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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lemhi Range, Lost River Range

A pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Nope, but there is a Diamond. Diamond Peak is under the left side, Nicholson Peak is center. It was a good week for Mother Nature's light shows.

Bell Mountain as viewed from Foss Mtn

Hundreds of people gathered along the North Creek Road to view the eclipse on Aug 21, 2017. The center of the moon's shadow passed over here. It didn't get dark until the last minute, then it snowballed. It was like dusk.
Ruins on Iron Creek Point

Shadow Lakes as seen from the tundra of Massacre Mtn

The road to the upper Pahsimeroi River

Two story cabin high on the rim of Patterson Creek

  • A main road, under various names, runs north from Howe thru the valley between the Lemhi Range and the Lost River Range. It goes for 90 miles to US 93 a half mile SW of the Ellis post office. By that time it's called Custer Rd. The last 50 miles to US 93 has mileposts. It's paved until just north of Clyde where there is 40 miles of graded road. And much of that has been treated to be more like pavement. There is the option to use a paved road forking north at mp 32.1 that runs on the east edge of the valley. There is no store or gas on this route between Arco and Challis. Howe has a VZ signal and I started picking up a signal 20 miles south of Ellis. Idaho Trails  is a website that details all the trails and dirt roads on a topo map for the whole state.Posted 2018.
  • SOUTH CREEK has an OHV trail up to about el 8000. Turn off the main road at N43 5269, W113 0495 and go a couple miles on a good road to private land. A high clearance road goes around the north side to the mouth el 5800 then it's OHVs and mtn bikes beyond there. It's about 4 miles to a fork el 7400 where I stopped. It's smooth but for a couple of mud holes and a tenth mile where the creek covers the trail. Only the right fork is legal. The sat image shows it goes up to about 8000, making it the highest you can ride for Saddle Mtn. But I couldn't tell if crags block the hike. Another hike is to walk up the right fork to the crest then go north to peak 10358 then come back on the west ridge and drop to the left fork of the OHV trail. Posted 2017.
  • BLACK PYRAMID el 10439 is the informal name for the first major peak on the north rim of Cedarville Canyon. The unsteepest route is to walk up the rim. Turn off the main road at a sign for Cedarville reading N43 54770, W113 06757.  Go 1.7 miles then stay left at a fork and follow a high clearance road with bumpy little rocks into the mouth where there are 2 hiking choices. Either walk an obvious closed road el 6100 going up the north rim or drive on 2/3 mile to a point el 6200 and climb up the rim there. Shady camps are near the point. I went up the point but it is steeper. The road is sunny and a half mile longer. Too bad it's closed, because it goes to el 7300. Either way, aim for a major elk trail on the rim at 52555, 15724 el 8100. It goes right of center in a nice forest to a decaying tent and cloudy puddle of water at 52971, 16382 el 9100. There might be good water in July or June. If so, it would make a good basecamp for all the peaks at the head of the canyon. The trail goes on another tenth mile to a ridge then it's just a stroll for a mile and a half on the ridge to the summit at 53703, 17838. A reg placed by Rick Baugher in 2000 had only one entry since. But it's a tiny film container with no pen. 6 and a half hours with a little over 4000 gain, but rarely steep. The road in the main canyon ends at a shady camp el 6350 then a logging trail can be walked for nearly 2 miles thru a nice forest to el 7200 where brush sets in. The Cabin Fork has an easy 4wd road for 4 miles to a main fork where a stream comes down the left fork but soon sinks underground. That fork would be a good mtn bike ride. Bikes could also go up North Fork. It ends in a forest el 7700 after nearly 5 miles, but dry. Posted September, 2017.
  • NORTH CREEK - this provides access to Tyler Peak and Shril BM. Turn off the main road at the sign for the creek reading  N43 56434, W113 08131. A graded road goes to a farm at the mouth of North Creek. Then an OHV trail goes up canyon and to the pass el 9600 on the north side of Shril BM. The trail is rubbly for half a mile near the mouth then it smooths out. A gushing spring is along the trail at N44 00061, W113 00613. ATVs go down the east side into Eightmile Canyon, which is the steepest, then come back over into Uncle Ike Creek and along the base back to the farm. Posted 2017.
  • TYLER PEAK el 10740 - this is the best hike between Saddle Mtn and peak 11272. Use the OHV trail going up North Creek. Mtn bikes can make the first half mile then there is a half mile of rubble then is smooths out for the last mile and a quarter to the ascent ridge at N43 59233, W112 59926 el 7700. Shady basecamps and a stream are nearby. Go up the ridge to el 8500 then an elk trail bends left into a minor saddle el 8600 on the west ridge. The ridge is very efficient until peak 10401 gets in the way. Goats go around north of it. Stay on the ridge until 59108, 58773 el 10150 then cut along the north slope to a chunk of bedrock at 59269, 58591 el 10000 where shelves are in view that skirt under the crags. After that, there is one more hidden crag. Go around the south side of it to 59245, 58029 where the rest is in view. The summit is at 59305, 57913. 5 hours, 3400 gain. Posted 2017.
  • UNCLE IKE CREEK - a decent high clearance road departs the main road at N43 57151, W113 08339 and goes up to the mouth. Then its an ATV trail up to the pass. An ATV trail  goes north from the pass to el 9600 but that trail is not on the MVUM. Then it's not too far to peak 11272, informally known as Little Diamond Peak. Posted 2017.
  • NORTH TWIN el 11081 is what hikers call the the highest peak in the southern Lost River Range. An outlaw OHV trail goes to a repeater on the top of peak 10358 to the north. Turn off the main road at N44 00956, W113 11577 el 5494 and follow a good road to a gate at N43 59428, W113 18454 el 8350. 2wds might get there. The gate is open until Sept 7 but OHVs are the only motorized vehicles allowed. Horses, mtn bikes and hikers can use the trail anytime. Keep going nearly 2 miles to N43 58240, W113 18066 el 8800 where the closed trail goes right. Mtn bikes easily get that far. "Closed" means you walk, everybody else rides. The trail goes above timberline to the repeater on the summit of peak 10358. A goat trail runs the crest to North Twin. The crest dips 150 feet to a saddle then loses 400 feet to the next saddle where crags are in the way. Goats go around the left side then it's a straight shot to the summit at N43 55745, W113 20117. The main OHV trail #4217 goes on down Sands Canyon. Trail #4210 goes down Van Dorn Canyon. Campsites are along the creek a half mile in from the main road on the valley floor and shady ones are near the gate. Hiking or biking the OHV trail is best done after Sept 7 to avoid noise. The road up the mountain loosely follows the 4wd road on the topo. If the FS wants to keep vehicles off the high trail to the repeater, they could designate it a hiking trail. Then open the road to el 8800 so hikers can drive to the start of it.  Posted 2017.
  • NICHOLSON PEAK el 11040+ is what hikers call the peak on the west rim of Bunting Canyon. The NW ridge has a good OHV trail nearly to a mine el 8150. Mtn bikes make it to el 7400 and 4wds make it to 7050. Turn off the main road at N44 04557, W113 14086 el 5750 and follow a good high clearance road along the south side of a gravel pit and up into the canyon of Badger Creek. A shaky bridge at 06439, 08398 el 7050 stops trucks. An OHV trail goes on over another shaky bridge to a main fork el 7150. The right fork is Bunting Canyon. Go up that on trail #4204 to el 7400 where it switches up the right slope then ends at a mine el 8150. It's not worth riding anything beyond a flat spot at el 8050. Hike up the ridge thru a lovely forest to el 9800 where minor crags are in the way. Go along the right side of the crags and stay near the center of the ridge on pathways that weave thru the rocky zone. Keep going and stay near center all the way to the only obstacle on the ridge which is peak 10402. Goats drop down low to the east under it. It's unstable, but they have 4wd. It's best to go up over it at 05296, 06601 and it's only a 70 foot loss down the other side. It's easy from there to a viewpoint at 04961, 06305 el 10450 where it's obvious how to walk over to the SW ridge then up to the summit at 04816, 05924. That took me 5 hours with about 3200 gain. Bunting Canyon has a trail for the return if there's a way down the ridge to the main saddle, as long as you didn't park high up at the mine el 8150. It looked good when I was studying it later from Little Diamond Peak. The OHV  trail up Badger Creek is good until 08305, 07382 el 8050. It gets rough there and ends in a fifth mile at fallen trees. It might be easy to hike on up to peak 11005, the state's lowest 11000 footer. The creek rises at springs at 07032, 07962 el 7300. I saw no water beyond there. Mtn bikers could ride as far as the springs but need wading shoes for 2 or 3 crossings. Posted 2017.
  • LITTLE DIAMOND PEAK el 11272 is what hikers call the peak nearly 5 mouths south of Diamond Peak. Bunting Canyon has a trail to 8000+. Turn off the main road at N44 04557, W113 14086 el 5750 and follow a good high clearance road along the south side of a gravel pit and up into the canyon of Badger Creek. A shaky bridge at 06439, 08398 el 7050 stops trucks. An OHV trail goes on over another shaky bridge to a main fork el 7150. The right fork is Bunting Canyon. Go up that to the end of the OHV trail at el 7600. A foot trail starts there and goes along the left bank. It's too dangerous for cycles but mtn bikes would work for the next mile where the creek starts at the main springs.The trail crosses to the right bank there and I was able to jump the creek at 06416, 05823 el 8050 and stay dry. Beyond there the trail gets spotty and fades but is not needed. At el 9600 below the main saddle it gets steep and there is a  goat trail on the right side of the main gully at 04688, 04869 el 9700. It goes up to el 9850 and crosses to the left side of the gully then up to the main saddle el 10225. Then a spotty  goat trail goes up the ridge toward the peak. The only issue on the ridge is a short knife edge with a 3 foot drop at just over el 11000 which is annoying if the wind is howling. A chicken route goes on the right side at 04594, 04332 then up along the base of a 4 foot high cliff to get back on the ridge. The summit cairn is at  04587, 04186. From the end of the OHV trail el 7600, that took me 6 hours with 3500 gain, the last 1700 is steep. Backpackers would find the last reliable water at the main springs el 8050, but on that day water was gushing from the foot of talus at 04794, 04937 el 9400 and again 150 feet to the left of that. Plus some lingering snow. I had several shin deep wades on the OHV trail, but none after the end of it. Posted July 2, 2018.
  • HAWLEY MOUNTAIN el 9752 sticks out of the valley floor just daring you to climb it. The NE ridge has a gorgeous forest that's easy to walk. Take the main road to Clyde and turn at the sign for Wet Creek Rd. Go about 4 miles on the graded road and turn on a 4wd road at N44, 09116, W113 19653 el 6250. Follow that 2 miles to a closed road sign el 7300 that has been mowed down by OHVs. Mtn bikes could make the first mile. Walk the closed road to the end in a tenth mile and go thru the forest on elk trails along a drainage to a trail crossing the drainage at 07161, 19978 el 7800. Go left on that to get on the NE ridge. When the ridge gets cluttered, stay left of center to an elk trail at 06642, 19966 el 8850 that gets you under rocks. The BM is just above timberline at 06280, 20427. 3 and a half hours, 2500 gain. That's a top notch hike, not steep. NW RIDGE - a road goes higher on that ridge but the hike would be steep and rocky. Stay west on Wet Creek Rd another 1.6 miles and turn on a 4wd road. It goes to a pond then on to the last level parking spot at el 7550. Then the road goes steep and fades in the trees at el 8000. Posted 2017.
  • FOSS MOUNTAIN el 9190, PEAK 10681 - a good OHV goes to the top of Foss then it's mandatory to walk the ridge to peak 10681 on the crest. Turn off the main road a fifth mile north of Clyde reading N44 08592, W113 14901. Drive across the river bridge then follow the main road north a mile and a quarter then it pulls away from the river and goes to a fork el 6950 at the base of the range and shrinks to an OHV trail.  Take the right fork up a no name canyon and in half a mile there is a gushing spring next to the trail at 11568, 11958 el 7300. That's the last water. The trail goes up to Foss where  the route to peak 10681 is obvious. There is one long, rocky bump at el 10250 on the ridge. Go over it then comes the hard part, nearly 500 feet up a scree slope with some minor backsliding. A reg on the summit at 12260, 08860 was placed 364 days earlier by Larry Prescott. He came up from Mud Spring and ran the crest. The hike to peak 10681 and back took 3 hours with nearly 2000 gain. There are some sunny camps around the river bridge. By going south from the bridge there are some good cycle rides. At a fork reading 08119, 13969 el 6000, go left up the rim of Williams Creek. That road ends in the canyon at a boring mine el 7300. Then come back on the road along the creek. These roads are mostly smooth, packed dirt with no cattle. Posted 2017.
  • BELL MOUNTAIN el 11612 is the most dramatic peak in the range. An easy class 3 route goes up the summit block. I went up the west ridge and down the NW ridge. The latter is the better route. Turn off the main road at N44 12185, W113 19365 and drive on a gravel road over the river then stay left on the main road and it will turn into a crude road and go up into the canyon. It's easy 4wd on up to the TH nearly 6 miles in from the main road reading 14571, 14084 el 7600.  The last good turnaround is 50 feet before the TH. Walk the trail on the south bank of the dry creekbed for a quarter mile then look for a trail cutting over to the north bank. The trail goes to a cabin el 8300 at the main fork in the canyon an air mile from the TH. A good stream there in the right fork is the last water. The NW ridge goes up between the forks, but it's easier to walk a trail in the dry left fork to a clearing at el 8500 where there is no main trail. Use trails on the left side for a fifth mile then cut back to the right side to a main trail at 15195, 12691 and soon comes a meadow. Look for an elk trail near there at 15231, 12434 el 8750 then go on up canyon and climb up the right side at 14942, 12025 el 9100 to get on the NW ridge el 9300. Go up the ridge to el 10300 then around the right side of minor cliffs to a table where you can see how to walk over to the west ridge. Then go up the west ridge and it's obvious how hikers go up a wide gully to the right of center. At 14166, 11725 you can see how you need to move right a few feet into the next gully then up that to the summit at 14174, 11637. The gullies are mostly class 2 with a few easy class 3 spots, easier than Diamond Peak. The loop I did took me 6 hours, 15 minutes with slightly over 4000 gain. I would rather just go up and down the NW ridge as it's less rocky than the west ridge. Cars can only go in a mile and a half then it's a clearance issue. I have seen mad dogs get cars in on roads worse than this. But in the canyon it's 4wd but strong mtn bikers could do it. Backpackers can set up basecamp at the cabin. If cattle are there, I would tank up on water and go up the left fork to el 8900 which is the nicest part of the canyon anyway. The first water is a spring to the south of the canyon mouth. Then there is a spring in the canyon at 14343, 14655 el 7300 and the last water is at the main fork el 8300, all used by cattle. There is bound to be some place to transplant the cattle not used by hikers. Posted late Aug, 2017.
  • MASSACRE MOUNTAIN, SHADOW LAKES is one of the best hikes in the Lost River Range but the road is damaged. A month later I saw a note at Mackay that said the road is fixed. Turn off the main road at a sign for Lower Dry Creek Rd reading N44 13825, W113 21996 and drive 4.3 miles on a graded road to a high clearance road. Turn right on that and it soon merges with the main road going up Dry Creek. At an aqueduct inlet el 7350 make a U turn to the left to get on a 4wd road that goes up onto the high left bank. Proceed to the road damage at 08507, 32788 el 7550. It's OHVs and mtn bikes beyond there for 6 miles to the TH el 8300 on Long Lost Creek. There are several shallow stream crossings on the road. Walk nearly half a mile up the trail to a left fork that goes into Hell Canyon. The only wade on the trail is right there but it had a log that day. The trail is narrow and unmaintained but easy for hikers. A quarter mile before the lakes is a trail climbing scree on the east wall starting at 02690, 32739 el 9559. Trouble is, it soon turns into a goat trail. It cuts under a cliff at 02701, 32583 el 10000 then turns up a gully and goes parabolic to tundra on top at el 10250. Steep yes, but backsliding was not a problem here. It's a stroll across the flowery tundra to the summit at 03613, 32811 el 10924. That took me 5 hours, 42 minutes with 2700 gain. 500 feet is steep. I used a spring along the road at 05834, 32957 el 8050 and another one near the lakes at 02788, 32836 el 9450. Don't drive all the way out there without even a mtn bike. Pedaling to the TH and then hiking 90 minutes to the lakes is worthwhile. The road will get fixed, but for how long? A dam broke there decades ago. The place is haunted. TAYLOR MOUNTAIN el 8644 is an easy one to do along the main Dry Creek road. Start hiking on a cow trail at N44 11086, W113 30251 el 7150. It goes toward the west ridge but stay low in the drainage that goes around the tip and on to the south side. Easy routes go up to the summit at 11243, 28706. 2 hours,1500 gain. Posted July 5, 2018.
  • SAWMILL CANYON is an OHV hotspot in the Lemhis, best avoided on weekends. The turnoff is near the county line. The road hasn't been graded in eons. I saw dinosaur tracks on it, that's how long it's been. But people haul huge travel trailers over a dozen miles up there. The first creekside camps are 6 miles in. Several hikes are available. I didn't take the trail to Mill Creek Lake but I read that it's 5 miles round trip with 1200 gain. The rest of the trails are open to cycles. A good map is posted along the road near the forest boundary. Posted 2018.
  • IRON CREEK POINT el 10736 is the only 10000+ peak in the Lemhis I know of with a constructed trail to the summit. And nobody knows about it. It's open to cycles, but they don't go above el 8800 where the trail gets brutal. Turn off the main road near the county line at the sign for Sawmill Canyon. Go a dozen miles and turn left at the sign for the Iron Creek Trail. Go 2.1 miles to the signed TH reading N44 23077, W113 25708 el 7600. Cars could make it. Walk the trail to a T at el 8550. Go right then stay left at the next 2 forks to get on a trail that exits a meadow at 22997, 28072 el 8750. Keep going on that trail to where it tops out at a saddle el 9600. Just before that at 22432, 27937 el 9300 is a spring on the left where I filled bottles. From the saddle, an unmaintained trail runs west along the south side of the ridge, not the north side like the topo shows. I lost it but got it again at 22209, 28332 and then it goes into a saddle el 10150 and from there the topo is correct. It exits the saddle and runs on the south side on talus and on to the west side of the summit then fades but it's a short walk up the ridge to the ruins of a fire lookout reading 22688, 29184. The north ridge is an obvious shortcut down. Walk down the center on class 2 rock for a tenth mile then the ridge splits. Take the ridge on the right going NE on down to a trail at 23185, 28436 el 9150.  Follow that trail half a mile to the T el 8550 then out. That took me 6 hours with 3200 gain. This is a bad trail for motorcyles and will never be popular with dirt bikers. I had the entire route all to myself on July 4th, 2018. 
  • SHEEP PEAK el 10865 has an easy 4wd road to the Lemhi crest el 9850. Turn off the main road near the county line at the sign for Sawmill Canyon. Go 8 miles to the guard station and turn at the sign for Squaw Creek Rd. Take that to the crest then go north half a mile on a narrower road and park at a saddle el 9850. There is virtually no erosion on the road as far as the crest. Walk the crest a quarter mile then cut left thru a saddle el 9950 and get on a faint trail at N44 22313, W113 16543 el 9950 on the west side. Walk that to the next saddle el 9900 at a rocky hill. A trail goes up the hill to the right of center or go up the east side. A mine is on top. Go up a little from the mine but stay left of center and soon the rest is in view. The reg is at 23445, 17242. 3 hours with less than 1000 of noticeable gain. The road goes south to Big Windy Peak then it's an OHV trail on to Trail Peak. All roads going down to the east are a rocky mess. If you're here on a weekend, expect the road to be clogged with OHVs. Posted 2018.
  • SUMMIT CREEK CAMPGROUND el 6400 is at mp 45 on the main road. It has restrooms but no fee or shade. PEAK 9552 is a good hike from there. It's the number 2 peak in the Donkey Hills. Use a 4wd road at mp 45.5 next to Barney Hot Springs. Go thru a gate then up a steep hill and go left at the next fork. Get on a road forking left at N44 14616, W113 28914 el 6950. Mtn bikes would work that far. Follow the road to the end in a canyon el 7250. Walk up canyon to the main saddle el 7900 then just keep going up. At el 8650 is where trees were cut with an axe to build a 6 foot high corral. For what? It's less steep to go on up to the west rim at 12887, 29742 el 9200 then up to the summit cairn at 12727, 29426. 3 hours, 2300 gain. Nice forest. The hot spring is a murky pond. A floating chair might be best for that. TOWER PEAK el 7650 is another cheap thrill. Ride an OHV to mp 43 and turn on road #149. It circles up to the tower and is badly eroded. Posted 2018.
  • BEAR MOUNTAIN el 10744 has a road to el 8500 on the south  ridge, but that might not be the best route. Turn off the main road at mp 39 and go about 4 miles on high clearance road to a sign for the Big Gulch Trail el 7800. It's open to cycles but they don't use it. A tortuous decision has to be made here. Either walk the trail to the west ridge or drive on up the road to el 8500 and hike the steeper south ridge. My choice was easy. I rode a 125 up the trail to a spring at N44 21646, W113 28671 el 8450. After filling up with cold water, I walked the trail to an elk trail at 21683, 28502 el 8650 and followed that onto the west ridge then up to the summit at 21460, 27153. That took 3 hours, 15 minutes with 2200 gain. The west ridge route offers the option to go on to Iron Creek Point then descend back down the south ridge of that. No cycle had been on that trail since Harley met Davidson. Posted 2018.
  • BIG CREEK has a cozy little campground in the trees with no fee. Turn off the main road at mp 32.1 and follow a wavy paved road for 3.6 miles to the sign. Then it's 3 and a half miles to the end of the road at the campground. The first mile and a half was plowed up by idiots driving it wet. 4wd might be needed.  A trail going up the north fork is open to cycles but they don't use it. I walked it a mile to a roaring ford, but that might be crossable in late summer. The trail up the south fork is not open to cycles. This is a good place to relax and read a book. Posted July, 2018.
  • DONKEY BENCHMARK el 9555 is the high point of the Donkey Hills. A 4wd roads goes up the west ridge to el 9400.  At about mp 27.4 on the main road, turn SW on the Double Spring  Rd. Go about 4 miles and turn at a sign for Donkey Hills Rd. Go SE on that and the 4wd road up the west ridge will come into view. I didn't get to try it because crossing Burnt Creek was tricky. To get around that, stay on the main road to BLM 130 at N44 12712, W113 35940 at Elkhorn Creek. Go 1.6 miles on that to a main fork. Ruts along here are  the only erosion issue on this approach. Stay left at the fork and go on to the road on the west ridge at 16122, 35749 el 8250. It goes steep from there and fades in rocks about a third mile before the summit where there is twice as much survey junk because a party came in 1932 and another in 65. The 1932 BM is stamped with el 9550 and if that had held then peak 9552 to the south would be higher. Do this late in the season when Burnt Creek may be crossable. This little range gets no respect because it sits between 2 larger ranges. But anywhere else it would be a big deal and everybody and his dog would be going up it. The 4wd road up the north slope is blocked by private land at el 8100. Posted July, 2018.
  • PASS LAKE el 10100 is in the most scenic and most remote area of the Lost River Range. At about mp 27.4 on the main road, turn SW on the Double Spring  Rd. Go about 11 miles and turn at a big sign for Horseheaven Pass. Go over a mile to a main fork just past a cattleguard. Left goes to Carson Lake, but take the right fork and go SE on the main road to a fork at N44 11860, W113 43308 el 7700. Go left up the steep hill on BLM 188. The right fork can be used to bypass the hill but it ain't no picnic either. It's another 7 miles to the TH el 8150 at the end of the road in the west fork of the Pahsimeroi River. Shady camps with tables are there. The trail starts on the west bank at log bridges. In a tenth mile the trail splits. Right goes to Merriam Lake el 9600 in about 2 miles. I took the left fork to Pass Lake. It gets faint at el 9200. As it veers into the fork containing the lake, look for it crossing the creek at 05665, 44535 el 9400. Then it goes on to 05556, 44985 el 9700 and it's a third mile more to the lake. 4 hours, 2000 gain. Take some sandals in case bridges are down. A few mosquitoes and biting flies are in this area. Another way to drive in here is from the Donkey Hills Rd at  17978, 41453. A road goes from there for 6 miles to join the other route. Either way, it's 15 miles of unmaintained road with one shallow stream crossing. The first half is easy, then rocky patches start. But no severe erosion yet. It took me 75 minutes to ride a cycle in. It would be 2 hours in a 4wd. CARLSON LAKE el 8150 is a good side trip for a jeep or OHV. Stay left at main forks on that road for the least eroded route. The road stops at the rim el 8550 then an OHV trail goes down to the lake. SPRING HILL BENCHMARK el 9449 makes for a good one hour hike from the rim. It had a reg on it.  DOUBLESPRING is along the main graded road at 19202, 47334. A creek rises there. It's the best water I saw on the valley floor between Howe and Ellis. Posted July 9, 2018.
  • CHRISTIAN GULCH NORTH FORK is on the south side of Grouse Creek Mtn. It has a stream and easy walking and might offer a route to that peak.   At about mp 27.4 on the main road, turn SW on the Double Spring  Rd. Go about 7 miles to N44  18722, W113 47847 el 6950 and turn into the canyon. It's a high clearance road that firms up in a mile and a half and would be good for mtn bikes from there on and has a lot of shady camps. Go in about 3 and a half miles to the first fork el 7650. The right fork is the direct way into the north fork but mtn bikes would want to stay left for half a mile to the next fork el 7900 then go right on FR 426 then it merges with the other road and ends at a meadow with a stream el 8000. A formerly maintained trail starts there but soon it's just game trails. The stream rises out of the ground about half a mile up the canyon. I went past that then climbed up onto the left bank at 19506, 53466 el 8400 for easy walking. I came back to the creekbed at a meadow reading 19641, 53629 el 8500 and then a third mile up from there is a spring el 8600 that runs for a tenth mile. I turned back near there but it was still easy going. l was about a mile in. This a good place to go into a gorgeous wilderness area without any strain and ice cold spring water to drink. Maybe that trail goes up to a lake el 9500 in the west fork? The main fork of Christian Gulch goes into a logging area above el 8300. Posted July, 2018.
  • GROUSE CREEK MOUNTAIN el 11085 has a 4wd road up the NE ridge to el 8350. Turn off the main road at mp 22.2 and drive SE on graded West Double Spring Rd for 2 and a half miles to N44 24386, W113 47593. Turn there on easy 4wd and stay on the main road to a grassy road on the left at 23701, 51269 el 7400. The grassy road appears to be open according to the online MVUM. The road goes up to a fork at 23156, 51547 el 8150. Stay right for a quarter mile to the end el 8350. Then just go up the ridge thru the trees to 22207, 53356 el 10250 where the rest is in view. The summit is at 21966, 54497. 4 and a half hours, 2700 gain. There's no brush but mosquitoes converged on me at el 10400 and nowhere else. Some biting flies are lower. I saw no water except for snow even in canyons below. Posted July, 2018.
  • MILL CREEK, on the north side of Grouse Creek Mtn, has a 4wd road. It's a good ride for cycles and mtn bikes. Turn off the main road at mp 19.8, across from Livestock Rd. Follow the road for 5 and a half miles to aspen with camps and a stream el 6450. OHVs go beyond there. No recent grazing. Posted 2018.
  • PATTERSON CREEK has ruins of a major tungsten mine that closed in the 1950s. At mp 32.1 on the main road, a paved road forks north to the Patterson Creek Rd at N44 31382, W113 42705 el 6000. A decent high clearance road goes 3 miles along the creek to the first ford el 6500 at a major fork in the  canyon. Mtn bikes would work that far. An OHV trail continues on to a maintained public cabin at el 7400 then comes the worst part where the trail goes along a rough talus slope for a tenth mile. It gets easier on up to the crest el 9300 where the trail forks. One fork goes down the east side and the other goes up the crest and over peak 10288 and eventually down the east side. The foot trail in the main fork of Patterson is long gone. Shady camps are along the creek where the paved road crosses and also a mile and a half up the creek. FALLS CANYON is the next big canyon. 4 miles NW from Patterson on the paved road is where a high clearance road goes along a fence and into the mouth. I went nearly 3 miles to a big ford and stopped, but the map shows nothing much beyond. There is heavy grazing there. Posted 2018.
  • INYO BENCHMARK el 10611 is on the east rim of Patterson Creek.  A loop can be done up the west ridge then over peak 10882, known as Basin Peak, to an OHV trail in the east fork of Patterson. Turn off the paved road that runs along the base of the range onto the Patterson Creek Rd reading N44 31382, W113 42705 el 6000. Go 1.7 miles on a high clearance road to the first fork el 6250 where Inyo Creek comes in on the right. Shady camps are a fifth mile before that. An unused road goes across the creek at a knee deep ford then goes along the north bank of Inyo Creek then crosses to the south bank and up to the rim of Patterson Creek at 31877, 41017 el 7000. The road is just a game trail and long pants are needed but only on that road. Leave the road and go up the rim on faint elk trails to el 8400 where it levels off. It's a perfect forest on the ridge then the last mile to the BM is easy tundra. You could ride a Harley up that ridge. The BM is at 30823, 36996. It's easy walking over to Basin Peak 10882 at 32454, 37037 and it strangely had no cairn. Descending the west ridge by way of peak 9690 might work, but I used the OHV trail. For that, go down the main NW ridge to a saddle el 9600. Drop down to the left and keep going NW another third mile to a maze of roads. Get on the correct one, still used by OHVs, at 33431, 38312 el 8900. A meager spring is a fifth mile down the road and the next water is where the road meets the main creek and there is a maintained cabin reading 33535, 38929 el 7400. The OHV trail runs along the creek back to the start with two more fords, one knee deep. That took me 9 hours, 20 minutes with a mile of gain. Only 1400 is steep, and even that wasn't all that tough. A mtn bike would save over a mile of walking. Drive in the day before and go 3 miles up the canyon on a decent road where the main forks meet el 6500 and stash a bike there. Another option is to hike up the rim from the mouth of Patterson. That would have 2500 steep gain, but it might come to that if the road along Inyo Creek becomes unwalkable. That route would definitely need a shuttle. Posted July 17, 2018.
  • PATTERFALLS PEAK el 10535 is the unofficial name for the highest peak on the west rim of Patterson Creek. An easy 4wd road goes up the rim to el 8100 with almost no erosion. Turnarounds are scarce so a small rig that's easy to drive backwards is the best in case a tree or slide blocks the road. Drive NW from Patterson Creek on the paved road for a mile and a quarter to the 4wd road at N44 32058, W113 43690 el 5887. It goes up 1.7 miles to Mahogany Creek then switches back nearly 2 miles to a 2 story log cabin el 7900 with a good pipe spring. It goes on another half mile to the rim el 8100 then an ATV trail goes up higher and ends on the east side at el 8600. It's best to get off the ATV trail when it starts cutting along the east side and just go up the rim. Between el 10000 and 10100 go left of center to a saddle at 33735, 42170 el 10000 then a goat trail goes up the ridge to the peak at 34910, 41842. Rick Baugher left a film can there in 1999. I dried it out and covered it. Maybe it will last another 20 years. Starting at el 8100, that took me 5 hours, 40 minutes with nearly 3000 gain, 300 of it on the return. There is a compressor and more cabins on the road in. A half mile before the 2 story cabin, a fork goes downhill to that stuff. The topo shows these cabins as dots. Posted 2018.
  • MOGG MOUNTAIN el 10573 has a cycle trail up the west side to el 8200. Use the paved road connecting Patterson for 25 miles to the Ellis post office. About midway, turn at the sign for Morse Creek reading N44 36768, W113 54325. Drive 7 miles on a good high clearance road to a tiny campground on the creek, no fee. Go left at a fork there for a tenth mile to the TH el 6300. The trail runs on a closed road. Mtn bikes are feasible for nearly 2 miles to the second wade at 38917, 45684 el 6800. I rode a 125 on to the third and last wade at el 7100. The trail gets rocky but easy for hikers. Go on up the trail to where the creek rises at 40050, 43758 el 8150. I filled up there as it's the last water. A few feet beyond there the trail exits that drainage, but stay in the drainage as it makes a horseshoe to the saddle on the west ridge at 39880, 42941 el 9400. It gets steep approaching that saddle but it's on dirt under trees. The ridge is rocky and crags at el 10000 pose the only issue. They can be passed on either side but the south side is better. Walk to 39950, 42626 and the south side route is in view. Some talus litters the rest of the route to the Mogg Benchmark at 40042, 42332. On the return I stayed on the west ridge and hit the trail at el 8150. That took me 5 hours, 45 minutes with 3500 gain. No brush or bugs. Skip this if you don't at least have a mtn bike. Only saps go in there without one. Posted July, 2108.
  • GROUSE PEAK el 8464, at the north end of the Lost River Range, has an easy 4wd road to lookout ruins on top. The road goes on down to Challis. Turn off the main road at mp 8.1 and go 2/3 mile and cross Lawson Creek . The correct road, #111, runs on the north bank and there is just one main road to follow 9 miles to the crest. Grouse Peak is half a mile north. A mile and a half south on the crest is where #111 drops down to Challis. This dirt road is nearly 20 miles long and good for dual sport cycles. No gates except the side road to the peak. Posted 2018.
  • Glasses like these are recommended for the smokey Idaho summers. The best part, of course, is that you can see thru girls' clothes too.
    The repeater near North Twin