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Saturday, September 5, 2020

Anchorite Hills, Excelsior Mtns

  • Hawthorne has a Safeway and dollar stores.
  • MOUNT BIEDEMAN el 8962  has a road to el 8550. Highway 270 runs along the north side. The turnoff is at mp 7.4. Go south on high clearance ( mtn bikeable ) for nearly a mile to a fork in a clearing. Right goes to the saddle el 8550 east of peak 9006. That summit has survey junk at N38 09056, W119 05280. The left fork goes to the saddle el 8550 west of Biedeman. That summit is at 09137, 04082. Some light brush. The road goes on south for a mile and a half to a rim with a view of Mono Lake but no good camping. I rode in from highway 167 using the Cottonwood Canyon Rd at mp 7. I followed that to a T then left for a quarter mile then right up Bridgeport Canyon to highway 270. Posted 2020.
  • BRALY PEAKS el 9500+ - the east peak has a road to the top but it's hard to get at. I made a long loop ride.  Drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd to FR 759 at N38 14608, W118 49888. That's where it gets tricky for a jeep. I followed 759 to 15101, 53454 el 8300 where the road starts up to the east summit. Near the top it forks. Left goes to a good campsite el 9350 then it's less than a tenth mile walk south to the east summit el 9400. The right fork soon ends at el 9200 where I could see the high peak. I walked level from there to the main saddle el 9100 then up the east ridge. The reg is up on a boulder at 15097, 55273. I circled around the west side of it to the north side for easy access. That took 80 minutes with 400 noticeable gain. I retraced back to the fork el 8300 then turned south for a tenth mile to a mess of forks. I took the one going down into a canyon. It's road #539 that is labeled Stateline Trail on the USFS topo. I followed it to a saddle el 7750 to the NW of what hikers call Larkin Peak. I hiked up the ridge toward the summit. Where the ridge steepens, it's way easier to go low to the right of center to stay under rocks and angle up to the summit area just south of the reg, then turn north to it at 12874, 52690 el 8720. That took nearly 2 hours with 1000 gain. I kept riding south on the main road to a 4-way at 09300, 56578 then went left and soon merged with a good road that took me to the highway then I had 5 miles back to the power road. I could have drove a jeep on the route but those days are numbered. I did all hiking in shorts. Posted 2020. " In 2013 and 2014, local historian Sue Silver submitted recommendations to the Nevada State Board on Geographic Names (NVBGN) to correct the spelling of several names of places in Mineral County that are shown on various USGS maps. The State Board reviews the recommendations submitted to them and, if approved, sends them to the United States Board on Geographic Names (USBGN) for final approval of any new names, changes or corrections.In 2015, Silver received notice that the correction of the name of what has been known as Brawley Peaks had been approved. In the future these will be identified as Braly Peaks, reflecting the correct spelling of the name of James Madison Braly, one of the co-discoverers of the Esmeralda Mining District in 1860 and causing the rush to the town of Aurora."
  • CEDAR HILL el 8458 has an easy route up the north slope. Drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd for about 4 miles to a 4-way. Go left on FR761 to access the north side. I hiked up at N38 12396, W118 50142 el 6850 then took an easy angle up to the left. The forest is so good that I knew there would be rock rings. The first I saw is a good one at 12090, 49998 el 7300. I kept going to a ridge then up to a ring at 11856, 50141 el 7700 then another 300 feet past it. I went on up the ridge to el 7850 then cut across a wide drainage to the final ridge at 11552, 50377 el 7950. I went up and found survey junk at el 8200 and more in another 100 feet. About a third mile before the summit there is a shady flat with a ring in the middle. The reg is at 11054, 50601, placed by M&L in 1989. It's an easy walk to the south summit. I retraced back from the reg a tenth mile then dropped left to a flat and took a more direct route back. That took nearly 4 hours with nearly 2000 gain. I hit some light brush at the flat on the descent but I never reached for the long pants. Good forest in pristine condition. Posted 2020.
  • MOUNT HICKS, AURORA CRATER - drive east from the state line on highway 359 for .7 mile then go north on a power road. Follow the lines on easy 4wd to N38 16487, W118 50668. Go right to a T. Both ways go, but left is smoother then stay right at forks to the west slope el 8850 of Hicks. I took an easy angle to the south ridge then came down scree on the west slope. The reg is at 16791, 49063 el 9414, placed by M&L in 1989. Resume on the power road and the next left goes to a tower on Aurora Peak el 8752. The power road goes on north and gets rougher due to erosion, but nothing big yet. It bottoms out at a decent road el 7100. Go left for a bit over a mile to power lines running north. Walk the road along the lines to where they turn sharp left, then get on an ancient logger trail at 18145, 52665 el 7150. In a fifth mile the trail forks, stay left on the high fork. Go on to 18440, 52610 el 7450. A half air mile from the start of the trail is a large rock ring on the right edge of the trail. The trail fades at the rim. Another good ring is at 18788, 52604 then another at 18736, 52722. I passed more rings at the summit area then I turned back at a ring reading 18749, 52914. Rocks have been cleared on the summit at 18750, 52807 el 7880. That took 2 hours with 800 gain. Take a pocket saw to trim branches.  I rode my cycle back out the same way, but with a 4wd I would look for a way north. The sat image shows gates on the road at the mine on the south side of the crater, but another road runs east of the crater. Check the sat image. Posted 2020.
  • ANCHORITE HILLS SOUTH SUMMIT el 8810 - highway 359 is handy for a shuttle. I parked my cycle at mp 4.6 then drove to Anchorite Pass el 7600 and walked thru a camp area to an easy ridge at N38 11646, W118 41123 el 7700. I followed that up to where it topped out at 11297, 40751 el 8100. Peak 8826 is up to the left, but I did it later. I stayed on the low ground across a huge basin then up along the right side of a drainage at 09628, 41317 el 8300. That took me to the main ridge then I strolled on to a DOD benchmark at 09258, 41935. That's all I found at the summit area. From there, I dropped north down a ridge to 09940, 42066 el 8200 then turned left down to 10143, 42924 el 7700. Then I turned west up a ridge where I saw a pile of obsidian flakes then a rock ring at 10104, 43374 el 7800. I kept going another tenth mile then turned north on another ridge to get to my cycle. That took 4 hours, 40 minutes with about 1500 easy gain. Light brush is not a factor with long pants. This is pristine with some good forest. PEAK 8826 - I came back the next day and went up to that peak. It has a reg at the north end reading 10804, 40042. I descended north from there down to a ring with a different shape at 11617, 40480 el 8000 then on down to a sunny one at 11653, 40892. I kept going down to the dirt road next to the highway and had a short walk to the pass. That took 3 hours with 1300 gain. It's a good forest below 8000 but above that there is a lot of light brush. Not one of the better peaks around. Posted 2020.
  • ANCHOR BENCHMARK to TABLE MTN - a one way hike from Anchorite Pass el 7600 along the crest to Table Mtn then east to the highway is one of the best 9000 class hikes I've ever done. I left my cycle half a mile in on a crude road on highway 359 at mp 15.3 then drove to the pass and walked the crest using a topo on my phone. It's obvious how to walk to Table. Anchor BM is along the way at N38 14265, W118 40992 el 9062. M&L placed the reg in 1989 and only half a dozen entries had been made since. The next thing is a peculiar corral at 15576, 41017 el 8450. Made with heavy cables, it must be Army related. But they have forgot about it. I went on and skirted peak 9147 and entered a saddle at 16272, 40652 el 8450 then had an easy stroll to the reg on Table at 17427, 39823 el 9251. Then I turned east to 17291, 39222 el 9100 and dropped down to a plateau below. I walked across it to 17329, 37609 el 7650 and went down a ridge to point 6768 and turned left down the ridge and hit bottom near my cycle. 7 hours, 15 minutes with 2700 gain and none steep. I'll put a track on peakbagger. I wore shorts to el 8600 then had a patch of light brush here and there. There was hardly any brush past the saddle el 8450 NW of peak 9147. I saw 4 rock rings near the pass, the best being at 12461, 42102 el 8100. Near the final descent ridge there is a huge and very old one at 17277, 37785 el 7700. I'll find more next time. Posted 2020.
  • GRANITE SPRING MOUNTAIN el 8060 is what I call the one 2 and a half miles NW of the spring. It's infested with rock rings. Take highway 359 to mp 9.8 and turn on easy 4wd. Go to a T then go right to a fading road  on Whisky Flat at N38 11411, W118 38242. It soon turns into a mess so I walked the edge of the forest to an easy ridge at 11484, 37627 el 6800. I went up that and saw a good ring in a minor dip el 7000. I went on up to 11646, 37021 el 7300 and crossed over into the next valley el 7200. I strolled on to a ring at 12307, 35766 el 7400 and then to an outstanding one at 12334, 35705. From there, it's just a matter of walking the high ground to the summit at 12734, 34800. But I wandered and found a ring at 12381, 35617 and then came a couple of bad ones. On the summit plateau, I saw one at 12433, 34993 then one at 12600, 34902 and a really good one at the summit. Surveyors wired a cross to a tree with some support wires for added stability. I kept going on the main ridge and saw a good ring in the second saddle and another in the third saddle. I went up on the last peak and saw a ring at 12904, 35177 el 7900 then dropped to a ring at 12688, 35220 then a double ring at 12694, 35376. The last one I made note of is at 12590, 35620 then I retraced back out. That took 4 and a half hours with nearly 2000 gain, all of it easy. It's no chore to visit the rings because the forest is perfect. What little brush I encountered on the flats was weaveable in shorts. Posted 2020.
  • HONTONE PEAK el 7851 is what I call the one 2 miles south of Granite Spring Mtn. There may well be 100 rock rings on it. I made a loop. Take highway 359 to mp 9.8 and turn on easy 4wd. Go to a T then go right to a fading road  on Whisky Flat at N38 11411, W118 38242.  I walked to the end of the road then south up an easy slope to 10473, 37679 el 7150 where I entered a wide drainage. I went up that to a ring at 10168, 37826 then on past 3 more in the next tenth mile. I kept going south to a ring on a slope at 09827, 37765 then went up the slope but didn't see any but I know some are there. I cut across a drainage to a gap at 09551, 37660 el 7350. I went thru it then turned NE on the flats then entered the trees again at 09371, 36931 el 7500. I took an easy angle up to a ring at 09364, 36575 el 7600 then walked level to a neck with a ring at 09567, 36263. I walked down the neck to more rings in a saddle el 7500, one of them is a good one. I went up the other side then stayed left of center near the top and climbed the final bit at 09873, 35953 to get on the plateau and saw rings galore. It was raining rings. One was a double U. I crossed a clearing to a cluster of rings at 10456, 35626 then on to one on peak 7851 at 10880, 35562. I walked north another fifth mile down to a saddle el 7700 and saw the best of them all. Then I dropped left down a drainage and across the flats to a rim at 11501, 36791 next to point 7287. I walked NW on the low ground for a quarter mile then cut left across the ridge and down to a ring at 11675, 37370 and then down easy slopes to the start. That took 5 hours, 45 minutes with 1500 gain and it's all easy. I could do this in shorts. The forest is perfect except rocky sometimes. No sign of modern man. Posted 2020.
  • PETROGLYPHS - these show on the topo. Turn off highway 359 at mp 10.8 and follow a sandy road to within a tenth mile of the site. It's facing east in a drainage at N38 13616, W118 07250 el 6550. Posted 2020.
  • EXCELSIOR BENCHMARK SOUTH SUMMIT el 8340 - this is an easy one in a good forest with a decent road for access but some mild sand. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road around the south side of a ranch and on thru a gap then turn south. Stay on the main road as it goes along the east side of the peak. Park at a saddle at N38 14937, W118 29792 el 7450. Walk up on the high ground. There is a good rock ring at a minor dip el 7750. Another one is at el 7850. I then walked low around the right side of peak 8135 and saw a ring, but it's better to go up to 15426, 30150 el 8080 and level off then down the other side to a saddle el 8000 and on to the reg at 15830, 30231. It's easy to go up the final bit from the east side. 2 hours, 1000 gain, easy terrain. I didn't go to the north summit but it looked easy. Posted 2020. EXCELSIOR MOUNTAIN el 8680+ is nearby. From the gap, keep driving east to a 4wd track on the right at N38 19246, W118 25161 el 6500. Go up the rocky track for a mile to the end el 7000. A couple of saplings need to be cut out of the way. Start hiking up the  slope at 18554, 24570 which is right next to the parking area. It starts out steep and seems to be the wrong way but it soon eases up on the ridgetop and circles to the peak. At el 8100 keep to the right of a minor bump. It's a very pleasant grade and had a good flower show in late May. The reg is at 18089, 23506. A unique quadpod is just to the north and still standing in 2013. I went straight back down on a steep slope. 3 hours, 1700 gain. Posted 2013.
  • POWELL MOUNTAIN el 9527 - a good loop can be done using the south canyon. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road up Powell Canyon for about 4 miles to FR 26J. Go left on that easy 4wd road and stay right at forks to the end at aspen el 7850. Most will park before that to save paint. Walk the left bank along the aspen to a side canyon at N38 19143, W118 41220 el 7950. Go up that and it leads to a vast plateau el 8500. I took a side trip on the plateau to good rock house ruin at 17685, 41899 el 8800. But if you're skipping that, just walk the plateau to 18772, 42452 el 8650 where the rest is in view. The reg is at 19664, 41984. Then back off from the reg a few feet and follow the edge of brush to get on the SE ridge at 19617, 41973 el 9400. Just walk the ridge down to the start. It's about a 3 and a half hour hike with about 2000 gain, not steep. Add an hour for the ruin side trip. Some light brush. Posted 2020.
  • POWELL PLATEAU el 7910 - the 4 mile long plateau stretching south for 4 miles from Powell Canyon Spring was an Indian hotspot. I saw nearly 40 rock rings and missed no telling how many. Turn off highway 359 at mp 17.3 and follow a good road up Powell Canyon for about 1.7 miles. Hike up a gully at N38 19357, W118 37185 el 6450 then quickly go up to the left rim. It goes parabolic but I could zigzag most of it. I saw the first ring at 19010, 37634 el 7450 and it turned out to be the best I would see. Another good one is at 18842, 37723 then 18789, 37721. More rings are down to the east. I saw a good one at 18708, 37985. I went on to a double ring at 18524, 38145 then along the east side of peak 7910 and on to a good ring at 16964, 37992. I stayed near the rim on down to the rim of Box Canyon. A ring on the rim at 15857, 37618 has a large tree in it. The best ring I found in that area is at 15874, 38063 then I turned back and found a good one at 16296, 38114 and another at 17273, 38070. When I got near peak 7652 I dropped east into a canyon but that is clogged and I had to climb up out of it to get down to the road. That took 7 hours, 40 minutes with 1000 strenous gain, no brush. The peakbagger app said I did 14 miles. Next time I'll walk one way and find a way down the rim of Box Canyon. This area is pristine. If the Indians came back they wouldn't see any difference. Posted 2020.
    I would give the Indians an A+ for this ring on Hontone Peak. It went a long way to make up for all the bad ones I saw in the area.

    This ring on the Powell plateau has huge rocks.

    Rock house ruin near Powell Mtn