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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Anchorite Hills, Excelsior Mtns

  • Hawthorne has a Safeway and dollar stores.
  • MOUNT BIEDEMAN el 8962  has a road to el 8550. Highway 270 runs along the north side. The turnoff is at mp 7.4. Go south on high clearance ( mtn bikeable ) for nearly a mile to a fork in a clearing. Right goes to the saddle el 8550 east of peak 9006. That summit has survey junk at N38 09056, W119 05280. The left fork goes to the saddle el 8550 west of Biedeman. That summit is at 09137, 04082. Some light brush. The road goes on south for a mile and a half to a rim with a view of Mono Lake but no good camping. I rode in from highway 167 using the Cottonwood Canyon Rd at mp 7. I followed that to a T then left for a quarter mile then right up Bridgeport Canyon to highway 270. Posted 2020.
  • BRALY PEAKS el 9500+ - the east peak has a road to the top but it's hard to get at. I made a long loop ride.  Drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd to FR 759 at N38 14608, W118 49888. That's where it gets tricky for a jeep. I followed 759 to 15101, 53454 el 8300 where the road starts up to the east summit. Near the top it forks. Left goes to a good campsite el 9350 then it's less than a tenth mile walk south to the east summit el 9400. The right fork soon ends at el 9200 where I could see the high peak. I walked level from there to the main saddle el 9100 then up the east ridge. The reg is up on a boulder at 15097, 55273. I circled around the west side of it to the north side for easy access. That took 80 minutes with 400 noticeable gain. I retraced back to the fork el 8300 then turned south for a tenth mile to a mess of forks. I took the one going down into a canyon. It's road #539 that is labeled Stateline Trail on the USFS topo. I followed it to a saddle el 7750 to the NW of what hikers call Larkin Peak. I hiked up the ridge toward the summit. Where the ridge steepens, it's way easier to go low to the right of center to stay under rocks and angle up to the summit area just south of the reg, then turn north to it at 12874, 52690 el 8720. That took nearly 2 hours with 1000 gain. I kept riding south on the main road to a 4-way at 09300, 56578 then went left and soon merged with a good road that took me to the highway then I had 5 miles back to the power road. I could have drove a jeep on the route but those days are numbered. I did all hiking in shorts. Posted 2020. " In 2013 and 2014, local historian Sue Silver submitted recommendations to the Nevada State Board on Geographic Names (NVBGN) to correct the spelling of several names of places in Mineral County that are shown on various USGS maps. The State Board reviews the recommendations submitted to them and, if approved, sends them to the United States Board on Geographic Names (USBGN) for final approval of any new names, changes or corrections.In 2015, Silver received notice that the correction of the name of what has been known as Brawley Peaks had been approved. In the future these will be identified as Braly Peaks, reflecting the correct spelling of the name of James Madison Braly, one of the co-discoverers of the Esmeralda Mining District in 1860 and causing the rush to the town of Aurora."
  • CEDAR HILL el 8458 has an easy route up the north slope. Drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd for about 4 miles to a 4-way. Go left on FR761 to access the north side. I hiked up at N38 12396, W118 50142 el 6850 then took an easy angle up to the left. The forest is so good that I knew there would be rock rings. The first I saw is a good one at 12090, 49998 el 7300. I kept going to a ridge then up to a ring at 11856, 50141 el 7700 then another 300 feet past it. I went on up the ridge to el 7850 then cut across a wide drainage to the final ridge at 11552, 50377 el 7950. I went up and found survey junk at el 8200 and more in another 100 feet. About a third mile before the summit there is a shady flat with a ring in the middle. The reg is at 11054, 50601, placed by M&L in 1989. It's an easy walk to the south summit. I retraced back from the reg a tenth mile then dropped left to a flat and took a more direct route back. That took nearly 4 hours with nearly 2000 gain. I hit some light brush at the flat on the descent but I never reached for the long pants. Good forest in pristine condition. Posted 2020.
  • MOUNT HICKS, AURORA CRATER - drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd to N38 16487, W118 50668. Go right to a T. Both ways go, but left is smoother then stay right at forks to the west slope el 8850 of Hicks. I took an easy angle to the south ridge then came down scree on the west slope. The reg is at 16791, 49063 el 9414, placed by M&L in 1989. Resume on the power road and the next left goes to a tower on Aurora Peak el 8752. The power road goes on north and gets rougher due to erosion, but nothing big yet. It bottoms out at a decent road el 7100. Go left for a bit over a mile to power lines running north. Walk the road along the lines to where they turn sharp left, then get on an ancient logger trail at 18145, 52665 el 7150. In a fifth mile the trail forks, stay left on the high fork. Go on to 18440, 52610 el 7450. A half air mile from the start of the trail is a large rock ring on the right edge of the trail. The trail fades at the rim. Another good ring is at 18788, 52604 then another at 18736, 52722. I passed more rings at the summit area then I turned back at a ring reading 18749, 52914. Rocks have been cleared on the summit at 18750, 52807 el 7880. That took 2 hours with 800 gain. Take a pocket saw to trim branches.  I rode my cycle back out the same way, but with a 4wd I would look for a way north. The sat image shows gates on the road at the mine on the south side of the crater, but another road runs east of the crater. Check the sat image. Posted 2020.
  • ANCHORITE HILLS SOUTH SUMMIT el 8810 - highway 359 is handy for a shuttle. I parked my cycle at mp 4.6 then drove to Anchorite Pass el 7600 and walked thru a camp area to an easy ridge at N38 11646, W118 41123 el 7700. I followed that up to where it topped out at 11297, 40751 el 8100. Peak 8826 is up to the left, but I did it later. I stayed on the low ground across a huge basin then up along the right side of a drainage at 09628, 41317 el 8300. That took me to the main ridge then I strolled on to a DOD benchmark at 09258, 41935. That's all I found at the summit area. From there, I dropped north down a ridge to 09940, 42066 el 8200 then turned left down to 10143, 42924 el 7700. Then I turned west up a ridge where I saw a pile of obsidian flakes then a rock ring at 10104, 43374 el 7800. I kept going another tenth mile then turned north on another ridge to get to my cycle. That took 4 hours, 40 minutes with about 1500 easy gain. Light brush is not a factor with long pants. This is pristine with some good forest. PEAK 8826 - I came back the next day and went up to that peak. It has a reg at the north end reading 10804, 40042. I descended north from there down to a ring with a different shape at 11617, 40480 el 8000 then on down to a sunny one at 11653, 40892. I kept going down to the dirt road next to the highway and had a short walk to the pass. That took 3 hours with 1300 gain. It's a good forest below 8000 but above that there is a lot of light brush. Not one of the better peaks around. Posted 2020.
  • ANCHOR BENCHMARK to TABLE MTN - a one way hike from Anchorite Pass el 7600 along the crest to Table Mtn then east to the highway is one of the best 9000 class hikes I've ever done. I left my cycle half a mile in on a crude road on highway 359 at mp 15.3 then drove to the pass and walked the crest using a topo on my phone. It's obvious how to walk to Table. Anchor BM is along the way at N38 14265, W118 40992 el 9062. M&L placed the reg in 1989 and only half a dozen entries had been made since. The next thing is a peculiar corral at 15576, 41017 el 8450. Made with heavy cables, it must be Army related. But they have forgot about it. I went on and skirted peak 9147 and entered a saddle at 16272, 40652 el 8450 then had an easy stroll to the reg on Table at 17427, 39823 el 9251. Then I turned east to 17291, 39222 el 9100 and dropped down to a plateau below. I walked across it to 17329, 37609 el 7650 and went down a ridge to point 6768 and turned left down the ridge and hit bottom near my cycle. 7 hours, 15 minutes with 2700 gain and none steep. I'll put a track on peakbagger. I wore shorts to el 8600 then had a patch of light brush here and there. There was hardly any brush past the saddle el 8450 NW of peak 9147. I saw 4 rock rings near the pass, the best being at 12461, 42102 el 8100. Near the final descent ridge there is a huge and very old one at 17277, 37785 el 7700. I'll find more next time. Posted 2020.
  • GRANITE SPRING MOUNTAIN el 8060 is what I call the one 2 and a half miles NW of the spring. It's infested with rock rings. Take highway 359 to mp 9.8 and turn on easy 4wd. Go to a T then go right to a fading road  on Whisky Flat at N38 11411, W118 38242. It soon turns into a mess so I walked the edge of the forest to an easy ridge at 11484, 37627 el 6800. I went up that and saw a good ring in a minor dip el 7000. I went on up to 11646, 37021 el 7300 and crossed over into the next valley el 7200. I strolled on to a ring at 12307, 35766 el 7400 and then to an outstanding one at 12334, 35705. From there, it's just a matter of walking the high ground to the summit at 12734, 34800. But I wandered and found a ring at 12381, 35617 and then came a couple of bad ones. On the summit plateau, I saw one at 12433, 34993 then one at 12600, 34902 and a really good one at the summit. Surveyors wired a cross to a tree with some support wires for added stability. I kept going on the main ridge and saw a good ring in the second saddle and another in the third saddle. I went up on the last peak and saw a ring at 12904, 35177 el 7900 then dropped to a ring at 12688, 35220 then a double ring at 12694, 35376. The last one I made note of is at 12590, 35620 then I retraced back out. That took 4 and a half hours with nearly 2000 gain, all of it easy. It's no chore to visit the rings because the forest is perfect. What little brush I encountered on the flats was weaveable in shorts. Posted 2020.
  • HONTONE PEAK el 7851 is what I call the one 2 miles south of Granite Spring Mtn. There may well be 100 rock rings on it. I made a loop. Take highway 359 to mp 9.8 and turn on easy 4wd. Go to a T then go right to a fading road  on Whisky Flat at N38 11411, W118 38242.  I walked to the end of the road then south up an easy slope to 10473, 37679 el 7150 where I entered a wide drainage. I went up that to a ring at 10168, 37826 then on past 3 more in the next tenth mile. I kept going south to a ring on a slope at 09827, 37765 then went up the slope but didn't see any but I know some are there. I cut across a drainage to a gap at 09551, 37660 el 7350. I went thru it then turned NE on the flats then entered the trees again at 09371, 36931 el 7500. I took an easy angle up to a ring at 09364, 36575 el 7600 then walked level to a neck with a ring at 09567, 36263. I walked down the neck to more rings in a saddle el 7500, one of them is a good one. I went up the other side then stayed left of center near the top and climbed the final bit at 09873, 35953 to get on the plateau and saw rings galore. It was raining rings. One was a double U. I crossed a clearing to a cluster of rings at 10456, 35626 then on to one on peak 7851 at 10880, 35562. I walked north another fifth mile down to a saddle el 7700 and saw the best of them all. Then I dropped left down a drainage and across the flats to a rim at 11501, 36791 next to point 7287. I walked NW on the low ground for a quarter mile then cut left across the ridge and down to a ring at 11675, 37370 and then down easy slopes to the start. That took 5 hours, 45 minutes with 1500 gain and it's all easy. I could do this in shorts. The forest is perfect except rocky sometimes. No sign of modern man. Posted 2020.
  • PETROGLYPHS - these show on the topo. Turn off highway 359 at mp 10.8 and follow a sandy road to within a tenth mile of the site. It's facing east in a drainage at N38 13616, W118 07250 el 6550. Posted 2020.
  • EXCELSIOR BENCHMARK SOUTH SUMMIT el 8340 - this is an easy one in a good forest with a decent road for access but some mild sand. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road around the south side of a ranch and on thru a gap then turn south. Stay on the main road as it goes along the east side of the peak. Park at a saddle at N38 14937, W118 29792 el 7450. Walk up on the high ground. There is a good rock ring at a minor dip el 7750. Another one is at el 7850. I then walked low around the right side of peak 8135 and saw a ring, but it's better to go up to 15426, 30150 el 8080 and level off then down the other side to a saddle el 8000 and on to the reg at 15830, 30231. It's easy to go up the final bit from the east side. 2 hours, 1000 gain, easy terrain. I didn't go to the north summit but it looked easy. Posted 2020. EXCELSIOR MOUNTAIN el 8680+ is nearby. From the gap, keep driving east to a 4wd track on the right at N38 19246, W118 25161 el 6500. Go up the rocky track for a mile to the end el 7000. A couple of saplings need to be cut out of the way. Start hiking up the  slope at 18554, 24570 which is right next to the parking area. It starts out steep and seems to be the wrong way but it soon eases up on the ridgetop and circles to the peak. At el 8100 keep to the right of a minor bump. It's a very pleasant grade and had a good flower show in late May. The reg is at 18089, 23506. A unique quadpod is just to the north and still standing in 2013. I went straight back down on a steep slope. 3 hours, 1700 gain. Posted 2013.
  • POWELL MOUNTAIN el 9527 - a good loop can be done using the south canyon. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road up Powell Canyon for about 4 miles to FR 26J. Go left on that easy 4wd road and stay right at forks to the end at aspen el 7850. Most will park before that to save paint. Walk the left bank along the aspen to a side canyon at N38 19143, W118 41220 el 7950. Go up that and it leads to a vast plateau el 8500. I took a side trip on the plateau to good rock house ruin at 17685, 41899 el 8800. But if you're skipping that, just walk the plateau to 18772, 42452 el 8650 where the rest is in view. The reg is at 19664, 41984. Then back off from the reg a few feet and follow the edge of brush to get on the SE ridge at 19617, 41973 el 9400. Just walk the ridge down to the start. It's about a 3 and a half hour hike with about 2000 gain, not steep. Add an hour for the ruin side trip. Some light brush. Posted 2020.
  • POWELL PLATEAU el 7910 - the 4 mile long plateau stretching south for 4 miles from Powell Canyon Spring was an Indian hotspot. I saw nearly 40 rock rings and missed no telling how many. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road up Powell Canyon for about 1.7 miles. Hike up a gully at N38 19357, W118 37185 el 6450 then quickly go up to the left rim. It goes parabolic but I could zigzag most of it. I saw the first ring at 19010, 37634 el 7450 and it turned out to be the best I would see. Another good one is at 18842, 37723 then 18789, 37721. More rings are down to the east. I saw a good one at 18708, 37985. I went on to a double ring at 18524, 38145 then along the east side of peak 7910 and on to a good ring at 16964, 37992. I stayed near the rim on down to the rim of Box Canyon. A ring on the rim at 15857, 37618 has a large tree in it. The best ring I found in that area is at 15874, 38063 then I turned back and found a good one at 16296, 38114 and another at 17273, 38070. When I got near peak 7652 I dropped east into a canyon but that is clogged and I had to climb up out of it to get down to the road. That took 7 hours, 40 minutes with 1000 strenous gain, no brush. The peakbagger app said I did 14 miles. Next time I'll walk one way and find a way down the rim of Box Canyon. This area is pristine. If the Indians came back they wouldn't see any difference. Posted 2020.
    I would give the Indians an A+ for this ring on Hontone Peak. It went a long way to make up for all the bad ones I saw in the area.

    This ring on the Powell plateau has huge rocks.

    Rock house ruin near Powell Mtn

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Austin, Nevada

A rare double rock ring at Eagle Butte

Damele BM

The logging trail near Hickison CG

  • Austin has gas and a mini mart but no grocery store. The Bob Scott Campground is $10 a night and it has well water. It's on US 50 at mp LA 30.6. Cheap campers can use the Hickison Petroglyph campground at mp LA 48.4 on US 50. It has no fee and Seniors get half off. What's half of nothing? Birch Creek has good camping. Take highway 376 to mp LA 15.1 and follow a good road to the mouth. Big rigs make it that far but water crossings beyond there might need 4wd. Posted 2020.
  • DAMELE BENCHMARK is north of the Hickison Petroglyph Site. The south ridges can be used for an easy loop. Take US 50 to mp LA 48.4 and turn at the sign for the campground. Go right at the first fork then on a mile and a third to a saddle el 6700 on the south ridge with shady camps. A road forking to the right just before the saddle might suit hikers wanting to drive higher and not interested in the loop. With a mtn bike, keep going a mile or more past the saddle and stash it then drive back and hike up the ridge. At N39 28678, W116 45282 el there is a rock ring on a flat with an ancient logging road, maybe from the 19th century. Another is nearby at 28740, 45255. Keep going up to another ring at 28891, 45286 el 7800 then another at 29255, 45596 that must be 12 feet across. Next, a cliff band gets in the way. Go along the right side then up a stairway at 29384, 45688 el 7950. The last third mile is bald to the BM at 29985, 46281. The high point is another tenth mile to the NW. Then aim for the descent ridge with a good ring at 29449, 46562 el 7900. Stay on the main ridge down to another ring at 29267, 46527 el 7750 then another at 29099, 46775 el 7500. Another ring is on peak 7315 at 28891, 47147. Power lines are in sight so just walk the road along those to a better road that goes back to the start. That took 5 hours with 1500 easy gain. I had no shuttle. Give me more hikes like this. No brush, bugs, burns, burros, cattle or horses. Loggers made a minor impact. Damele is a kind of torquoise.  Posted 2020.
  • EAGLE BUTTE el 8401 - a loop can be done from the Long Spring road up to the peak then over Damele BM on the return. Take US 50 to mp LA 48.4 and turn at the sign for the Hickison CG. Go right at the first fork then on about 7 miles to N39 30030, W116 50058. Turn there and go a mile and a quarter to a fork el 6600. It's easy 4wd that far. The left fork is the one but soon it's an OHV trail. Just park and head for the obvious ridge leading up to the east side of Eagle Butte then on to the summit at 31805, 48517. Then start walking the ridge to Damele. A rock ring is at 31750, 48384 then a double ring is at 31567, 48054 with two more nearby. Two rings are on the north side of peak 7798 at `31467, 47811. Then peak 7637 is in the way. I skirted along the right side of it then came to a cliff band. I walked a flat on the left side then went up at 30863, 47101 el 7800 and on up to 30818, 47172 to get on top. I strolled on to another ring at 30694, 47208 then stayed on the high ground to more rings at 30291, 47159. I went on to Damele BM at 29985, 46281. The high point is a tenth mile to the NW. Then I strolled down to the descent ridge at 29944, 47492 el 7600. But wait! There are more rings along the way. Who would have guessed? One is at 30013, 47146 then 29993, 47230 then 29994, 47341 and more besides those. When I went down the descent ridge I soon moved left into a drainage so it might be faster to start down in that. At bottom it's an easy stroll back to the start. Count on 6 hours with 2500 gain. I wore shorts but almost reached for the long pants at the cliff band. The Pony Express road is a goner. The BLM ruined it east of the pass by cutting the trees down. That's not even worth walking now. West of the pass is untouched other than light logging decades ago. Long Spring and Dry Creek Spring are in pristine condition. Ackerman Spring is covered with horse and cow shit. It's a sewer. Posted 2020.
  • HICKISON LOOP TRAIL #3 - this peculiar trail may have been built by loggers but they didn't cut much. They moved a hell of a lot of rocks though. Take US 50 to mp LA 48.4 and turn at the sign for the Hickison CG. Go right at the first fork then on nearly 4 miles to N39 28727, W116 47467 el 7000 where the road tops out. The trail starts there and goes up to the saddle between peaks 7505 and 7437. A rock ring is there at 28260, 48071 and a better one is at 28162, 47976. The trail then drops down to Ackerman Spring but I turned back. Climbing the peaks would be an option. No motor vehicles. Posted 2020.
  • HICKISON BENCHMARK el 7095 is across the highway from Hickison CG. Take US 50 to mp LA 49.8 and then it's 4wd for 2 miles to towers on top. Posted 2020.
  • GRIMES HILLS HIGH POINT el 7489 is near Hickison CG. Take US 50 to mp LA 50.5 and turn south on a good high clearance road. Go 3 and a half miles to a fence. A jeep road runs along the fence. I rode it a mile and a half then walked left into a valley then up the left rim to a rock ring at N39 24563, W116 38837 el 7400. The summit has a huge cairn at 24459, 38807 but no reg. A high point with no reg? I should get a trophy for finding such a thing at this late date. It took an hour to get to the summit with 1000 gain. I wandered around in the nice forest for an hour but didn't find anything. This peak would be an easy 8 mile mtn bike ride from Hickison CG. CAMEL BENCHMARK el 7534 is 7 miles to the SW. Keep going south on the main road for nearly 6 miles to a 4-way el 6383. Then turn west and soon there is a fork. Both go, I used the right one and parked at a T el 6400 then walked to the easy NE ridge at 20448, 43131 el 6450. I went up to a possible rock ring at 20351, 44083 el 7080 then stayed at that level to get past a bump then on to 20027, 44326 where I skirted along the right side of the last bump then the BM is on the next peak. Surveyors hauled a lot of wood up there. 2 hours, 40 minutes, 1200 gain. The flats around these peaks have some light brush. Posted 2020.
  • KING  BENCHMARK el 8213 can be done from the Bob Scott Campground. Take US 50 to mp LA 30.6 . At the cattleguard at the entrance, go right thru a gate then take the next right fork to a fork at N39 27502, W116 59317 el 7300. Stay right for a mile and a half to the end el 7900 where the whole hike is in view. The reg is at 28478, 57581. 70 minutes, 200 gain. The roads are easy 4wd for now but ruts are forming. Posted 2020.
  • PEAK 8530 is an easy one north of Austin. Take the Midas Canyon Rd at the west end of town. It has the USFS office along it. Pavement ends then stay left at a main fork on FR 184. It's a smooth road up to el 7300 or so then easy 4wd to N39 32768, W117 02968 el 7650. A faint road goes up from there to a flat spot el 8100 on the west ridge of Yankee BM. The peak is nearly half a mile north of the BM. It's the highest peak for miles. FR 493 runs east along power lines to the paved Grass Valley Rd. It has some brush and rough spots but no problem for a jeep. Posted 2020.
  • MOUNT PROMETHEUS el 8057 is an easy one north of Austin Summit. Go north from the summit on high clearance for a mile then stroll up to the BM at N39 29761, W117 02704. OHVs can stay on the road to a gate then go left on a grassy road that goes by Mud Spring then almost to the summit. Posted 2020.
  • BATES MOUNTAIN el 9070 is a huge plateau with 4wd roads all over it. Take US 50 to mp LA 29.2 and turn at the sign for the Grass Valley Rd. It's paved then graded to N39 34206, W116 55514 where road #226 forks toward the mountain. It goes along the outside of a ranch fence then it's obvious how to follow it up onto the north end of the mountain. The worst spot on the road is a steep hill at 35591, 48281 el 6900. Any rig with a locker can make it up. I made it with one wheel drive and no locker. How hard can it be? At el 8700 is another steep hill but an easier road forks to the left and crosses a valley and on to the high point at 34060, 44698. Vitz placed a reg there in 2013 and one other had signed in since. The road goes on north a third mile to a fork. Right goes out to the east rim and is mostly smooth. A road can be followed to the south point as well. The rims make for good camping. There were no gates to fool with. The OHV community hasn't discovered this. Posted 2020. 
  • NORTH TOIYABE PEAK el 10793 - the main NE ridge is a pleasant route and 4wds can get to el 8000. A decent road goes up Birch Creek and another one comes in from Austin Summit into Birch Creek. At N39 23731, W117 02906 el 7336 along the Birch Creek road is where a grassy road starts up the ridge. A half mile to the west is another road starting up. They both merge and it's hard to judge which is better. They're steep but not eroded much. Skilled drivers get to el 8000 and maybe the end at el 8200. Then it's a matter of hiking up the ridge to the main ridge and on to the reg at 21571, 04514. The last third mile has minor crags that are easily passed on the left. It's a 4 or 5 hour hike with at nearly 3000 gain, no brush. M&L placed the reg in 1992. The Birch Creek canyon has a good stream and shady camps below el 7000. Posted 2020.
  • AUSTIN SUMMIT BIKE RIDE - the town touts bike rides but they're too hilly, except for one which they overlooked. Ride south from the summit past cell towers then follow the main road into scenic Birch Creek and on down to mp LA 15.1 on highway 376 where you have a second car. No second car? Then I would start out by parking where 376 meets US 50 with a sign asking for a ride to the summit. It's 13 miles of mostly hard packed dirt road. Even an old coot like me could do this ride. Posted 2020.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Arc Dome Wilderness Area

Water wheel at South Twin River

Peavine CG

Rock ring at Cottonwood Creek

Pot farm at Handcuff Canyon

  • Hadley is the main supply point. Turn off highway 376 at mp NY 44.9 to get to a good grocery store and a gas station with propane and a laundromat. Carvers has gas too. There is a Verizon signal in the valley. Some hikes like French Peak and Toiyabe Range Peak are posted on the 2011 page. Posted 2020.
  • TOIYABE DOME TRAVERSE - Brad Boester reported on that Jett Canyon is still passable. A traverse can be done by going up the Jett Canyon route then down the north rim of Cove Canyon. It's no picnic but it's easier than going up and down the Cove rim. But what isn't? The joker in the deck is that the Jett road is a paint killer. This is a hike to invite your worst enemy then drive his rig up Jett. Drive to the Cove Canyon road at mp NY 55.5 on highway 376 then leave a 4wd at the end of it el 6400. Then take 376 to mp 47 and turn on the Jett Canyon road. It goes 5 miles to the mouth with a shady camp el 6200. A car might make it. I could have drove a jeep on up canyon to a  small camp at N38 43815, W117 13606 el 6700. It's only a paint issue to there but beyond there you start cutting into the base metal. OHVs can go to the wilderness boundary el 6950. Be sure to stay left at a fork el 6800 which is 1.7 air miles in from the mouth. By starting the hike at the mouth, there are 7 ankle deep crossings to get to the wilderness boundary. The remaining 9 crossings were barely jumpable. Outlaw riders go beyond the wilderness boundary (shocking, huh?) but not very far. Then there's a faint trail following the road bed. It's easy to follow until 45179, 15909 el 7750. There it crosses to the right bank. I followed it another quarter mile to where it goes back to the left bank and turns brushy. I stayed on the right bank and took an easy angle up to a game trail at 45493, 16051 el 8100. That led me into a side canyon then I went up the other side which is the standard ascent ridge. It goes up to the main ridge el 10050 and is not too steep. I could see how to walk low along the main ridge and skirt under bumps because it forms an arc and I was walking inside it. I stayed lower than other hikers do and arrived at a saddle reading 47630, 15878 el 10850. From there I could skirt entirely under the big bump east of peak 11144 ( Full House Peak would be a name for that one) then on to the reg at 47929, 15094. Next, I walked the north ridge to 49324, 14759 el 10400 where I could see down the rim of Cove Canyon. I went down staying left of bumps at el 9500. Then on to point 8230 at 49232, 13575. From there, the general rule is to stay right of obstacles on the ridge. I went to 49124, 13185 el 7700 along the right side of crags then kept going down along those for 200 feet to where I could cut left to resume going down the ridge. Below there are numerous class 2 routes down to the mouth of the canyon but don't aim for the creek. I posted a GPS track on From the mouth of Jett, it took 6 hours, 10 minutes to get to the summit, then 4 hours down for a total of a bit over 10 hours. I cut it to 9 hours by riding my cycle up Jett to el 6950 but I had to walk an hour the next day to retrieve it. Backpackers have good campsites at el 7000 but few beyond there. They should count on 4000 gain to the peak. There are itchy plants and a few fallen trees on the trail above 7000. Shorts work on the ascent ridge and all the way to the end of the hike. This is the most dramatic hike in the whole range but is strictly for mad dogs. I had snow near the summit on July 8, 2020.
  • JETT PEAK el 9098 is what I call the one towering over the mouth of Jett Canyon. Take highway 376 to mp 47 and turn on the Jett Canyon road. It goes 5 miles to the mouth with a shady camp el 6200. A car might make it. Poor people have to walk up canyon but those with OHVs can ride up and stay left at every fork to the end in a side canyon el 7200. Then walk a low angle to the right to get on the ascent ridge reading N38 43707, W117 14315. Go up to 43275, 14561 el 8400 then level off along the left side of peak 8550 then the reg is at 43060, 13875 in an ammo can. Placed by local Dan Kurtak in 2014, he came again in 2015 and that's it. 3 and a half hours with nearly 2000 gain. Nice forest the whole way. Poor people will have nearly 2 hours more with some wading. Posted 2020.
  • The TWIN RIVERS LOOP is one of the best hikes in the state. Use the good South Twin River road at mp NY 59.7 on 376. Go about 3 miles to the first TH with a restroom and sunny camps. This is where you come out. North Twin River is a mile further up the road which is where you start hiking. Go up the trail about 3 air miles to a fork at a crossing at N38 53128, W117 18638. Go left up to a pass at 51690, 19268 el 9250. I passed springs along this section at 53074, 18654 and 52533, 18943 but only the second one had a decent flow in 2020. The trail angles down to the right from the pass into a canyon bottom. The trail goes down the canyon and meets the South Twin River trail. Go left to get back. An intact water wheel is along the trail at 51584, 16240 el 7300. Near the end, the trail goes up over a little ridge then there is a fork. The high trail is high and dry, the low trail has more wading. I waded the creeks dozens of times by the time I got to this fork.  7 hours, 3000+ gain. Nice gorges. This hike gets overlooked because people just want to do peaks.  A river in Nevada is a creek in any other state. A trail crew told me that as of 2012 the Twin Rivers loop trail has been cleared as well as the trail up S. Twin to Arc Dome. In 2020, I walked the whole loop in shorts but had a lot of itchy plants. All wades were shin deep except one spot in North Twin where a beaver made it knee deep. SHORT VERSION - it takes 75 minutes to walk up North Twin to the upper end of the gorge. Updated 2020.
  • TWIN RIVERS PEAK el 10894 is what I call the one between the rivers. The trail up North Twin can be used to get to the SW saddle el 9300 then it's a smooth ridge to the summit. North ridges can be used for the descent. Take highway 376 to mp NY 62.3 and follow a high clearance road to North Twin River TH el 6500. The trail goes thru a spectacular gorge with some wading then the north ridges of the peak come into view. I left my wading shoes at N38 53333, W117 18135 el 7950. I followed the trail on up to the main saddle el 9300 then up the ridge to the summit at 52260, 17917. Then I went down the main north ridge to 52623, 17955 el 10250 then to 52745, 18063 el 9800 then at 52913, 18191 el 9250 I could see the remaining ridge down to my shoes and I retraced back out. That took 8 hours with about 4500 gain. I wore shorts the whole way. There is a good small campsite el 7100 about 40 minutes up the trail. A big one is at 53370, 18026 el 7900. The last water on the way up is a stream at 51863, 19378 el 9150. I filled at a spring 350 feet past where I left my shoes then another spring at 52533, 18943. This is the most appealing peak hike in the range. Posted 2020.
  • WALL CANYON has a decent road but no water. A main graded road runs along the valley floor just west of Hadley. The turnoff along that road is at N38 40537, W117 10815 el 5836. It goes up into the canyon and runs for 5 miles to el 8000. The upper half of the canyon has burned, but there are peaks on the south rim with good forest. 4wd might not be needed. It's mtn bikeable. Posted 2020.
  • ARC DOME el 11700 is the highest peak in the Toiyabe Range. The good news is there is a trail all the way. The bad news? There is a 700 foot deep saddle right in the way. Take Nv 844 from Gabbs to Ione then keep going over the pass on a wide graded road. Keep left at a main fork then you'll come to a paved road in a village. Go left 100 feet then go right on Aatakii Rd. Go nearly a mile to Columbine Rd at N38 59188, W117 27551. Take Columbine, which is also FR 119, for 8 miles to the Columbine camp. There is one little creek crossing but most 2wds could make it in 2012. There are 21 miles of dirt road on this approach. The trail starts near the crapper. Hike a quarter mile to a fork.Keep right then stay left at forks thereafter until you top out on the crest at a T at 11000+. Go right to the deep saddle then on to the summit. 7 hours, 4500 gain. This was an easy hike until God reached down and scooped out that deep saddle. Posted 2012.
  • Peavine Campground el 6250 is at the south end of the wilderness in a cottonwood grove with a stream. It has no fee and Seniors get half off. I spent 2 weeks hiking obscure areas in and outside the wilderness. Grazing stopped years ago and now there are no gates. Take highway 376 to mp NY 34 and go 8 and a half miles on graded road (stay right at a main fork)  to FR 21 which is the south entrance. The north entrance is better and is a mile on up the main road. I could have drove a small class C motorhome in at that time, but big rigs would have to settle for a huge pullout or a gravel pit 1.7 miles in from the highway. Posted 2020.
  • MAHOGANY MOUNTAIN NE SUMMIT el 11194 has a trail out of Toms Canyon to el 10400. Go north from Peavine CG for a bit over 5 miles to a main fork then go right for nearly a mile to the TH el 6950. Shady camps are there. Hike up Toms Canyon for an air mile and a half, then the trail goes up a left fork. I filled up at the last spring in this fork at N38 43484, W117 20083 el 7900 but it might be dry in late summer. The trail climbs to the divide el 9300. Now go right up along a fence.The fence tops out and soon you hit a trail at 45074, 20089 el 9500 that goes along the right side of bumps to a minor saddle then zigzags up the ridge. At el 10200 it goes right around a talus pile. The trail keeps going to the 10300 level where it fades so just aim for the west shoulder of Mahogany Mtn at 45549, 18909 el 10900. Skirting lower means more rubble. Then it's obvious how to cross a saddle el 10500 to get to the summit at 45989, 17462. Stay right around a white hill along the way. I retraced back on the trail to el 8900 where it drops into the canyon, but stayed high on the west rim and walked it down to a saddle next to peak 8078 reading 43236, 20047 then dropped to the trail. I did that because the upper canyon is overgrowing and I had only shorts. That took 8 and a half hours with a mile of gain but hardly any steep. Long pants will be needed to the divide el 9300 if the trail isn't cleared. I saw no reg on either peak. Posted 2020.
  • PEAVINE MOUNTAIN el 10040+ - a loop can be done using the trail out of Toms Canyon then down the west rim of Deer Canyon. Go north from Peavine CG for a bit over 5 miles to a main fork el 6761 where Peavine Canyon meets Toms Canyon. Walk up the right fork for 15 minutes to the TH at the end of the road. Hike up Toms Canyon for an air mile and a half, then the trail goes up a left fork. I filled up at the last spring in this fork at N38 43484, W117 20083 el 7900 but it might be dry in late summer. The trail climbs out of the canyon then leave it at N38 44429, W117 20285 el 9200 and follow a spotty trail up an easy ridge to the summit at 45270, 21780. For the descent, I dropped down to 45024, 21609 el 9600 to get thru mahogany and walked nearly level on a faint trail under the edge of the mahogany and soon hit a good trail that took me to another mahogany patch. I went thru that at 44545, 21594 el 9300 then followed the ridge down over peak 9188 then down the rim of Deer Canyon at 44315, 21833 el 9000. I didn't like the look of the little peaks I was going to have to deal with on the rim, so I took a chance and dropped to a ridge at 44018, 22046 el 8200 that took me to the trail in Peavine Canyon. That turned out to be passable and I strolled down to that TH at Poplar Canyon where a bike stashed would have saved me 1.7 miles of road back to the start and even another .7 mile to the Toms TH if I had set that up the day before. That took 7 hours with about 3500 gain, only the last 200 is steep. I wore shorts upon leaving Toms Canyon el 9000 and stayed with them to the end. Toms is getty brushy and the part from el 7900 to 8400 will be gone soon. Peavine is better. Posted 2020.
  • SEYLER PEAK el 7904 has a class 2 route up the north side. Drive south out of Peavine CG for 4 miles or so to the Wood Canyon road at N38 34300, W117 16114. It's about a tenth mile outside the forest boundary. Turn on easy 4wd and go 2 miles up canyon to a main fork el 6641. Routes to the north saddle are obvious and then upon arriving it's obvious how to keep going up and merge with a gully. The class 2 route goes straight ahead along the left side of the gully and the rest is obvious to the ammo can at 35184, 14495. The book was placed by Andy Zdon in 1989. If it didn't already have a name I'd call it Obvious Peak. 2 hours, 1250 gain. Easy. BOYD PEAK el 8685 is the name Zdon came up with for the high peak on the east rim of Wood Canyon. 4wds can go a mile on up canyon then the last 2 miles to the main saddle el 7700 is a decent OHV trail. Walk out of the saddle to the right of center to get around a hill then up to the north summit at 37817, 14688. The reg is a few feet south. Placed by Zdon in 1989, one more local hiker signed in a month later then nothing  for  31 years. Good pj forest there. No brush on either peak. Posted 2020.
  • KEOUGH PEAK el 8582 is what I call the one 2 miles NW of Keough Spring. Drive south from Peavine CG for a mile or more to the first road going west which is FR451. Take that for 2 miles to a fork and go right on FR451A. It goes up a sandy wash for 3 and half miles to a fork at N38 38146, W117 20497. Go left for half a mile to the spring el 6950. Walk west up a main wash and it bends north to a fork at 38701, 21615 el 7250. Go left to  the main saddle el 7400 on the east ridge of the peak. Take an easy angle to a good rock ring at 38808, 21900 el 7500. Keep going at the same angle to the saddle next to peak 7764 then up the ridge to the SE summit at 38945, 22740. The NW summit is a fifth mile away. I saw nothing on either one. For the return, drop south off the SE summit to a saddle el 8400 then east down the canyon. A good ring is on the left bank at the bottom reading 38467, 22066 el 7400. Another is 100 feet down the bank. Head back to the start by way of another ring at 38391,21789 el 7300. 4 and a half hours, nearly 2000 gain, good forest. Posted 2020.
  • POPLAR PEAK el 9238 is what I call the one at the head of Poplar Canyon. A loop can be done using the rims.  Go north from Peavine CG for a bit over 5 miles then go left at a main fork for 1.7 miles to the end of the road el 7000 in Peavine Canyon where Poplar Canyon comes in. I started up the north rim there reading N38 42082, W117 21400. At a saddle reading 41987, 22355 el 8100 I skirted along the left side of peak 8268 to the saddle el 8150 behind it. I kept going up to 41672, 23406 el 8800 and leveled off along the right side of peak 8923. I went down to the saddle behind it and used a trail at 41251, 23770 el 8600 to get thru a brushy patch then up the smooth ridge to the summit at 40709, 24195. I then walked SW on the main ridge to 40484, 22923 el 8850 where I skirted left of peak 9054 and dropped slightly to a ridge at 40665, 22562 el 8700 where I could see the south rim of Poplar Canyon below me. I went down and cut thru a notch at 40733, 22335 el 8250 to get on the rim then walked it down to a saddle at 41489, 21675 el 7750 where I dropped left into the canyon. But maybe I should have stayed on the rim to the end because I had to skirt brush for the last half mile in the canyon. 6 and a half hours with about 2500 gain. Rocky terrain but I wore shorts the whole way. Posted 2020.
  • PEAK 8902 is one of the bald peaks on the east rim of Peavine Canyon. A loop can be done up the Toms trail then down the west ridge. Go north from Peavine CG for a bit over 5 miles to a main fork then go right for nearly a mile to the TH el 6950. I went up the trail to a smooth ridge at N38 42717, W117 19650 el 7350. I went up that to el 8600 where it levels off and I could see the peak. I strolled to the summit at 41627, 18192. Then I walked down the west ridge to a saddle el 8350 and dropped down to the right and hit a game trail at 41638, 18752 el 8200. I followed that down thru an easy forest and found a rock ring on the high ground at 41668, 19347 el 7500. A double ring is not far at 41638, 19457. A small pit with a ring around it is at 41481, 19618 and a ring is 130 feet south of that. I went on down to the TH from there. That took 4 hours with 2000 gain. I wore shorts. Easy terrain, good forest. Posted 2020.
  • BARNEY PEAK el 9396 is what I call the one west of Barney Meadows. I took a long route to check out Handcuff Canyon and Cottonwood Creek. Drive south from Peavine CG for a mile or more to the first road going west which is FR451. Take that for 2 miles to a fork and go right on FR451A. It goes up a sandy wash for 3 and half miles to a fork. Stay right and keep going north for nearly a mile to a saddle el 7100 on the rim of Handcuff. The last fifth mile has trees crowding the road. Walk north a half mile into the canyon and go up shortly to a pot farm. The main camp is next to a tiny stream at N38 39285, W117 21345 el 7100. Go up canyon to 2 good rock rings on the north bank at 39428, 22420. I stayed on the north bank to the divide saddle at 39480, 23179 el 7850. I walked nearly level out of the saddle to a ring at 39524, 23606 with two more in the next 300 feet. I went on to another good ring at 39628, 24040 then one in a saddle at 39724, 24431 el 7700. I continued west a half mile to the main arm of Cottonwood then up the west rim to a ring at 39695, 25037. I walked on up the rim to peak 8075 and saw 8 more rings. I kept going up the rim and hit light brush at 40558, 25329 el 8050. That lasted until el 8600 then I went on up to el 9000 and cut to the left under talus for an easy angle to the summit cairn at 41106, 26136. I descended the next ridge west of the ascent ridge and it has almost no brush. I hit the canyon and easily walked down the main arm of Cottonwood Creek (which was dry) on game trails to 38741, 24754 el 7200 where I climbed over the east rim into the next fork and strolled up that to the divide saddle el 7850 and retraced back to the start. That took 10 hours with nearly 4000 gain. The 1300 gain to the peak was the only strenous part. I was in shorts except for that section on the ascent ridge. My route didn't pass by any of the springs in Cottonwood on the map but a minor drainage at 39687, 24234 had a trace of water. This is the longest hike in a good pj forest I can remember doing. If I just wanted to do the peak again I would try the south rim of Farrington Canyon. Backpackers could come in from the mouth of Handcuff like the potheads did. And they would already have a stove and sleeping bags waiting for them at the pot farm. There must be an upper pot farm because I crossed a water line at 39359, 22419 el 7400. Posted July, 2020.
  • HORSE CANYON has an easy 4wd road.  Drive south from Peavine CG for a short way to the first road going east which goes up the canyon for a bit over 3 miles into a thicket with little room to turn around. Nice looking canyon but I didn't see any hiking potential unless the thicket gets cleared. Posted 2020.
  • PEAK 7531 is the high point in an area near the southern forest boundary. Drive south from Peavine CG for a mile or more to the first road going west which is FR451. Take that for 5 miles to a north canyon at N38 35397, W117 22503 el 6700. I went up canyon from there for a fifth mile then could see a saddle up to the right on the north ridge. I went to it then up the ridge to the summit at 34683, 22170. I descended the next canyon to the west. 100 minutes, 900 gain. I saw four rock rings. Another route is the canyon at 35359, 21224. I saw a ring at the mouth of that one.  FR451 goes on another mile to the rim of Cottonwood Canyon and turns nasty. There was a small stream but I saw no way thru the brush to go upstream. Posted 2020.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Desatoya Mountains Area

Cant' sleep? Try counting sheep. There's a bunch here.

Buffalo Badlands

This is near Long Mountain.
The eerie ranch at Long Mountain. They didn't even take the bicycles.

This is the first I've heard from Hart since his book came out in the 80's. That book brought me to this range in the first place.
A ring with larger than average rocks on the way up to Carr Peak.

Rock ring out on the table near Carr Peak

A ring near point 7810
  • Highway 722 cuts thru the range and is where most of the action is. Big rigs can use a  pullout at mp CH 3.2 and another at mp CH 7.7 then another at mp CH 14.4 and it is over 6000 feet elevation and has some shade. Going east over Carroll Summit there are more big pullouts at mp LA 3. Only the first one mentioned here has a VZ signal. It comes from Fairview Peak. Middlegate has gas and maybe a tiny store. Anything not dated on this page comes from 2011 when I was last here. Posted 2020.
    • For BIG DEN FALLS, drive to mile CH 6.3 on 722. Go north on a high clearance road for 3 and a half miles to a main fork. Then go right for a mile and a third to a camp area at the end of the road el 6650. It has some shade, a stream and no cattle. Mtn bikes could make it. Hike up the creek on a brushy trail for 20 minutes to the 40 foot fall in the narrows. It does get steep and rough. Take pruners. Updated 2020.
    • For DESATOYA PEAK el 9973, there is a wild OHV trail from the south. Turn off 722 at mile LA 2.8 and follow the road up Campbell Creek and go over the divide into the Smith Creek watershed. Follow the rough road down to a key fork at N39 21453, W117 41124. Turn left here and follow the road along the creek to a fork at 21880, 43081. Then go right past 2 cattleguards then take the next right fork that goes up the ridge. Park at el 9100. Ignore horse trails by the road and aim for 22902, 44740 to find the easiest way over to the saddle on the crest at 9200. From the saddle, go left for .18 mile and take a trail to the right that goes toward the summit. Get on a trail that angles left at 22332, 45387 and go on up to the shoulder of the north summit. The BM and reg are on the south summit. A crash site is below the saddle between the summits at 22006, 45489. One gadget had a 1920 patent. 2 hours, 1000 gain.A better road to the key fork comes in from the east along Smith Creek. The ranch has to be bypassed to the south. The Edwards Creek road from the north had a quagmire that blocked me. There is a track going west from the divide that goes to the crest. A good spring is just south of the divide.
    • DESATOYA PEAK WILLOW CREEK ROUTE - the north rim of the canyon offers a decent route. Take highway 722 to mp CH 6.3 and go north on a good road for 3 and a half miles to a main fork. Then go left for 1.2 miles to a camp area at the TH el 6650. No gates along the way. I could have drove a car in there that day but that depends on how much the road is plowed up by morons driving it wet. A brushy trail goes level to meet the creek. I put on shorts there and wore them all the way up. The first bump on the rim worth skirting is peak 7792. Use a trail on the left at N39 20386, W117 46918 el 7700 to get by it. Stay on the rim to 20901, 46600 el 8700 then go left on smooth ground around peak 8802. Next, crags are in the way. An obvious route goes left around those in a steep drainage, but I found a class 2 route thru the crags. I stayed left of center on class 1 then climbed class 2 rock at 20955, 46264 el 8950. That led me to a saddle then I could see a steep route up along the left of the last crag. I left cairns. After that there are a few patches of light brush around el 9300 but I stayed with shorts. At 21166, 45972 el 9600 I leveled off and took an easy angle down to a broad saddle el 9550 on the crest then up to the reg at 21913, 45547. That took 6 and a half hours with about 3700 gain. The rim is nearly pristine but the crest is covered with cow and horse shit. No burn areas. Willow Creek is a good looking canyon but choked with aspen. Cattle are fenced out of it. Rock Creek is another route hikers use and likely my route in the 90s but I can't remember. It has a good high clearance road and a good camp area. Posted 2020.
    • SKULL CANYON MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL - dirt bikers use this trail but it's easy for mtn bikes with a shuttle. Take highway 722 to mp LA 1.2 and start riding south on a crude road el 7100. Follow it a mile and a half to a gate just before a saddle el 7500. Go thru then down into the canyon. The road shrinks to a trail and meets highway 722 at mp CH 13.1 el 6400 where you have a second car, don't you? No? Then it's 5 miles up over Carroll Summit back to the start. The loop is about 5 miles of hard packed dirt and 5 miles of pavement. Long pants are needed in the canyon. Posted 2020.
    • COLD SPRINGS PONY EXPRESS STATION - take US 50 to mp CH 80.3 where a bad road heads east. Use a mtn bike, or better yet, ride a pony. Soon there is a fork in the road, stay right and it's a mile or so to the station. It's not fenced off like the ruins near the highway. The road goes on to Pony Canyon then an OHV trail runs south to Rock Creek. No cattle. Posted 2020.
    • POTTER BENCHMARK el 8774- 4wds can make it up Bassie Canyon for a bit over a mile to a short thicket at N39 26408, W117 41302 el 6500. OHVs can get thru then it's easy on to el 8600 within a half mile of the peak. It wouldn't be a bad hike to walk the road from the thicket to the peak then pick a direct route back down. The quagmire at the mouth of Edwards Creek was dry but a flood could divert the creek into it. Porter Canyon is not an approach for this peak because it's private. Posted June, 2020.
    • CEDAR CREEK - 4wds can get to the mouth then it's an easy OHV trail up canyon to el 7400 then a foot trail goes on 100 yards to cabin ruins with a memorial to Dan O Homer. Just before that is a fork in the OHV trail that goes on up to the saddle el 8050 at the head of the canyon but it's way too steep for my cycle. I made a loop up the west rim of the canyon and on to peak 8956 then down the east rim. But the best hike is to walk the OHV trail to the peak then back down the west rim to peak 7119 then back down to the OHV trail. The west rim has the best forest and one rock ring. Horse trails run the whole way but the horses have been taken out. If more come in then it will be a stinky hike. No brush. Posted 2020.
    • CARR PEAK el 8536 is what I call the one dominating the north end of the Desatoya Mtns. The NE ridge is an easy route. Take US 50 to mp CH 105.5 and turn on easy 4wd. Stay on the main road to a fork at N39 29960, W117 31202 el 6255. Go right for half a mile to a 4-way. Go right for a few feet to a fork. Go left for a mile and a half and park at a canyon el 6700 where cattle and horses have decimated the stream. OHVs can go on another third mile to el 6800. There are no gates the whole way. There are obvious routes up the south side of the canyon to a plateau el 7550. I went up canyon just past a cliff then then took an easy angle up to the left. I found an Indian rock ring on the plateau reading 29947, 34532 el 7550. It has the largest rocks of any I've seen. I wandered north at that level to a small ring at 30287, 34650. Then I started angling up to the NE ridge and hit a trail at 30295, 35019 el 8100. It goes right of center to 30288, 35135 el 8200 then on to a saddle el 8300 north of the peak. I went thru then over to the final north ridge of the peak. It's bald up to a tower foundation on the summit at 30144, 35307. I could see a mile long table to the NW. To get at it, I fumbled around in mahogany and figured out I should have gone straight down from the summit to a drainage crossing at 30256, 35690 el 7900. Then I just went up a little to get on the table and walked to point 7810 at the far end. I came across a good ring at 30745, 36343 el 7750 then another at the point reading 30946, 36504 el 7800. I then retraced back to the drainage and used cow trails on the right side to go up canyon. A main trail is at 30259, 35538 el 8100. I walked up that for .15 mile then moved to the left side of the drainage then on up to the north saddle el 8300 then retraced back down. I lost track of  time in all that wandering, but it took 2 hours to get back from point 7810. I hauled long pants but never used them. The forest here is the best in the range but horses and cattle have made a mess. The peakbagger horses were taken out long ago. This is not as pristine as I had hoped but still a good hike. There are bound to be dozens more rings in this area. Posted 2020.
    • PEAK 8500 is the highest south of Carroll Summit. I made a loop using dirt bike trails. Take highway 722 to mp LA 1.2 and turn on easy 4wd. Follow it a mile and a half to a gate just before a saddle el 7500. I stepped over the gate and climbed a smooth ridge at N39 14905, W117 43210. I went up and to the right into a saddle el 7950 on the main ridge. Then I stayed right of center to get around a bump and into the next saddle el 7950. The next bump has a trail straight up it, I went part way up then around the right side to the saddle el 8150 behind it. Next comes the reg at 13783, 43228. Next, I walked SW to get on the rim of Skull Canyon and followed a trail down that then it faded out just before peak 7738. I went left and down around that peak to a saddle el 7450 behind it, just above a mine. I walked over to 13410, 44634 el 7300 to get in the correct drainage. I went down that nearly a tenth mile then got up on the left bank and walked the edge of a burn. Soon I was in the trees again and stayed high for half a mile along that drainage then I came to a main cow trail which soon led to a dirt bike trail in Skull Canyon el 6850. I walked that back to the start. That took 4 hours with 1000 gain to the peak then 700 on the trail at the end. Shorts work the whole way. There is heavy cattle impact. Posted 2020.
    • LONG MOUNTAIN el 8280 is what I call the southernmost 8000 footer in the Desatoya Mtns. It's easy to drive to the SE side. Take highway 722 to mp LA 6.4 and turn at a sign for Ione. Go 3.4 miles on a good road to a fork then go right for .9 mile on high clearance to an abandoned ranch el 6850. A road goes along the left side of the house then pick a route up. The summit is at N39 12773, W117 43188. 2 hours, nearly 1500 gain. Nice forest, no brush. I could have extended the hike to peak 8500 then walked back on the low ground. The road in Long Canyon to the south is now OHVs only. Posted 2020.
    • BALD MOUNTAIN el 8971- I did a one way hike from near Carroll Summit then over the peak and down the west ridge. A fifth mile east of the summit there is an easy 4wd road that goes north from the highway and up to a flat with a gate at el 7950. I walked from there up to the left to el 8200, but there might be a cow trail lower. I stayed near that level to get to the last saddle el 8200. I could see everything. I took an easy angle out of the saddle on a faint trail to N39 16893, W117 45129 el 8350 where it makes a switch to the right. It soon switches back left then fades on the SE ridge of the peak. I zigzagged up to the reg at 16857, 45395. Then I went down the ridge at 16885, 45557 el 8700. It enters a burn area at el 7600 and makes a left turn then goes on down past peak 7050 to a road on the ridge at el 6700. That road then goes down to mp CH 7.3 on the highway where I had my RV parked. It would save an hour to spot a 4wd nearly 3 miles up that road at a fork el 5977. It's a good road except for 200 feet of sand at the start. That took me 5 hours with 1000 gain. Just doing the peak and returning the same way might take 3 hours. Next time I will descend a different way to avoid the burn. I will drop south off of peak 8362 then bend toward peak 7374 and follow a ridge down with a good forest and try to stay between burns. But by the time I get around to it there may nothing left standing. Posted 2020.
    • BUFFALO BADLANDS - north forks of Buffalo Canyon have some colorful eroded formations. Various easy loops can be done. I did a long one over peak 7662. Take highway 722 to mp CH 7.7 and turn on a rarely graded road. Go 5.2 miles then go left on easy 4wd. Stay straight for a mile to a rim el 6020. It's mtn bikeable. Then it's a matter of walking north on the low ground into the badlands. I found my way into a canyon at N39 12978, W117 47442 el 6080. I went .16 air mile up that then took a ridge on my right up to the rim el 6400. I could have dropped down the other side of the ridge for an easy 2 hour hike, but I walked up the ridge until it got steep at el 6600. Then I moved right and followed along the drainage to my right but didn't drop to the creekbed until 13364, 46524 el 6700. Then I just followed the easy drainage up to peak 7662 at 12984, 45284. No sign of humanity there except for what I left, but a tenth mile south on the main ridge is a 1915 marker. Then I just headed SW down easy slopes to 12705, 46059 el 6850 where I could see a road below. When I got to the road I dropped down a drainage on the left of it and walked it back to the start. That took 5 hours with maybe 1000 noticeable gain, not steep at all. Good forest, shorts work the whole way. The main arm of Buffalo Canyon has some water and a cow trail, but I didn't go far up it. There is light brush at a minimum in there and cabin ruins. Posted 2020.
    • BUFFALO MOUNTAIN el 7603 was an Indian hotspot. Take highway 722 to mp CH 7.7 and turn on a rarely graded road. Go 11 miles to a cattleguard at Buffalo Summit el 6800. Walk along the fence on a bad road to the end and up to the first rock ring I saw at N39 08727, W117 47749 on peak 7225. I didn't walk east from there to check. There are some more up the ridge and one at 08688, 48040 has trees in it. The best I saw is at 08763, 48220 el 7350 then the reg is at 08758, 48406. I circled back on the south ridge and found one at 08355, 47697 and a good one on peak 7184 at 08314, 47443. The best forest is on that peak. I spent 2 and a half hours with 800 noticeable gain, no brush. Posted 2020.
    • GRAYBACK el 7502 is the high point of the Eastgate Range according to the reg placed by M&L in 1998. Maybe they had a 15 minute map showing such a range. Take highway 361 to mp CH 4.8 and turn on a good road. Stay on the main road for 6 miles to a main fork. Stay left to Mud Spring where the road turns into easy 4wd. Go on over a low saddle then go right at the next fork into a smooth wash. Drive the wash then at 1.2 miles before the peak the road goes up on the right bank with room to park el 6450. Routes to the summit are ovbvious. The reg is at N39 11845, W117 53335. 90 minutes, 1050 gain, shorts work. BROKEN HILLS HIGH POINT el 6632 can be done on the drive out. At the main fork, go south for .8 mile then go right on 4wd. At the next fork el 6300, start walking the left fork to get to the north base of the peak. The reg is at 08904, 55573. There is 300 feet of steep gain. Mtn bikes work as far as the spring. Posted 2020.
    • A smooth ATV track gets close to the VALLEY VIEW BM. Turn off 722 into White Rock Canyon at mile LA 3.1. Go up and take the first right fork in a canyon and go to the end at 8000. Hike up the steep slope to the BM at N39 17003, W117 38952 el 8600.
    • NEW PASS PEAK el 9002 has a 4wd road to the top. Turn off US 50 at mp LA 2 and go north for nearly 2 miles to a main fork.. Stay right for about 3 more miles to another main fork. Stay right again and follow the main road all the way up. The road isn't eroded much but it gets steep. No gates. An ice cold spring is along the way at N39 38427, W117 27187 el 7250. I filtered it. Posted 2020.

    Monday, May 18, 2020

    Stillwater Range, east side

    Coyote Canyon

    Creore Mine
    • Highway 127 runs north from US 50 for 27 miles then a graded road known as the Dixie Valley Rd (DVR) continues on. Big rigs can park where pavement ends and also a gravel pit 9 miles up the graded road. I was parked at the pit and streaming youtube from a VZ tower that is likely on Fairview Peak 40 miles away. Later I went on another 9 miles to the abandoned Bar A-3 Ranch and could still get internet. The nearest gas and store is at Middlegate. Fallon has a Walmart. Posted 2020.
    • TWIN PEAKS el 7121- turn off highway 121 at mp 2.8 and go SE for .7 mile to a 4-way. Go left on a decent high clearance road for 7 and a half miles to a 4wd road that goes half a mile to a canyon at the foot of the peak at el 6200. Go up canyon to the obvious saddle to the right of the peak. I found it less steep to stay in the main canyon to N39 24391, W118 03593 el 6500 then cut back to the saddle up an easy slope. The reg is at 24561, 03410. 75 minutes, nearly 1000 gain. This was a pretty area before horses trashed it. Crown Peak is 2 miles west and apparently the high point of the Louderback Mtns. Posted 2020.
    • ELEVENMILE CANYON - turn off highway 121 at mp 8.2 and follow the main road in the canyon bottom. It's easy 4wd to a cabin at el 6850. A jeep road forks up a ridge from there and goes to el 7800 on the ridge connecting Table Mtn to the Slaughter Peaks then a trail goes on to the Slaughter Peaks. Posted 2020.
    •  MOUNT LINCOLN el 8569 and 3 more named peaks can be accessed from East Lee Canyon. Turn off highway 121 at mp 16.4 and follow an easy 4wd road for 7 miles to the head of the canyon. The road goes past some shady camps to the last turnaround at a sunny trough reading N39 32188, W118 16307 el 6450. The road ends in another tenth mile. Just ahead is the old crest trail at 32351, 16348 el 6650. Not much is left of it as it goes to the saddle between Shaly and Lincoln. To circle all the peaks, I went up a ridge at 31959, 16236 el 6400 to point 6832 and I could see the whole route. I went on up to the highest of  the Slaughter Peaks at 31300, 17080 el 8129. Then to Table Mountain at 32484, 17937 el 8312 then Shaly Peak el 8134 and finally Lincoln. That took 6 and a half hours with 4000 gain, no long pants needed. Horses and cattle aren't on Shaly and Lincoln, but they are on the others.  Posted 2020.
    • COYOTE CANYON has a well kept public cabin with a pipe spring el 5150 and no cattle. Turn off highway 121 at mp 16.7 and follow easy 4wd to the cabin at the mouth. If it's taken, there are shady camps just up the road. The road ends at el 5200 then a trail starts on the left bank and goes bank to bank to another spring el 5600 with a stream. I stopped there but could have climbed up to either rim to take a crack at Job. I saw later that a hiker went up to Lincoln from the cabin. Posted 2020.
    • HORSE CREEK is a major canyon in the Clan Alpine Mtns. Turn off highway 121 at mp 17.5 and follow a graded road to the Horse Creek Ranch. There are shady tables there for camping. Sometimes the Navy uses it. The road gets primitive and goes on another 2 miles to el 5850. A mtn bike would work. I walked the left bank on a spotty trail for nearly a mile up the canyon along a good stream. No recent grazing in the upper canyon. Posted 2020.
    • FREEMAN CREEK has a pristine stream but it's not easy to hike very far. Turn off highway 121 at mp 21 and follow a decent high clearance road to the mouth. I hiked up canyon for 20 minutes to a minor fall el 4600 with a spring on top of it. It gets tedious beyond there. Posted 2020.
    • BIG BOX CANYON has a good narrows at the mouth. Turn off highway 121 at mp 23 and follow a crude road for a mile and a half to the end at the mouth el 4150. The road is mtn bikeable.  A 20 foot fall with a small stream is just inside the mouth. I got around by walking the south rim staying near the edge then dropped a little to get around a crag then on to a saddle 4520+. I went down into the narrows then down for 6 minutes to a 10 foot fall. There is some tall grass but no major brush.  I made a U turn and went up canyon to the upper falls el 6000. It took nearly 3 hours to get there. I returned on the north rim making for a 6 hour hike. That's a bad loop because the canyon is too brushy. Next time, I'll walk the north rim one way. I'll use the road going up East Jacob Canyon. It's easy 4wd to a small turnaround at N39 39094, W118 12445 el 4800. Then walk it to the crest and follow the crest road to the spring el 6600 in upper Big Box Canyon. It's obvious from there how to merge onto the north rim and walk it down. At el 6200 on the north rim is a rock fence indicating that the early settlers had a cattle trail running up the rim. There are good views into the chasm of Little Box Canyon. That one is blocked by numerous falls starting at the mouth. Posted 2020. 
    • CREORE MINE el 6000 has a smooth jeep road to it but a steep section at el 4850 stops a lot of people. Turn off highway 121 at mp 23.7 and drive to a good pipe spring el 4000 with some shade for a camp. The jeep road goes north then up a ridge. A cabin at the mine was barely standing. Maybe they didn't get rich but they had a hell of a view. One hike option here is to walk up the road then down the rim of Little Box Canyon. Posted 2020. 
    • COW CANYON is a major canyon in the Clan Alpine Mtns. Turn off highway 121 at the end of pavement onto the graded Settlement Rd. Follow it east over 3 miles then it bend north and goes on to a fork at N39 43014, W117 58796. Go  south two miles then left into the canyon. One major fork is just inside the mouth. Left is Deep Canyon but that's dry and boring. Take the right fork. It goes 4 miles to el 5750. A cabin and stream are in the upper end. Roads are decent but 4wd will be needed in a few spots. Posted 2020.
    • EAST JOB CANYON has a jeep road to the crest, the Bobcat Trail.  Take highway 121 to the end of pavement where the graded Settlement Rd goes east. Across from that, the Job road can be seen going SW. I made it to a muddy grade at N39 39310, W118 13369 el 5350. Jeeps have plowed that up trying for traction. It's every man for himself beyond there. Posted 2020.
    • IXL CANYON has a stream and mine ruins. Take highway 121 to the end of pavement where several roads fan out to the west. The far right one goes to a gravel pit. Take the next one left of it and go a third mile to a fork on the south side of the pit. Stay left there and on into the canyon. Less than a mile up canyon the road goes thru a fence. That's the last turnaround. A cow trail goes on up to the rock house ruins. I went up a right fork to a ruin above a spring at N39 40108, W118 13055 el 5150. There are huge cottonwoods here. I spent 90 minutes. The roads are decent high clearance with a couple of crossings in the canyon that need 4wd. Mtn bikes are feasible. Posted 2020.
    • JAMES PEAK el 7300+ is what I call the one at the head of James Canyon. A jeep road goes up the south rim of Silver Hill Canyon to el 7100. Take highway 121 to the end of pavement where several roads fan out to the west. The far right one goes to a gravel pit. Take the next one left of it and go NW and stay on the main road and the jeep road will be obvious. I made it to el 6200 on my 125 then lost traction. With a jeep I could have gone to el 7100. I walked to the south end of the summit area reading N39 40886, W118 14166. The road into Silver Hill Canyon ends at a sunny stream el 4500. Posted 2020.
    • WOOD CANYON is boring but it has a good road. Turn off the DVR at N39 42841, W118 08206 and follow a mostly smooth high clearance road for 3 miles to the end at a main fork el 4500 in the canyon. Posted 2020.
    • COTTONWOOD CANYON - there  are two. The south one has a pristine stream but no road to it. I used a road to the next canyon east and made a loop in both canyons. Turn off the DVR at N39 46249, W118 05529 and drive on easy 4wd for a mile and a quarter to a fence at the mouth. Go thru and up canyon for .3 mile to the first easy side canyon on the left. The road is mtn bikeable to there. I walked up that and over into Cottonwood. I went upstream thru a short narrows and then got on the right bank. I soon came to a choke point that I might have been able to wade thru, but instead I used a minor ridge on the right bank to pass it. At 47388, 08641 el 4450 I came to the biggest fall, about 12 feet. I went around the left of that then had a couple of more lesser falls. I decided to loop back by going up a smooth ridge at 47501, 08793 el 4650. That levels off at el 5100 where I had two choices. I could go over peak 5645 or drop a little and cross a basin. I took the wuss route by crossing the basin to the rim of the starting canyon at 47589, 07921 el 5000. I went down that to 47613, 07599 el 4650 where I could see the rest down into the bottom then walked the faint road back to the start. That took 4 hours, 38 minutes with about 600 strenuous gain. Some light, soft brush is along the stream. I didn't wade but will have shoes for it next time. It's easy to walk in the stream. Cattle have never been in the canyon that I could tell.  Posted 2020.
    • HARE CANYON - a loop can be done up canyon then down the west rim. Turn off the DVR at a cattleguard reading N39 46365, W118 05493. With a mtn bike I would go on north for 3/4 mile and use a shorter road but it has a gate. From the cattleguard, a decent high clearance road goes a mile and a half then it's 4wd for the remaining half mile to a thicket at the end of the road. About 50 feet before road's end there is a passage thru brush to get on the right bank and bypass the thicket. Once in the creekbed, stay far right to get past tamarisk then there's just some occasional light brush to deal with in a dry creekbed. About an hour in there is a stand of trees blocking the way but it's easy to pass on the right. Just past that the stream was flowing. I chose the wussiest looking ridge on the map to exit the canyon. I went up at 49727, 07458 el 4900 then at el 5500 there is a level spot with a fence on the right. The ridge steepens there so I crossed a minor drainage on the right to get on the next ridge and went on up easier ground to 49656, 08231 el 6250 where I could see peak 6461 on the rim. I walked to it at 49288, 08198 then had an easy stroll down the rim. At el 5346 the rim splits. I stayed left down to the final ridge at 48110, 06868 el 4850. That took 4 hours, 48 minutes with 1600 noticeable gain. A side trip to Cloud BM would add 2 hours. Just going to the upper stream at 49612, 07374 el 4800 would be an easy hike under 3 hours round trip. I would wear long pants in the canyon and shorts on the ridges. No cattle here in years. Posted 2020.
    • HOT SPRINGS  CANYON is what I call the one that drains to Dixie Hot Springs. Turn off the DVR at N39 48149, W118 03567 and follow a decent high clearance road for a mile to the mouth el 3800. It's a 15 minute stroll up canyon to a short thicket with trees el 4200. I walked on the left side then cut over to the right to get thru, but there's no point unless you're going on up canyon and it's not an easy creekbed beyond there. I didn't detect any water. Once back on the DVR, it's .6 mile south to a gap in the fence where water can be collected from the hot spring for a shower but will have to be cooled down first. Posted 2020.
    • MISSISSIPPI CANYON has a good stream and a 20 foot fall. A loop can be done up the east rim then around the north side of Star Peak ( Eagle BM ). Turn off the DVR at N39 48938, W118 01657 and go a mile and a half on a high clearance to the end el 3950. The road is mtn bikeable. Walk up canyon on cow trails to a ridge on the right at 50091, 03698 el 4250. That's where I started up. The ridge goes to point 5285 then I could see a low saddle el 5900 on the skyline. I aimed for that and got into the drainage at 51088, 03181 el 5650 for the last bit to the saddle. Then I could see mines above and tried to stay high to those but it backfired. It's better to drop down from the saddle and take a smooth ridge up to the mines where a road at 51605, 03193 goes on up to the north side of Star Peak. I stayed on the main road that is still occasionally used by OHVs. I rode it in 2019. Near the top, I went left on an unused road el 7050 to get to the saddle el 7150 north of the peak then went on to the descent ridge at 52100, 04062 el 7050. It was easy going down that to the floor of the canyon where I put on long pants for the first time. I strolled down canyon and got on the left bank at 51689, 05057 el 5450 to pass a thicket where the stream starts. I had little trouble going down canyon bank to bank on faint trails. At 50602, 04672 el 4900 I crossed to the left bank which was not obvious. At 50621, 04447 el 4800 there is a good trail high on the right bank built by ranchers. Then in another half mile comes the only fall. A trail goes from the lip down to the left. Then it's cow trails back to the start. That took 7 and a half hours but a half hour was wasted on bad routes which won't happen next time. There is about 3000 noticeable gain and 1000 of it is steep. Brush is light and I was wearing my thinnest pants. There haven't been cattle above the fall in years and may never be as that trail is tricky for them. It's a 1 hour hike up to the fall from the road, long pants might be needed. Just going to Star Peak and back the same way might be done in 6 hours. It took me about 3 hours to get to the north saddle.  It's a scenic route.  Posted 2020.
    • MISSISSIPPI CANYON WEST RIM - a one way hike can be done up the rim then down the rim of Hare Canyon. Start the same as above and keep going to the fall then pass it on the right side trail. Go on to a trail on the left bank at N39 50601, W118 04317 el 4650. That trail soon tops out then leave it and go up the ridge to the rim. I forgot my GPS but it's easy to navigate with a map on a phone. I followed the ridge to el 6300 on peak 6452 then skirted around the right side of it. At el 6850 there is a level stretch with a fire ring and pile of wood, likely from miners. I skirted left of peak 7080 then over peak 7094 then followed the rim of Hare all the way down to peak 5286. I skirted left of that to get on the ridge running SE and stayed straight on that down to el 4000 where it splinters. I stayed tight to the canyon on my right and strolled down to my rig at the gravel pit on the DVR that is 9 miles from pavement. 7 hours, 2500 noticeable gain, easy terrain. Another way to start this hike is to go up the rim from the parking area and over peak 5010. I could do that whole route in shorts. Posted 2020.
    • DIXIE has nothing but foundations now. Turn off the DVR at N39 51719, W118 00701 and follow a high clearance road for half a mile to the Comstock Mine. Then the road goes on another half mile to Dixie. A canyon there had small stream coming out of a choked gorge. Posted 2020.
    • IRON HAT CANYON has a road but I could barely see it. It has a stream but is choked. The trail on the map is a joke. Posted 2020.
    • WHITE ROCK CANYON has an OHV trail, the Steam Shovel Trail, to the crest. Turn off the DVR at N39 53266, W118 00075 and follow a high clearance road to the mouth. It's OHVs beyond there and sometimes in a rocky stream. At 54795, 01944 el 4450 is a bad spot that stops some people. A tenth mile beyond that the trail leaves the bottoms and gets better and goes shortly to the shovel at 55022, 02053 el 4800. I made a loop by using the next major canyon to the east. I walked from the mouth of White Rock for a quarter mile along the base to it. It has a smaller stream and light brush. I walked up canyon then climbed up a gully at 54704, 01349 el 4350 to get on the rim between the canyons. Soon I could see the shovel. I walked past it a little then down a smooth drainage to get to it. Then I went back down the OHV trail back to the start.  That took 3 hours with 700 noticeable gain. No wading. No cattle for years. The next canyon to the east has an easy 4wd road coming from the east. I walked up that canyon in shorts for 15 minutes to cottonwoods then it's choked beyond there. That's good for an after dinner stroll. Posted 2020.
    • PEAK 5975 CANYON is what I call the one on the north side of that peak. Turn off the DVR at N39 55218, W117 58380. Don't get tricked by another road 50 feet to the north. The high clearance road goes up into the mouth and fades then it's a 30 minute walk along a stream to a 10 foot fall at 55905, 59443 el 4200. 5 minutes after that is a stretch of bedrock that makes a good lunch spot. I went on up another 30 minutes to a thicket that would be hard to get around. Some light brush, no wading. A few cows were here years ago. Posted 2020.
    • LADDER CANYON is what I call the one west of Bell Mare Canyon. Turn off the DVR at N39 55654, W117 57362 next to pole #61 and follow a high clearance road to the mouth. About 4 minutes up canyon is a 15 foot fall with a metal ladder. A tunnel is to the left and a game trail goes from the tunnel and bypasses the fall. Then in another 5 minutes is a second minor fall pouring out of a choked gorge. That's the end of travel. A road goes east from Ladder Canyon along the base to the mouth of BELL MARE CANYON el 3850 but it's choked right off the bat. But sheep have a route up the west rim into the best part of the canyon. Just go up the west rim to el 4400 where it levels off. Then a trail will come into view below two white mine markers at 56727, 57845 el 4320. It's easy to follow to the stream el 4200. A tenth mile downstream is a minor fall where the stream enters a scenic gorge. Going upstream there is a game trail. I followed it a bit over a third mile. It might go thru then it would be easy to walk the east rim back. It takes 35 minutes to get to the fall with 550 gain on the way in then 200 gain to get out. That can be done in shorts but up canyon needs long pants. Posted 2020.
    • SHEEP CANYON is what I call the next major canyon east of Bell Mare Canyon. I made a loop up it then down the rim of Bell Mare. I used the Ladder Canyon road to get to the mouth of Bell Mare then walked the base for a third mile to Sheep Canyon. I went up the dry canyon to a minor fall where a small stream was flowing. Sheep have a bypass just to the right hidden behind bushes but I didn't see it and went higher and harder. Then another minor fall is just past it. Sheep have a trail onto the lip but it's too tricky. I went up 50 feet then back down to the fall to skirt that. Then I had an easy creekbed with intermittent stream until a short but dense thicket of tamarisk at el 4650. I pushed thru to the left side and easily got past it. Then the canyon makes a big left turn and I climbed out on a ridge at N39 57642, W117 57783 el 4900. At el 5200 I moved left into a saddle el 5200 on the rim of Bell Mare. I had to go up over 100 feet before I could go down the rim. The only issue on the rim is a crag at el 4950. A main sheep trail goes aroung the right of it but smart sheep go left of it by leaving that trail and cutting thru a saddle at 57085, 57820. That's a lot easier. I kept going down to 56797, 57597 el 4300 then the rim splits. I stayed right down to the mouth. That took a bit over 3 hours with about 400 noticeable gain. Shorts work 99% of the time. Sheep bones at the falls indicate ambushes by predators. This is one of the better canyon adventures. Posted 2020.
    • GRAVEL PIT CANYON - a decent road at N39 56186, W117 56010 goes to a pit with a canyon off to the right. It looks interesting until you get there and find it choked. Forget it.
    • FALLS CANYON - turn off the DVR at N39 56679, W117 54789 and follow the old highway for a fifth mile then go right on a high clearance road. At the next  fork go left to the mouth. It's a 5 minute walk up canyon to a double fall, maybe 100 feet high. It had a trickle. It's worth a visit. Posted 2020.
    • THE CHASM is a short one. Turn off the DVR at N39 57119, W117 53691 and follow a high clearance road to a fork. Stay left to the base then a DIY road goes a fifth mile to the mouth. I walked up canyon for 17 minutes with some class 3 falls into a deep box where a big fall stopped me. Bypassing on the rims would be tricky. No brush or water. Posted 2020.
    • COTTONWOOD CANYON, the second one, has a stream but a lot of cattle. Take the DVR to N39 57120, W117 52350. Turn there then stay left of the Boyer Ranch on a high clearance road. At the mouth the road runs on a dike then there is a sunny turnaround after that reading 58634, 52998 el 3900. Only OHVs beyond there and soon minor falls stop them. It's a pleasant half hour stroll up the gorge to 58997, 53442 where ATV tracks come in from upstream. I almost had to wade. No brush. I made a loop up canyon then back on the south rim over peak 6305. I went up canyon about 3 air miles to a staggered 4-way el 5000. I went left up a steep road to where it topped out at 59850, 55682 el 5450. I left the road there and went up the ridge. It's heavily grazed but that tapers off and it turns into a good looking ridge. I stayed left around peak 6202 and on up to peak 6305 at 58768, 55745. Then I followed the rim down to a ridge at 58764, 54620 el 5700 that would take me back down to the creek at Bolivia, but first I went up the ridge to peak 6120+ at 58477, 54355. It has survey junk. I retraced back to the descent ridge and stayed on it all the way down. That took 5 hours, 43 minutes with about 2200 noticeable gain and rarely steep. No brush, no wading. A better road goes to the canyon from the power plant that cars could make. Posted 2020.
      Ladder Canyon