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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Henry Mountains Area, Utah

Ant Knoll

No Man Mesa

The view from Coal Bed Mesa


The Burr Trail leaves highway 276 near Bullfrog at mp 34.8 and goes paved for 20 miles to a T. Left goes paved to Capitol Reef NP, right is the maintained road #13000. It goes 28 miles to highway 276 at mp 17.1 near Starr Springs. A 2wd might make it but it's remote country. Ticaboo has gas and a store and another store with gas is 3 miles beyond. The first dozen miles of the Burr Trail has pullouts with a Verizon signal coming off Navajo Mountain. Posted 2022.
HALL MESA HIGH POINT el 5300 is on the rim of Hall Creek. Take the Burr Trail to road #12200 at N37 40761, W110  51049 and go 3 and a half miles to road #12260. Go 2 and a half miles on that to the end el 4876. Go up the ridge to the peak at 38667, 53559. I walked the rim south to peak 5225. I stayed near the rim then cut to the peak at 38019, 52500. The summit is at 37964, 51953. Good views along the way but the rim is lined with park boundary signs. Add that to the endless list of government boondoggles. That took me 3 hours with 700 noticeable gain. No cattle. Road #12200 goes on past the Halls Creek TH and back to the Burr Trail. This is all 4wd and ebikeable. Posted 2022.
BULLFROG CREEK, LONG CANYON - the Burr Trail runs along the rim separating the two canyons making it easy to set up one way hikes. For BULLFROG, take the Burr Trail from highway 276 for 5.2  miles to the crossing of the creek, normally dry. Go another half mile or so and leave a vehicle then go on up the road for 7 miles past the crossing to road #12070. It goes gravel a tenth mile to a drill hole el 5100 that makes a good camp with two bars of Verizon. A 4wd road goes on .7 mile to the rim then goes along the rim 700 feet to a drainage at N37 40638, W110 5029, just north of point 4982. Walk down the drainage and a rocky trail will appear that leads down to the canyon floor. Drop down the last bit to the creekbed at 40514, 49622 el 4100 then stroll on down to the lower vehicle. 4 hours, all downhill. For LONG CANYON, leave the lower vehicle at a pullout at the first switchback 1.2 miles north of the Bullfrog crossing. Then drive on to road #12070 and walk to 40603, 51536 then 40550, 51955 then to the rim at 40037, 52745 el 4700, just east of peak 4808. I went down there and soon a minor cliff stopped me. I went right along the top of it for 300 feet and down a 3 foot high class 3 drop with some exposure. I then had it easy on down to the creekbed. A tiny stream and cottonwoods were at the bottom but the water didn't last long. I strolled on down to an exit next to point 3924 at 36860, 48580 and walked the rim a short way to an easy route up then on to 36785, 48240 el 4100 where I walked level on slickrock to the road where it drops down to Bullfrog Creek. That took 5 hours with 200 easy gain at the end. I stayed dry in both canyons No recent cattle but they'll be back in force when the grass recovers and I would avoid this hike then. The upper forks are blocked by falls. I walked down the west fork to a fall at the 4600 line next to peak 4808. That one might be 100 feet and has boulders to anchor to. I walked down the east fork to 40045, 50986 where I could drop a level then walk the far side of the drainage to get into the main creekbed. I went down to a 15 foot fall at the 4700 level and stopped. There should be one more fall on down. These make good practice canyons and easy to get to. If rappelling down any of these, I would just exit near peak 4808. Posted 2022.
CLAY CANYON is a pristine fork of Bullfrog Creek.  The same trail as above north of point 4982 can be used to get at it. At bottom, I shortcutted a bench but had to veer right to a fence because cliffs block the north side of the bench. I went up canyon for 1.3 air miles to the fork for Clay. It's easy walking up that for over 2 air miles to the big fall at the head. I retraced back out. That took nearly 6 hours and the only noticeable gain is the 1000 back up the trail. The ideal route is to rappel a fixed rope off the fall. It can be reached by way of a drainage at 42771, 52871 next to point 4991 along the Burr Trail. A handy boulder is a the lip. Go down to the main canyon then go down that 1.3 air miles to the fence. Cross that and go right up the bench and into a drainage at 40688, 49666. Go up that then up a ridge at 40553, 49761. Stay on it to 40669, 50015 el 4600 where it bends right to a cliff then left along that to the rim at road #12070. The map shows road #13015 running down Bullfrog but that fence blocks vehicles. I saw no tire tracks likely due to so many rocks. Clay had some wet sand and Bullfrog had a few shallow pools. I stayed dry. Posted May, 2022.
BULLFROG POINT is what I call a long, skinny point on the west rim of Bullfrog Creek near point 4740. Take the Burr Trail to a camp spot at N37 38697, W110 49202 el 4750. It has a Verizon signal. Walk north on the easiest ground for a third mile then bend right to a drainage at 38939, 48798 el 4600. Go down it to the next level then go right to a point at 38901, 48679. A class 3 route drops from there down to the next level then go down and walk along the right side of the point to get to the end el 4350. That took 1 hour, 45 minutes with 400 gain, all on the return. No sign of humanity. Easy hike. Posted 2022.
MULEY BENCHMARK el 5362 sits at the south end of a pristine mesa north of the Clay Canyon fork of Bullfrog Creek. Take the Burr Trail to road #12060 at N37 44399, W110 54325. Go half a mile to a fork and stay right on a jeep road for a mile and a half to the plateau. Either climb up or stay low like I did on an OHV trail running south to a drill hole el 5050 a mile away from the peak. There is a washed out road that goes up from there about halfway to the rim then it's easy to go on up and walk the firmer west rim to the reg at 42604, 51208. That took me 2 hours with 300 noticeable gain. Ebikes might help some. Posted 2022.
MUD BENCHMARK el 6274 sits on one of the south benches of Mount Pennell, just west of Mud Creek. The west side canyon is a good route. It cuts thru pristine blue hills to a perfect pj forest on the plateau. Take the Clay Point Rd east from the Burr Trail for a bit over 4 miles to Eggnog on Bullfrog Creek. Take road #13100 north along the east bank of the creek. It's easy 4wd until it enters a gorge just north of Ant Knoll. A boulder jam will stop most. An ebike and OHVs can get past that and on to a fork at N37 51042, W110 50936. Go right up onto the Bullfrog Benches and to within about a mile of the peak. Drop down a drainage at 52428, 50686 to get down to the floor of the west canyon. Stroll on up until a huge boulder blocks the way. I went around the right side on class 3 about 5 feet high. A few feet past that is a bouldery drainage on the right reading 53620, 49536 el 5800. It's easy to go up along the right side to the plateau el 6200. Then just stay near the rim to the BM at 53015, 50034. For a shortcut down, I walked SW to 52922, 50155 el 6150 and down an easy slope that took me to the right to a rim where a ridge at 52944, 50236 goes down to the west canyon. I had to go left on the rim a few feet and come back to the ridge. That took 4 and a half hours with 700 noticeable gain. I could have drove a 2wd truck, maybe even a car, to Eggnog then ebiked the remaining 8 miles. Bullfrog Creek had a tiny intermittent stream but no mud bogs. Cattle are on it but not on the hike. Posted May, 2022.
CAVE POINT el 5780 is on the west rim of Bullfrog Creek. A loop can be done using the road to the drill hole on the north then down a cattle trail at the south end. Take road #13100 up Bullfrog as in the Mud BM hike and keep going along the creek to a fork at N37 51590, W110 51165. Go left and it's washed out in a fifth mile. I parked there but should have gone around it to the next washout. I walked the fading road but sometimes the wash is easier. It helps to be on the road at 52252, 52626 then on to a fork at 52576, 53123. The left fork goes to the drill hole where there are obvious routes to the mesa top. A cow trail is on top and may connect to Cave Flat. I walked it south around the south side of the high point where an easy gully goes up to the summit. I walked on south to a trail at 51880, 53592 that leads to a neck. The trail drops down there but first I walked south to the next neck and saw I couldn't connect to the southern mesa. But I saw a trail in the canyon below going up toward peak 5740. I retraced to the cow trail and walked it down then back. 4 hours and the only gain of any consequence is the 200 up from the drill hole. Posted 2022.
PINE BENCHMARK el 4877 is on the east rim of Bullfrog Creek near the mouth. Take road #13000 east from the Burr Trail for 10 miles to road #13200 at N37 43477, W110 46878. Go south on easy 4wd for 2.2 miles then veer right on road #13260 for 3 miles to the end at a point el 4950. Walk an ancient road off the point to the base of the peak and an obvious ridge to the right of the summit goes up. Cane Benchmark is at 37805, 46355 and Pine is a few feet north of it. 3 hours with 400 gain to the peak and 400 on the return. HANSEN BENCHMARK el 5277 is along the drive out. I parked at a  stock tank on the north side and walked the easy NE ridge to the reg at 41184, 46021. I could have drove a car to Eggnog and ebiked the remaining 10 miles. A good ebike. Don't try it with some lame Walmart bike. Posted 2022.
MUD CREEK, NO MAN MESA - the road in from the south is in bad shape but the one from the east is easy 4wd. I made a loop around the mesa from there. It's the best hike in blue hills I've been on so far. I followed road #13000 from Starr Springs to 13500 then 13040 to get on Pennell Creek Bench. I stayed right at forks on top to get to the rim at N37 52030, W110 46414 el 5900. I walked down an ancient road there to the creek then cut across blue hills at 52284, 46935 el 5400 to get to the main creek along the base of the mesa. It had a tiny stream. I went up to a fork at 52706, 47137 and went left in the dry fork all the way to the divide at 53464, 48034 el 5950. I went down the other side staying in the stream course to protect the pristine soil. I hit Mud Creek and went downstream for .83 air mile to a minor fall. A trail bypasses it on the right bank and cuts some goosenecks too. At 52328, 49091 el 5350 I went left on an antelope trail over the left rim into the next wash and walked that to a fork at 51536, 48058 el 5100. I went 200 feet up that then got on the right bank and walked a trail along that and soon it took me over into the next drainage on the right. I kept going to a trail at 52034, 46917 el 5400 that put me on a ridge that leads back to the ancient road. That took 5 and a half hours and the 500 gain at the end on the old road is the only strain. I stayed dry but sandals would be handy for Mud Creek. This is strictly to be done after long dry spells. I tried to take a side trip into upper Mud Creek but soon hit knee deep mud. And I expect it is a year round situation from the spring on the rim.  Posted May, 2022.
MOUNT PENNELL el 11400 has an OHV trail to el 10800. 4wds can only get to el 7800. Road #14000 leaves highway 276 at mp 4.5. It's a major road that might need 4wd at crossings. Along the way at N37 57864, W110 39425 el 5400 is a shady camp with a table along Straight Creek. Just beyond there is a main fork so stay right and the OHV trail will come into view. It' road #13630 and it's easy for 4 wheeled OHVs but not for 2 wheelers. It ends at a tower el 10818 then a spotty trail goes up to the reg at 57385, 47450. Late season is best for OHVs to give locals time to clear trees. Cattle have been to el 11200. Posted 2022.
HOGBACK BENCHMARK el 7708 is 4 miles of Starr Springs CG. I followed road #13800 from the campground for 3 miles to road #13860. I went up that to road #13866 at N37 53318, W110 38786. I took that to a fork el 6650 where the right one is washed out. I walked a cow trail on the right fork to a divide el 7100 then up the ridge to the reg at 53880, 37864. That took 2 and a half hours with 1200 gain. The west side burned but no brush. The roads are ebikeable to the fork el 6650  and a car could get close. Posted 2022.
COAL BED MESA HIGH POINT el 5298 is a short hike. I used road #13000 from Starr Springs and parked about a mile before the summit just before a cattleguard. I then walked to a ridge at N37 46188, W110 46120 el 4850 that leads up to the rim. A cow trail goes most of the way to the summit at 45539, 46620. No sign of humanity. I then walked over to the far rim for a view to the west then for a shortcut back I dropped off at 45869, 46497 and went down to the next level then right a short way to a ridge at 45851, 46433 that goes on down. 2 and a half hours with 400 noticeable gain. Cattle haven't been up there for years. Posted 2022.
SHOOTARING CANYON has an easy 4wd running down it. It's 15 miles from Starr Springs thru the canyon to highway 276. I followed road #13000 from the springs for about  4 miles to a sign for the canyon. I turned and went 3 miles to a tricky fork and stayed left and dropped into the canyon. The road runs along the bottom thru the Shootaring Mine then it's a good road on to the highway about 4 miles north of Ticaboo. Posted 2022.
ROAD #13511 is an OHV trail west of Starr Springs. It goes south from road #13500 to some cliff tops with good views of the dark badlands. It's washed out at a spring but can be walked a short way to a skinny slickrock point NE of peak 5543. Easy walk to the end of the point with a couple of minor class 3 cracks to negotiate. Posted 2022.
TRACHYTE BENCHMARK el 5222 is 5 miles NE of Mt Holmes. I walked south from 276 to point 5605 on the rim of Swett south fork. The main obstacle is a cliff band at peak 6481. It has a class 3 break at el 6050. I parked at mp 13.8 on 276 and went down a drainage at N37 50287, W110 34707 el 4800 to get to Milk Creek. I went 200 feet down that to an easy exit up a gully at trees. That leads to a bowl with 2 routes. Either walk the bank downstream to the next side canyon or take the drainage on the right side of the bowl. They lead up to open country where I walked to the grayish rim of a canyon at 49812, 34282 el 4850. I walked up the rim then crossed a drainage at 49485, 34170 el 5250 and followed the high ground to the base of peak 6481 reading 48903, 34305 el 5800. I then walked level to the left for a tenth mile then started climbing to the break at 48691, 34016 el 6050 where I left some water. It goes down and to the right to a 6 foot high class 3 drop then it's slope to the bottom el 5500 where I weaved my way to a saddle at 48607, 33530 el 5550. I went thru down a wash to the first main fork and got on a little ridge at 48410, 33234 el 5400. Cans near there must be from the surveyors. I followed the ridge and eventually merged into the drainage on my left at 48286, 33315 el 5500. I went up the creekbed for a tenth mile to a minor fall then climbed out and over to the last canyon crossing at 48066, 33081 el 5550. That put me on the rim of Swett south fork near point 5605. I strolled down that until peak 5165 got in the way a mile before the BM. I dropped down to the flats on my right and went on to the SW drainage at 48787, 29890 el 4900. That is soon blocked so I bypassed on the left up a smaller drainage and had only one way to go and that led me into the drainage at 48871, 29801 el 5050. I stayed in that until it ended then went left up to the summit block. I had to go around the left side to an easy stairway up the back side. The BM is at 48912, 29599.  That took 11 hours. The app has it at 18 miles with 5300 gain but half or more is on easy rims. The 500 foot climb back out at peak 6481 is the main headache. It's not loose and was in the shade by then. No cattle here, ever. And maybe nobody on foot for 70 years. I had 3 quarts of water but it's a 4 or 5 quart hike with no water along the way. The BLM put their own benchmark in at 48770,30221 el 4850 in 1956 but they likely flew in. Posted May, 2022.
SWETT CREEK LOOP - I used the first part of the Trachyte BM hike to get into a main fork of Swett then walked it back to the highway. I went down thru the break el 6050 at peak 6481 and when I hit bottom I just kept going downstream. Some hiker tracks there assured me I would make it. It took 90 minutes down that fork to hit Swett on the west side of peak 4633. I went up it for half an hour to some water pools just before the narrows. A tricky 6 foot chockstone was waiting for me. I got up that easy enough and soon came to a short stream. I pressed on in the main canyon to a tricky fork near the start. Left is Milk Creek and right goes shortly to the highway. Both go but I took the right fork and walked under the highway but had a steep slope to get up then it took 5 minutes back to the start at mp 13.8. That took 6 hours, 12 minutes and the app has it at 12.7 miles. There's 1400 gain, not counting the super easy grade in Swett, but nearly all easy. I stayed dry. Swett is covered with little rocks making for tedious walking. I'm glad I was only going one way. A hook and etrier would be handy at the chockstone. A flood might drill a deep hole at the chockstone and retracing back out would be the only option and that would make for an 8 or 9 hour hike total for the day. Cattle are in the lower part of Swett. Posted May, 2022.
FOURMILE CANYON is a routine canyon and cattle free. It is easily reached thru the pass separating Mt Holmes and Mt Ellsworth. I took highway 276 to a 4wd road at mp 19.9. I went up that a half mile or so to el 5900 and started toward the pass. I went thru a minor saddle at N37 46333, W110 37281 el 5750 then down and into the pass. I followed hiker tracks down the left side of the pass into the creekbed. I hit a minor stream and cottonwoods at el 5200 and then some pools with a million tadpoles. I then came to a shallow slot and walked the right rim for a tenth mile to get back down. I went on down almost as far as peak 4934 but there is a gooseneck before that with cottonwoods that is a decent goal. I spent 7 and a half hours with about 400 feet of noticeable gain. I stayed dry but after a wet spell, not likely. No bugs yet. The 4wd road might get closed. Most hikers are slogging up from 276. Posted late May, 2022.
GOOD HOPE MESA is a sub level of Ticaboo Mesa. Canyoneers rappel down to it in canyons such as the one from point 5017, but I never saw how they get out. I found a decent hiking route down from point 4869 to the south side of point 4607 then to point 4047. Take highway 276 to mp 25.5 and turn on 4wd road #13400. Go 7 miles to a  fork at N37 41717, W110 35040. Go right then left at the next fork then right again and on 3 miles to the rim. I dropped down a slide at 39635, 32791 el 4800 then walked the slickrock losing a little to cross a drainage then started up at 39576, 32303 el 4600 then on to 39488, 32077 el 4650 where I went down an easy ridge then left across a flat to a drainage at 39489, 31955 el 4500. I walked that to the end at a flat covered with marbles. A wall at the far side can be skirted right or left to get to a ridge at 39535, 31837 el 4600 then down that to a drainage at 39567,31783 el 4500. I went down that and hit a minor drop. I bypassed it on the left and stayed along the left side of the drainage to a sandy shelf with grayish rock at 39682, 31822 el 4250. I went right on that for 600 feet to a point then down to the mesa. I wandered around to views on the rim. The main drainage had wet sand and cottonwoods. I saw a coyote there. Time here is variable but it took me 90 minutes to climb back up with a bit over 1000 gain, mostly on slickrock and nothing scary. Ticaboo rim has camping spots with a Verizon signal. Posted 2022.