get good poppy blooms. The first one has a jeep road that goes to a private gate near the Paragon Mine. The second has a jeep road that goes along the south side of peak 3065. I walked that road then came to a short stretch of private land. It wasn't posted but wouldn't be hard to get around. I went on and cut thru the saddle east of peak 3065 on a trail and back in the third canyon to the White Chief Mine. 2 hours. That's the best poppy tour in the area. Posted 2023.
Grapevine Canyon area has the biggest poppy fields. I took the Silver Creek road to the Mossback Wash road and up that on easy 4wd for 3 miles to the wilderness boundary. The simple tour would be to walk to peak 2748 in the middle of the poppies. I elected to do a loop. I walked the road into Grapevine Canyon and over the saddle east of peak 3628 then down along the right side of the drainage to get thru cliffs. An obvious plateau below has a trail that drops down to the creek near the springs and goes along the left bank for a stretch then on by peak 2748. 4 and a half hours, easy. That's a worthy hike without the flowers. Posted 2023.