HIKES ON THIS BLOG ARE FOR EXPERIENCED HIKING FANATICS ONLY. INFO HAS NOT BEEN CHECKED. I posted a table of contents on the March 2025 page. All times listed are round trip. Any issues not mentioned such as brush, wading, tricky climbs etc usually means that they weren't an issue. Peakbagger is the main map app I use but Natural Atlas has a free version that shows more trails with mileages. "Civilization is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there".
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Sunday, November 29, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Northeast Nevada Peaks
Spruce Mtn. Go south from Wells and turn left at the big rainbow. You can't miss it. |
Toano Crag, aka Sams Rock |
- CHINA MOUNTAIN el 8380 is the high point of the Granite Range. KNOLL BENCHMARK el 8760 , the high point on Knoll Mountain, is nearby. Take US 93 to mp EL 116.4 and turn on a good road going up Knoll Creek. Go nearly 4 and a half miles to a ranch. For China Mtn, go on up the canyon for a mile and a third then turn left up Hanks Creek. That turn is at N41 38681, W114 43700. Go a little over 3 miles on easy 4wd to a cattleguard then turn left there and follow the high road to the end at el 8050 about half a mile from the peak. The reg is at 41844, 45060. For Knoll BM, go back to the ranch and go south thru a gate into Bloody Gulch and go nearly 7 miles to Tiser Spring reading 36872, 39305 el 7200. The road had been bladed most of the way to the spring. At the spring, an eroded road can be seen going up the ridge to a fence at el 8100. It's less than a mile from there to the BM at 37168, 37936. I did this hike first then went north from Tiser Spr and dropped into Knoll Creek then went down to Hanks Creek and up to China Mtn. A road runs the crest from China Mtn to MIDDLE STACK MOUNTAIN el 8104. It's too rutted for 4wds, but cycles have it easy. From the cattleguard in Hanks Creek, ride to a 4-way at 41446, 42363 el 7450 then go left. The road soon swings north and is packed sand to Middle Stack then it goes steep up into the high saddle el 7750 between the summits. The reg and BM are on the east summit. Cycles can drop down west at 47595, 39136 el 7050 and get to US 93 at the bridge south of Contact, but that route is overgrowing. The only way I saw that 4wds can get to Middle Stack is up from the east. I could see recent 4wd tracks going up into the high saddle. A road goes north from Hanks Peak and down a canyon and on to US 93, but it was a disaster. Posted 2016
- DOLLY VARDEN MOUNTAIN HIGH POINT el 8500+ is a nameless peak with a 4wd road to towers on top. The huge Victoria pit mine is NE of the peak. The 4wd road departs from the mine at N40 19715, W114 32946 el 7300, right on the edge of an active claim. I rode in from the west and thru the pass to the mine, but that road was severely gouged out by storms in July 2015. Use the better road coming in from the east. The reg is at the south end of the summit area. SHARP PEAK el 8400 can be seen across the pass to the north. I parked at the pass el 7700 and followed the crest to where a horse trail tops out at 20497, 33525 el 8200. The trail crosses a minor saddle then drops a little and goes along the west side to get around a bump. Then it crosses another saddle and goes along the right side to a saddle at 20902, 33220 el 8300. Then it's just a short way up the ridge to the BM. The reg needs a new book. That's an easy hike of under 2 hours from the pass, if you can get there. Hiking to the pass from the mine wouldn't be a big deal. Posted 2015.
- ELKO MOUNTAIN el 7500 has a good road to the top, but I couldn't tell if it is public. There are no gates, just some vague signs. Take exit 301 at Elko and follow signs to Lamoille on SR 227. When you come to the junction with SR 228, keep going on 227 another mile and a half and turn left at a sign for the Sage school. Now you're on Boyd Road. Go east on that for 5 miles then the main road curves left and goes to the summit in another 7 miles.
- GOSHUTE PEAK el 9610 is the high point of the Goshute Mountains. It got harder in 2015 when roads washed out. Turn off Alt 93 at mp EL 34.3. Go several miles on easy 4wd, much of it in Felt Wash. Stay left at a couple of tricky forks to reach a road forking up Felt Canyon on the right at N40 28901, W114 12899 el 5700. It's washed out for the next half mile. ATVs can get thru. One thing that might work is to take the left fork going up the ridge then hike west of peak 6225 over into Felt. I rode a 125 up Felt and parked at a shady side canyon at 28509, 16428 el 6800. You can either hike north up canyon or use the west ridge of the canyon. I went up canyon for a mile then it steepened and turned left and put me in the saddle on the ridge at 29459, 17030 el 8100. There are patches of scrub on the ridge, but I went wide right around those to get to the reg at 29967, 17734. The crest looked enticing for the return, so I made the loop. 4 and a half hours, 3000 gain for the loop. I wore shorts all the way, but got lucky. What about the road going into the north saddle from the west? It's gone at el 6200 and it's not easy to get that far. I didn't check the Serviceberry road. Posted 2015. MOUNT PISGAH el 8999 is near the south end of the range and has a trail. Turn off Alt 93 at mp 30.2. Stay on the main road for a bit over 4 miles to the end at the sunny TH el 7000. I saw cars in there but I wouldn't. The trail is easy to follow until a T near the top at a bird watchers camp. Go left a few feet to an outhouse then take a right fork. The reading there is N40 25442, W`114 16208 el 8900. Now it's a short distance to the reg. 3 hours, 2000 gain. A road connects over to the Goshute Peak hike, but it's washed out. FERGUSON MOUNTAIN el 7700 is accessed from the Pisgah road. Turn at a jeep road reading N40 26241, W114 12796 el 6200. The first couple of hundred feet got chewed up by 2015 floods. It gets better. Drive or hike the road and don't take any left forks. I rode in nearly a mile to a mine el 6700 then walked north to the SW ridge at 27044, 12292 el 6900 and just kept going up to the reg on the south summit. It took me an hour with 1000 gain. A pleasant hike. MORGAN PASS has a jeep road running thru it. Turn off Alt 93 at mp EL 45.8. Go nearly 4 miles to a 4 way. Go left across a wash to a fork on the south bank. Go right for several miles to another fork at N40 37851, W114 15254 el 6500. Go left to the pass. Some nice peaks are in this area. Nameless hills are on the east side of of Alt 93. A long mega terrace, no doubt created by Lake Bonneville, caught my eye. A road goes from the highway at mp 45.8 to a saddle then it's a short hike south to a class 3 crag at N40 38336, W114 06313 el 5200 which seems to be the high point. This is a mile inside the air force range. Posted 2015.
- HOLE IN THE MOUNTAIN PEAK el 11300 is the high peak in the East Humboldt Range. A jeep road goes to the 8400 level at Lizzie's Basin on the east side. Take SR 232 to mp 8.6 and turn at the sign for Weeks road. The first 3 miles are 2wd then it gets nasty. I wouldn't try it without a locker. Turnarounds are scarce. The road ends on a ridge and an overgrown trail keeps going up the ridge for a quarter mile then drops down the north side at N40 56500, W115 06310 el 8700. It drops 200 feet to the creek and gets lost in brush. It's better to start up to the left on open benches just before reaching the creek and walk the benches above the brush then cross the creek at 56728, 06607 el 8950. The ascent gully is obvious. It goes parabolic but not loose. The first good spring I found in the gully is at 56883, 06645 el 9200. The last one is at 57010, 06823 el 9900. The gully tops out at el 10300 then it's less than half a mile to the reg at 57044, 07332. 5 hours, 3200 gain. Light brush is abundant until the spring at el 9200. The only place I saw for backpackers to camp is on slabs at the creek crossing. Another option is to camp at Winchell Lake and try running the crest. The lake is above brush line. WINCHELL LAKE is another hike on the east side. Use exit 351 at Wells and follow signs toward Angel Lake on SR 231. The TH is at a curve at mp 1.9. The first part of the trail is trashed by cattle, but not so much at the lake. Posted July 2015.
- INDEPENDENCE BENCHMARK el 8300 is the high point of the Wood Hills. The road in from the west was washed out at the 6400 level by floods in July 2015. Take US 93 to mp EL 67.6. Go east on 4wd for nearly a mile then left at a fork. Drive to another fork at N41 00989, W114 53860 el 6300. Go right for a fifth mile and the road is washed out. I rode a cycle on up to the crest el 8100. A rocky horse trail goes from there along the west side and soon the peak is in view. The BM is at 00802, 49913. I had an easy hike but 4wds will have a 4 and a half mile hike each way. Another road comes in from Moor Summit to the north but it looked unused. Posted 2015.
- LEPPY PEAK el 6716 is the high point of the Leppy Hills at Wendover. Take exit 410 off I-80 and get on the north frontage road. Go east a tenth mile then turn on a gravel road and go north a bit over 3 miles to a pass el 5650. Keep going another half mile then go left on an easy 4wd road. Go half a mile and park at el 5800 right where the road drops to a guzzler. Hike up the canyon south of the road all the way to the crest then go left to the reg at N40 46934, W114 04311. The south summit has a fallen tower that now serves as a reg. 80 minutes, 1000 gain. This is a good looking peak and too easy to pass up. Posted 2015.
- MURDOCK MOUNTAIN el 8312 is the high point of itself. There is a smooth 4wd road to the 7700 level on the SW ridge. Take SR 233 to mp 6.4 and turn on a major dirt road. This is at the north end of a guard rail. Take the dirt road to a RR crossing and cross over then follow the tracks west for 3 and a half miles on a pothole road to a fork at N41 08324, W114 26011. The roads from here on are smooth with not much erosion or brush. Go right at the fork and stay on the main road to a 4 way at 11490, 25531 then go right and the road goes up the SW ridge. It's a short hike from there to the reg at 13268, 21979. This is a nice area with scarce brush and not much impact from cattle or horses. Posted 2015.
- PILOT PEAK el 10700 is a pile of talus 6000 feet high. The BLM has a route up the south ridge roughly from point 6382 in Miners Canyon. Take I-80 to exit 4 and go north a mile and a quarter then take a left fork that goes 3 miles to Leppy Pass. Keep going toward the peak for a dozen miles to a cattleguard. Turn left on easy 4wd. One tricky fork near the mountain goes both ways, but right is the better road. A shady camp is up in the canyon. A sunny camp el 6200 is after that which is where I parked. The BLM route starts up a north canyon at N40 59710, W114 04304.The creek was running from the mouth on down a good distance. A backpacker's base camp would be feasible here for those with 2wd. Soon the canyon is pure talus, so I bailed on that route and went up onto the right ridge at N40 59990, W114 04171.el 6900. Going straight up the ridge worked good and at el 7600 the BLM route merged. It was pretty simple to go up the ridge center. The ridge is more bedrock and dirt than talus until the last 1000 feet where it is pure talus. One thing I did at el 8900 was walk level along the right side into the trees at N41 00647, W114 04536 and weave up under those. The reg is at N41 01266, W114 04646. It took 4 hours, 20 minutes to go up, 3 hours to come down, 4600 gain. This is the most tedious peak in the state. I was here in the 90s and the reg book had an entry by a researcher in Aug 1979. He said you could look at the salt pan and see a dark streak coming across. That was created by the Donner party churning up the sediments. I could see it then, but not on the 2015 trip. But the same book was still there. Miners Spring had a small flow. Posted August 2015.
- SOUTH PEQUOP BENCHMARK el 9249 is east of Wells near I-80. A 4wd road goes up Sixmile Creek (dry) to the crest at el 9100. Take exit 378 and go south a mile and a half to a major dirt road on the right. Stay on that and it will carry you right into Sixmile canyon. A new mine may be blocking access, but there's a way around it. Go west on the freeway frontage road for over a mile to a gate. Go thru then follow that fence south to the Sixmile road. At the first main fork in the canyon, stay right and go up to another fork reading N41 00066, W114 33762 el 7000. There are some good shady camps along this stretch and it's the prettiest part of the canyon. Go left at the fork and it gets grassy. At the 7900 level there are deep ruts that last a third mile then there is a left fork that bypasses the rest of the ruts. The road levels off and here is where I stayed on the south road to peak 9163. But it might work better to circle to the west side of peak 9163 and hike horse trails from there. Either way it's an easy 2 mile walk to the summit. For the last mile a horse trail goes along the west side of a hill that's in the way. The reg and BM are at N40 55451, W114 35372. Some wreckage is along the trail right before the top. PEAK 8333 has a cycle trail to the 8000 level. At the fork in Sixmile canyon el 7000, go right and stay right at forks and you swing around to the west side and up a canyon where the road shrinks to a trail heading for the peak which is at N41 00659, W114 34042. The trail goes on down the north canyon and morphs into a road in half a mile. Stay right at the mouth to get out. ROCKY POINT el 8274 is north of the highway. It has towers and the North Pequop BM. It is owned by the Pequop Conservancy and so you're supposed to go online and get a free permit. Take exit 373 and get on the north frontage road. Go west on that and stay on the main road to the unlocked gate at the Conservancy boundary el 7500. If you don't want to deal with that headache, there is a smooth road on the crest to come back to the highway with some towers along the way. Another drive at that exit is to get on the south frontage road and go west. The road will go up a canyon and on up to towers on easy 4wd. The Quop BM is shown to be along this road at N41 03516, W114 35207 el 7575 but I found no BM, just a lot of survey junk. A small, shady camp area is near this exit at N41 04382, W114 33846. Posted 2015.
- SPRUCE MOUNTAIN el 10200 has a 4wd road to towers on top. Take US 93 to mp EL 38 and follow a good road to a fork at the base of the mountain reading N40 33032, W114 52334 el 7000. Both forks go, but the left one is for OHVs. Take the right fork to a major pass el 8600 north of the summit. An obvious steep road switching up from there goes to the towers. The BM is a few hundred feet south. The main attraction here is to hike the high ridge a couple of miles to the bald south peak at 31543, 50461 el 10070. The last mile and a half is a horse trail. It took me 75 minutes to get there. Surveyor junk is on that summit. One option for 2wds is to hike the road from the 7000 level to the towers then run the ridge to the south peak then come straight down. There are a lot of old mine cabins here. VALLEY MOUNTAIN el 7460 is across US 93. Go back and cross the highway then over a cattleguard. Take the left fork then left again shortly. The road goes to the 6800 level on the east slope. It's half a mile to the BM at N40 33110, W115 01325. This is quite a nice little peak. The roads are packed dirt but eroded. Posted 2015.
- TOANO RANGE PEAK 8037 is the high point of the range north of I-80. It has an easy 4wd to the west base el 7100. Take I-80 to exit 387 then go north on a crude road to the west base of the range. If that road is blocked, get on the north frontage road and go east a mile and a third to a gravel road on the left. Take that to transformers then it's a crude road from there to a better road running along the west base of the range that soon merges with the other road in. A gravel pit for RV parking is before the transformers. Drive to a fork at N40 59001, W114 19404 and go right to the end of the road at some shady camps. Angle up thru a pleasant pj forest to the south saddle at N40 58382, W114 18773 el 7800. Now just go left a third mile to the reg. 70 minutes, 1000 gain. I took a shortcut down and hit brush and talus. TOANO CRAG el 7735 is what I call that thing a mile north of peak 8037. Some hikers call it Sams Rock. It has a route on the north side and one on the south side. Drive around to a viewpoint on the north side at N40 59847, W114 18943 el 7100. Look up and you can see the route to the east edge of the summit. It is class 2 and has light brush and mahogany. I prefer the south route with a pleasant pj forest but it has some class 3. Go up thru the trees on the south side toward the saddle east of the summit. Just before the saddle is a gully at N40 59639, W114 18781 el 7500 where class 3 starts. This gully is visible from the flats below. The main thing is a chokestone 8 feet high. Two can get up it, I used a ledge on the left. I didn't think it dangerous. The gully goes on up to the east edge of the summit. I went down the north route then around to the west side where I parked. The whole affair took 90 minutes. Take a folding saw to clear saplings. NORTH TOANO BM el 7984 caps off the north end of the range. Stay on the main road running along the west base to a fork at N41 03097, W114 19141. Turn right up a canyon to the 7400 level where the peak comes into view. It's a half hour hike to the BM at N41 04217, W114 17375. These roads aren't rocky and make for good cycle rides. PROCTOR BM el 7602 is on the south side of the highway. A 4wd road goes up to el 6800 on the west ridge. Get on the south side frontage road at exit 387 and go east to a bridge over the RR tracks. Go over the bridge then take a right turn for a third mile to some buildings. Go left there on 4wd for a couple miles to a fork. Go left there and the road winds its way down to the canyon bottom. Go left down canyon and the road will circle up to the west ridge and fade at el 6800. It's a nice short hike thru a pj forest to the BM at N40 52369, W114 17631. Another nice cycle ride. ARNOLD LOOP is the name of that 6 mile long hairpin turn in the RR tracks on the east side of the range. Posted 2015.
- WHITE HORSE MOUNTAIN el 8077 and SUGAR LOAF PEAK el 8025 are at the southern tip of the Goshute Mtns. They are separated by a 600 foot deep saddle and can be done as a loop from the east. Take Alt 93 to mp EL 24 and get on the old highway and go north a quarter mile then turn east on a decent road. Follow it for half a dozen miles or so around to a crude road on the east side at N40 17120, W114 13709. Take the crude road for a third mile into a canyon el 6350 then hike up canyon to the easy south ridge on the right at 17219, 14697 el 6600. Just keep going up to the BM at 18436, 15013. Surveyors hauled up 2 heavy steel fence posts to make a pole. The route over to White Horse and back down is obvious. The reg is at 17522, 16162. 4 and a half hours, 2400 gain. Outstanding pj forest hike. White Horse has a more dramatic route from the west but roads are not as good. A 4wd road goes up a west canyon to el 6700. Turn off Alt 93 at mp EL 21 and take the old highway south for half a mile just past a point of rocks. Turn on a crude road and go about 3 miles to a fork reading N40 17256, W114 18699. Go left for nearly a mile to a fork el 6100 at the base of the mountain. Go right for 2/3 mile along the base of the moutain to a guzzler, then left just after that. The road fades at el 6700, ignore a right fork near there. Just go up the easy slope to the left of the road to get on a main ridge. At el 7700 the rest of the route is in view. A bump is in the way 4/10 mile before the summit. Go up nearly over it on the right side. The reg is at 17522, 16162. 3 hours, 1400 gain. Posted 2015.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Deep Creek Range Area
Flat Top |
Haystack Peak seen from Toms Creek camp |
Birch Crag |
Smith Creek Peak |
- DUTCH MOUTAIN el 7700 is right on the edge of the Salt Lake Desert near Gold Hill. Turn off the graded road at N40 10348, W113 50835 and follow a good road into Pool Canyon. Turn right on a jeep road at 11799, 50623 el 5700. It has bad spots but there are turnarounds. Park at a fork reading 12138, 51108 el 6000 and hike the left fork up the main canyon. Take a right fork at 12171, 51488 el 6300 and follow that up to the main saddle then up the ridge. For the last mile you're on the crest. There are some minor bumps but they are not an issue. The reg is at 13406, 50664. 3 and a half hours, nearly 2000 gain. Nice pj forest. A more direct route would be from the Silver King Mine, but it's sunny, steep and a lot of driving. Posted 2015.
- OCHRE MOUNTAIN el 7500 is an easy one. Go south on the main road from Gold Hill and stay right at main forks. At a 4 way reading N40 06003, W113 52749, go north on easy 4wd for half a mile then go left and stay on the road until it tops out at el 6800 on the west ridge. It's 3/4 mile to the reg at 07979, 53149. MONTEZUMA PEAK is across the valley but the road up it seems to be overgrown. Overland Posted 2015.
- TOMS CREEK CAMP is about 4 miles south of Callao reading N39 51489, W113 46449 el 4800. It makes a good hub for OHVs to get at the various hikes. There is no outhouse.
- GOSHUTE CANYON has a road that starts at Toms camp. Take the road going north and it leads right into the mouth where it turns pure rubble. I stopped there at a cabin. BIG CANYON is the next canyon south but it's dry. Posted 2015.
- HAYSTACK PEAK el 12020 has a trail to the 10150 level on the crest from Toms Creek. From the camp on Toms Creek, go north on a good road for a mile and a half to a 4 way reading N39 52710, W113 47023. Go left and and shortly there is a fork where you go right. Go on up another mile and a half or so to a key fork at el 5900. The right fork goes to Middle Canyon, but you want to go left on 4wd and stay on the main road all the way to the closure in Toms Creek at a shady camp el 8500. There was heavy cattle impact in this area. The road is packed sand with occasional bedrock and is closed at el 7500 from Nov 1 to June 1. From the end of the road, hike the old track to the end at a saddle reading 52618, 55040 el 10150. Now a crag is in the way, so go up the left side thru a notch then it's clear sailing. It's easy to pass crags on the left side until a line of crags forces you up into a saddle el 10700 which is on the north side of peak 10828. Walk along the right side of that peak, dropping a little, to get into the saddle south of it which reads 52135, 54781 el 10700. Then it's easy to walk the crest passing crags on the left side to get to the final bald slope. Angle up that to a viewpoint at 51313, 54541 el 11500. Now you can see an easy passage under the west side of Ibapah Azimuth. Just drop a little to get on it and soon a faint game trail makes it easier. The peak soon comes into view reading 50864, 54291. 7 hours, 3700 gain. It looked easy to walk the crest center over to Ibapah Peak. This is for certain one of the best peak hikes in the Great Basin and it never gets very steep. There is a road out of Toms Creek at the 7400 level that goes over into Indian Farm Creek to some cabin ruins el 8000. The road is smooth but there was an eroded section about 100 feet long. A Nissan Xterra made it to the TH. How hard can it be? Posted 2015.
- ROCKY PEAK el 10748 is the next peak north of Haystack and uses the same TH. The route is visible from there. You can walk the old track to the crest then run the crest to the summit. I made a loop thru Scotts Basin. I went down the old road into the basin at el 7800 then used cow trails to get near Chimney Rock. I veered north there up an open fork to a tiny spring at N39 53925, W113 53916 el 8900. I filled up with cold water then it was easy to get to the SW saddle at 54559, 54071 el 10200. The BM is at 54701, 53843. A rusted out can a few feet north must have once held a reg. On the way down I walked the crest. At the SW saddle I had to drop south to get around a big talus pile. The crest has a 600 foot deep saddle to cross before getting to the track that runs back to the start. It took 6 hours with about 3600 gain. There is light brush but it's not a factor with long pants. A million animal trails weave thru the brush. Posted August 2015.
- FLAT TOP el 8676 is what I call the dramatic peak on the south rim of Big Canyon. A man made trail goes into the SW saddle next to peak 8305. Drive the same as for Haystack Peak but only as far as the key fork at el 5900. Go right there and follow the jeep road into Middle Canyon. The road is packed sand as far as the 6900 level but for one tricky spot near a spring. At the 6900 level begins intermittent rubble. At 53131, 51493 el 7850 is where the TH is. There is room for 2 or 3 jeeps if they can make it that far. Hike the trail to the saddle el 8150 then go up the ridge straight toward peak 8305, which is a small crag. As you come to it, veer around the right side to get behind it in a clearing at 53526, 51171. I stayed too low and had to fight dense trees. It's easy to keep going to the first cliff band at 53632, 50777. Here I went left along the base of the cliff to an easy break then straight up and right a little. I stayed on the easiest terrain and topped out at 53714, 50720 but had to climb some class 3 rock near the top. The terrain on this upper part will guide you to the right of where I topped out then bring you back left, as there aren't any alternate routes in that area. I left cairns there. There was a surveyor pole still standing on the north rim of the peak. That north face is 1000 feet high. 3 hours, about 1000 gain. It could be a 5 hour hike if you park where the rubble starts. I rode my 125 past the TH to the 8000 level then lost traction. Posted 2015.
- INDIAN FARM CREEK has a road out of Toms camp. It's the one south of the creek going up the hill. It's packed sand to the end just inside the mouth. Some nice camps are here and a foot trail goes a short way. Posted 2015.
- GEORGE H HANSEN PEAK el 8500 is the high point of the Fish Springs Range. A jeep road goes to the 5800 level on the west side. The Weiss Highway is a graded road that crosses the southern tip of the range and connects Delta with the Deep Creek Range. From Toms camp, go south a half mile to get on the Weiss road. Go east to a crude road at N39 42234, W113 35045. I turned here but a better road is farther east. The crude road will merge with that better road and you just keep going north to 44604, 32976 then go right to a corral where the erosion starts. Keep going to a T, then go left to a road at 45035, 30960 on the north side of a wash. Go up that road for a mile and a third to a washout el 5250. Jeeps can get around, cycles and ATVs can make it. Go on nearly 2 more miles to where the road fades el 5800. Hike up and cross a low rim at 43996, 27868 el 6050 then walk the base to the west ridge at 43498, 27573 el 6300. Go up the ridge to the 7600 level where cliffs force you to angle up to the right to the reg at 43513, 26407. Scree and talus above the 7600 level are the major headaches. Long pants are needed. Brush is thin but it's like coat hanger wire. 5 hours, nearly 3000 gain. Posted 2015.
- RED CEDAR CREEK has a road into the mouth to el 5700. Turn off the graded road at N39 48601, W113 47039 and follow a smooth 4wd road to a T. Go right and then stay left. A short section has rough bedrock. You can return by going north along the granite to a T in a wash. Right goes out, left goes to Indian Farm Creek road but has tricky spots. Posted 2015.
- IBAPAH PEAK el 12087 is the high point of the Deep Creek Range. A trail goes most of the way. Turn off the graded east side road at a sign for Granite Creek reading N39 46684, W113 47994. The road goes up the canyon to a gate at el 6500 which is locked from Nov 1 to June 1. The road gets tougher for the next half mile and then comes the worst spot el 6800 where a Dodge truck was parked. This was where the road was once closed, but it didn't stick so they closed it again farther up. Jeeps can make it on to the end of the road but not with their paint. The road ends and trail starts at 47794, 53737 el 7350. The first backpackers camp on the trail is at about the 8000 level where the road once ended, but it might be hard to get at the creek. The trail soon goes parabolic. The last camp spot is the springs where the creek begins at 48530, 56049 el 9900 and then the trail tops out in a giant meadow el 10200. Now you leave the trail and aim for a bald spot on the crest at 49283, 56049 el 11000. Now there's just one bump in the way. I went around the right side to 49284, 55681 where a trail appears and soon gets to be a good trail all way to the summit at 49690, 55186. 7 and a half hours, 4700 gain. Taking a filter is best since there is water to the 9900 level. This is the best overall hike I've seen in the Great Basin. You get a lovely forest, a lovely creek, lovely meadows and a spectacular peak. You DON'T get cattle, horses, brush or bugs ( at least no bugs in late August ). I saw cars make it to the mouth of the canyon. Posted 2015.
- COTTONWOOD CANYON is the next one north of Granite Creek but it's dry and sunny. A smooth road along the base connects the mouths of the two canyons. Posted 2015.
- TROUT CREEK has a trail to the 7400 level. Turn off the graded east side road at N39 44828, W113 48411. It's a crude road that has long sections covered with little rocks. The road is closed at the 6400 level but it's easy to walk the old road for a mile and a half until it starts fading. There is a foot trail that goes on up creek but tricky to follow. I turned back at 45843, 55223 el 7600 where it was getting too overgrown. It's a nice forest and creek, no cattle. Posted 2015.
- BIRCH CREEK has an overgrowing constructed trail. The turnoff is at Trout Creek ranches on the north side of a church reading N39 41078, W113 50026. It's about 6 miles on easy 4wd to the end of the road. Some sections are covered with little rocks. An ATV track goes on a short way then it's a foot trail into a gorge. At 43549, 55208 the trail gets tricky and goes along the far right edge of the canyon floor. At 43788, 55703 el 7100 is a spring on the left bank where I filled up. Then I went over to the right bank in tall weeds where the trail soon resumed. I went all the way thru the gorge and stopped at a main fork reading 43966, 56552 el 7500. I couldn't tell where the trail was at that point. A base camp could be set up here for Trout BM and other peaks. The hike took me 5 hours. Long pants are needed. It's the best creekside hike I've seen in the Great Basin. But it's going bye bye unless it gets adopted. Hedge clippers would go a long way. Posted 2015.
- BIRCH CRAG el 8970 is what I call that nasty looking thing at the mouth of Birch Creek. There is a class 2 chicken route up the NW side. Turn off the graded road at N39 40852, W113 51456 and follow a good road for 2/3 mile toward a landfill then veer left on a bumpy 4wd road into Wood Canyon. Park at the last turnaround reading 42030, 55660 el 6300. The road soon fades in a thicket. Walk the right bank around the thicket and go on up canyon on a faint logging road to el 7500. Look right and you'll see a talus gully. Walk to it at 43181, 56052 el 7900. Go up that to the main saddle el 8500. Don't get tricked by a decoy saddle just before it. Walk thru the saddle then up a little to a viewpoint reading 43145, 55812. Here you can see a wide shelf ramping up along the north side of the final ridge. It merges with the ridgetop then it's a short walk to the high point at 43028, 55568. 5 hours, 2700 gain. No sign of humanity. Posted 2015.
- TROUT CREEK RADAR STATION el 6900+ sits on a peak SE of Partoun. A graded road goes up, but too soft for 2wds. Turn off the main graded road just south of Partoun at N39 38117, W113 53715. Go east on another graded road that swings north to a fork at 39478, 48064. Go right and that road swings south up a long canyon to the top where a sign says el 7075. They're off by over 100 feet. It's a nice ride/drive with sweeping views. That black volcanic formation along the way is the Smelter Knolls. It looks like Lake Bonneville shorelines at the base. Posted 2015.
- GOVERNMENT PEAK, TIN SPRINGS MOUNTAIN and KERN MOUNTAINS HIGH POINT can all be done in a day. Turn off the main graded road at Gandy onto a good road reading N39 27511, W114 00000 and go NW. For Tin Springs Mtn el 7473, turn off the main road at 32588, 06958 and drive down into a main wash el 6100 and park. Pick a ridge to the top reading 33357, 05128. I used the one as seen left of the summit. 2 hours, 1300 gain. For Govt Peak el 7872, keep going on the main road to a cattleguard reading 33773, 09186. Go south on easy 4wd to a low pass el 6800 which is NW of the peak. Turn toward the peak on a road that soon ends at the Government Peak Wilderness boundary. You could park sooner and walk the north ridge. The summit is at 31352, 09180. No sign of humanity. That's a 2 hour hike with 1000 gain. For Kern Mtns high point el 9600+, return to the cattleguard and go north on easy 4wd for 2 and a quarter miles to a tricky fork. Both go, I went right and stayed on main roads to a fork at 39046, 09641 el 7600. I went right to a road forking left up a drainage reading 38609, 08027 el 7800. It's hard to say how far a jeep can go up this road. It's not washed out, just narrow. I rode all the way up to the 8800 level then took a left fork that went right to the base of the peak at el 8900. It's a short but steep hike to the reg at 39833, 07567. The roads here are mostly packed sand and dirt until the 8000 level in the Kern Mtns where some rocks occur. Posted 2015.
- WARM CREEK is at Gandy and has lukewarm soaking pools. Go west on a graded road reading N39 27242, W113 59919 for 2 and a half miles to a sunny camp area. It's another fifth mile on chalky 4wd to the pools. I filled jugs at the upper pool. SPRING MOUNTAIN el 6387 towers over the pools. An easy 4wd road goes up the north slope to the 5700 level. A foot trail starts there. It soon forks and the right fork goes onto the spine and that can be walked to the BM. Some minor bumps are along the way but easily passed on the right. The survey pole was still standing after 6 decades. Posted 2015.
- SMITH CREEK PEAK el 9372 is what I call the massive peak on the north side of Smith Creek in the Snake Range. The north slope has forested routes with hardly any brush. Take the main graded east side road to the turnoff for Smith Creek at N39 18538, W114 00380. Go 2 and a half miles to a main fork. Go right and stay left at main forks to a faint road at 22609, 04091. Turn west to the wilderness boundary el 6400. These roads aren't rocky but have some sharp dips. Hike west on the old road and it soon fizzles but it's easy to walk on top of the low ridge to the right. Stay on that until it turns toward the mountain then cross a dip to get on the easiest ridge at 22669, 06994 el 7200. I made a loop by going up this ridge and over to the saddle west of peak 9049 then came down the canyon east of the ridge, but that involved some contouring into the saddle but it was easy to walk the south side of peak 9049. If you just want to go up the canyon, then only go up the ridge to the 7500 level then contour into the canyon at or above a chokestone reading 22398, 06922 el 7400. Stroll up on smooth gravel to a left fork at 22116, 07108 el 7700 and take that. At el 7900 a minor fall is in the way. I went around the steep east side of it, but I didn't check to see if it was climbable as I was descending. Keep going south in the correct drainage at 21714, 07112 then into the high saddle at 21575, 07197 el 8950. It's a stroll from there to the high point at 21154, 06564. It had nothing on it. The loop took me 6 hours with about 3000 gain. It was easy walking in a thin forest. I could have done this in shorts, but peak 9049 had some light brush that would require a lot of weaving. The ascent ridge had mine claims dated 1986 at the 8000 level. A top notch hike in a real wilderness. If you're looking for a wuss wilderness with well manicured trails and lots of yuppies, then skip this. Posted 2015.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Independence Mountains Area
Hawk chicks hanging around near Saval Ranch. |
Jacks Peak (left) and Chicken Creek |
- SWALES MOUNTAIN el 8068 has a jeep road to the top. Turn off SR 225 at mp 39.1 and go west to a fork at a cattleguard reading N40 56531, W115 58228. The easy road ends here. The right fork goes to the top but it's eroded. There was no one big thing to stop a jeep, but it will take all day. I rode a cycle to el 7250 where the road goes parabolic for the last half mile. The main tower on top has a hand crank so it can be raised. An array of household TV antennas is perched on the west side. Maybe they were picking up the Reno transmitters. Now the only thing working seems to be a radio repeater using 2 solar panels. Posted 2015.
- EAST TWIN BM el 7475 is in the southern part of the Adobe Range. It has a 4wd road to the top. Take SR 225 to the Adobe Ranchos Rd at mp 39.8. Follow the road up to the saddle between towers. The towers on the left have the BM. Posted 2015.
- NANNIES PEAK el 8780 has an OHV track to el 8300 on the SE side. Take SR 226 to mp 3.7. Turn south on a good road and go past the Reed ranch to a fork at N41 09450, W115 56861. The right fork goes to a big spring in 2/3 mile where I filled bottles. But take the left fork, now 4wd, and follow it around the base of the peak to the OHV track at 06873, 57326 el 7150. 4wds can go a short way up the track. I rode a cycle to el 8300. The summit is defended by brush on the east and north. Walk the crest from the south to stay left of the brush. The Lone BM is at 07587, 58574. There are roads going high north of the peak, but it looked like a lot of brush to deal with. That big spring is shown as hot but it's not. Posted 2015.
- ADOBE RANGE HIGH POINT el 8135 is not far west of SR 225. I turned off on the Coal Mine Rd at mp 59.6. I hit 3 gates in less than 2 miles so I got mad and found another way to cut over to the road but it was bad, so deal with the gates. Coal Mine Rd goes over Coal Mine Pass and down to I-80. At the pass, take the obvious 4wd road going toward the peak. Right before a spring, go left on a faint track and park at the end el 7200. It's easy to angle up the west slope and get on the bald crest and walk to the reg at N41 06817, W115 42502. The whole hike takes an hour and a half with 1000 gain. The part of the Coal Mine Rd that I was on was in good shape. Posted 2015.
- WHEELER MOUNTAIN el 9054 has an easy 4wd road to el 8500 from the north. Turn off SR 225 at mp 63.5 and go west for 6 miles on a graded road. Take a right fork, FR 56868 , just before the Saval ranch. Stay on that road all the way to the crest overlooking a huge pit mine. Creekside camps are 4 miles along the way then it turns to easy 4wd. Go south on the crest to the peak. I walked thru a notch at N41 17773, W116 01321 then up the ridge for less than half a mile to the BM at 17604, 01728. There was some brush but it wasn't very hard to get thru. After that I rode a side road up to the 8600 level on peak 8826 a couple miles north of Wheeler. That's a decent road but grassy. On the ride out I stayed north on the crest to where the road splits 3 ways just south of a cell tower. I went far left for a tenth mile to another fork where I went right then on to CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN at 23161, 57487 el 8524. I didn't see a good road out from there so I backtracked to FR 56868 and was lucky to get traction on a steep hill. All the roads here were packed dirt. The ride/drive is the main attraction. A mtn bike would work as far as the crest. Posted 2015.
- DOUBLE MOUNTAIN el 8147 has a jeep road up the north ridge. Take SR 225 to mp 69.6 and turn at the sign for Double Mtn. Go about 4 miles on a graded road then turn north on a 4wd road that goes up Water Canyon. The reading there is N41 21420, W115 43945. Go north to a T at 25495, 43525 then go right onto the north ridge. I wouldn't take a 4wd any higher than a flat spot at 25666, 42736 el 7800. An OHV made it to the top. The BM is on the east summit. Posted 2015.
- DIVIDE BM el 7580 is not far east of SR 225. Three different 4wd roads go up. The north ridge is a good ride or drive. Turn off at mp 81.7 and go east on a graded road for about 1.6 miles then go right for nearly a mile to a fence. Go left along the fence on easy 4wd and then it starts climbing and passes thru the fence and goes up the north ridge to a rock outcrop el 7350. Hike right over the outcrop then go left around the second one then climb back up to the ridge center and then it's obvious to the BM at N41 29998, W115 46411. It's about a 3/4 mile hike each way and an easy grade. Posted 2015.
- McAFEE PEAK el 10438 is the high point of the Independence Mtns. Turn off SR 225 at mp 82.3 and take the graded road that goes up the north fork of the Humboldt River. The graded road ends at a ghost mine then a lesser road continues on to the pass el 7850 which is the 2wd TH. A steep but not eroded 4wd road goes up from there. Cycles can go over the pass to the creek and use an eroded road that goes up along the creek and merges with the road up from the pass. At el 8650 is a tricky fork. Stay left but I wouldn't take a 4wd past N41 32653, W115 58537 el 8900. Hike to the end of the road at el 9100 then angle up the slope aiming for a major saddle on the high ridge at 32013, 58402 el 9850. I stayed below talus as much as possible but couln't avoid all of it. Go up the ridge and stay near center because there aren't any bumps to deal with. The reg is at 31300, 58407. I stayed on the ridge for the return but talus is on that route too. Snow was here into August. 3 and a half hours, 1600 gain. The best camps I saw were about a mile inside the forest boundary on a spur road. Some hikers are using the road up to the tower, but I couldn't find a public road across the private land. The likely road is at mp 76 but a sign says private. Posted 2015.
- JACKS PEAK el 10200 is a short hike but the prettiest in the range. A 4wd road goes up Chicken Creek to the 9100 level. Use the 2wd road (not graded) that cuts across the range north of the peak. I got on it from SR 225 at mp 82.3. Drive to N41 32273, W116 02027 el 7000 and turn south. Keep right at the one fork and park at the end of the road. A mtn bike would work but the road gains 2000 feet in 3 and a half miles. I went up into the saddle left of the peak then up to the summit at 29192, 00381. I came down the saddle right of the peak. The hike took an hour and a half with 1100 gain. Many springs are near the end of the road. Cattle rarely wander up there. It looked like it would be easy to run the crest south to peak 9734. Posted 2015.
- TABLE MOUNTAIN el 7500 is 3 miles east of SR 225. Turn off at mp 88.8 onto an easy 4wd road. Keep right at a fork in half a mile then left thereafter to a hidden fork at N41 37032, W115 46219 el 6400. It shrinks to an OHV track and goes on 2 more miles almost to the survey junk on top at 37311, 44132. A mtn bike would work here. Posted 2015.
- MERRITT MOUNTAIN el 8792 has a jeep road up the east side. Leave SR 225 at mp 106.7 and go 3.3 miles on a good road to a fork. Go left there on road # 236 for a mile and a half to a another fork. The reading there is N41 49365, W115 53665. Go right there on road # 934, now easy 4wd, for several miles to a road on the left at 51310, 49150 el 7700. Take that road to the top. It is rougher but a jeep wouldn't have a problem. The reg is at 52113, 50450 and the BM is a quarter mile south. A loop for cycles and OHVs can be done from SR 225 near Wild Horse Res. Start at mp 92 where there is RV parking. Go north on a graded road for a mile then turn left on road # 226. Soon comes a tricky fork but stay left and keep going several miles to a fork at N41 47970, W115 52254. Go right there on road # 935 for a bit over 2 miles to the fork with road # 934 mentioned above at N41 49365, W115 53665 then follow that route to the summit. Come back down to the fork at el 7700 and go left and then there is only one main road to follow all the way to a T at road # 931 reading 53367, 46401. Go south there for miles to a T then go right a short way to another T at road # 226. Go left back to the start. This will all make sense once you're out there and can see the layout. The roads are rarely rocky except the side road going to the summit. Posted 2015.
- PENNSLYVANIA HILL el 9100 has a jeep road to the top. Turn off SR 225 at mp 105.8 and go south on a graded county road for 7 miles to road # 590. The reading there is N41 42514, W116 00664 el 6000. The road goes to the 9000 level in 4 miles. Jeeps would still fit on it as of August 2015. The first quarter mile has some ruts across it. After that it's just a matter of traction. The road goes on past the BM for over a mile then drops down which is where I turned around. The forest map shows it goes down to the county road but there is a short stretch of posted private land right before the county road.
- PORTER PEAK el 9200 is one that has no public road up from the east side. The only hope for that one is the west side.
- WILSON PEAK el 8500 has a 4wd road from IL Summit to the east. Turn off the county road at the summit and follow the 4wd road to a fork at N41 36915, W116 10376 el 6750. A private land sign is on the left about a mile in but the BLM map shows no private land at that spot. Go left at the fork for less than a fifth mile then start hiking up the ridge to the left. There is some light brush to deal with but it soon thins out. The reg is at 36718, 11523. The hike took me 130 minutes with 1700 gain. I could see an unmapped road coming up the SW side to the 7000 level. That might be a better route if it's not blocked. Posted 2015.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Schell Creek Range
Burnt Peak |
Kalamazoo Peak |
- CLEVE PEAK el 11768 is what I call South Schell Peak's higher neighbor to the SE. The trail in the Cleve Creek north fork provides access. It's the best hike in the range. Take SR 893 north from US 50 for a dozen miles and turn at the sign for the Cleve Creek Campground. Go thru the campground then keep going on easy 4wd for 5 miles up the main canyon to a sunny TH reading N39 15446, W114 36403 el 7400. Stay right at forks along the way. Mtn bikes would work but there are 3 shin deep fords. Hike the trail over into the north fork to a sheep camp. Go up the left bank nearly a fifth mile to a mega spring el 8900 where half the creek is gushing out of the ground. I can't think of a bigger spring in the state. Keep going up the easy canyon on game trails under a canopy of aspen. The next good springs are at 18654, 35501 el 9400. Next comes a major dry fork on the right at 18970, 35608 el 9700. Good springs are here too. I wouldn't camp any higher. Hike up the right fork to the last good spring at 19341, 35417 el 10200 then keep going up canyon to the main saddle el 10800 between Cleve Peak and S. Schell Peak. Turn right for 900 feet gain to the summit at 19467, 34676 where someone, likely sheepmen, built the best rock chair ever. It took me nearly 5 hours with 4500 gain to the summit. I kept going on the rocky ridge to Black Mountain, which had nothing on it, then down the south ridge at 16308, 33651 el 10500 to the campground. There was no brush, but too many rocks caused it to take 6 hours. That route down is for mad dogs only. I went wrong by staying on the south ridge. I should have gone down the south ridge then veered left down a side ridge at 14989, 33279 because it has a track coming way up it. The high ridges were covered with tiny, fragrant flowers on tundra between the rocks. I would call the Forest Service to check on sheep before backpacking in here. It's certainly one of the best destinations in the state. Posted June 2015.
- The KOLCHECK TRAIL is another hike in Cleve Creek canyon. Drive the same as Cleve Peak but only go 3 and a third miles past the campround and park at the TH reading N39 14202, W114 35557 el 6900. The trail goes left of a closed road. It tops out in a nice forest on the crest after 3000 ft gain. Walk the shady crest for a third mile to a peak I call Rocky Top at 12905, 37467 el 10150. 5 hrs, 3200 gain. Hardcore hikers can make a loop back via the Kolcheck Mine. Hike west on the crest, use the left side at first. Aim for a saddle at 13274, 38169 el 9900. A game trail can be used to continue along the left side of the crest. Another trail is further along at 13662, 38657. Don't drop off the crest until 14092, 38567 el 10400. Go down here on a steep ridge and aim for the mine road at 14590, 37742 el 8600. A cliff is just before the road. I went left around it. Going left on the road leads shortly to the mine, going right is the way back. The mine still has rails. Structures were built with logs instead of milled wood. The mine road goes down a canyon and connects with the Cleve Creek Rd about a mile up from the start. 7 hours, 3800 gain for the loop.
- TAYLOR PEAK el 9400 is the first major peak north of US 50. A 4wd road goes to the east saddle el 8700. Take SR 893 to mp 3 then go 7 miles on a decent dirt road up Cooper Canyon to Cooper Meadows reading N39 97256, W114 38610 el 7200. Turn left and keep left of a corral and go along the left side of the meadows then the road gets steep and 4wd for sure. Stay on the main road all the way to the east saddle. It's only a one hour hike and 700 gain. The reg and BM are at 05476, 39270. The roads are mostly packed dirt. Mtn bikes would easily work to the meadows, but beyond there would entail a lot of pushing up steep grades. The road goes on thru the saddle and down to US 50 at mp WP 52, but I didn't ride it. From the meadows, the main 4wd road going north goes over a pass to the state park. A right fork at 10067, 38404 el 8200 is the one that goes to the towers on Cave Mountain el 10700. Posted 2015.
- O'NEAL PEAK el 10097 is the northernmost 10,000 footer in the Snake Range. It makes a good cycle ride or 4wd tour from Cleve Creek Cg. Take SR 893 to mp 17.9 and go east across the valley on a graded road to the main graded road on the east side that runs north/south. Go north for 7 and a half miles to the Eightmile road just before a ranch. The reading here is N39 22503, W114 21356. That easy 4wd road goes to the crest and was in good shape, but there was a rocky mile. Follow the first road going north on the crest until it fizzles in about 6 miles at el 9600. A shady camp is about 2 miles along. The peak is a mile away from the end of the road but 2 minor bumps are in the way. Hike to a table at 26225, 17151 el 9800 and walk that level along the right side of bumps to the BM at 26744, 17269. The hike took an hour and a half with 500 gain and was in a nice forest the whole way. A road runs south along the east side of the crest from the Eightmile road to the Fourmile road. It's easy to follow until a tricky fork at 20463, 14505. Both forks go, but since right is shorter I took that one but it turned out to be rocky. So try left and it too will go to the rim at 19304, 16497 el 9000. Now it's a steep descent down Fourmile Canyon to the main graded road. The hike and 75 mile ride took me 5 and a half hours. The roads on the crest were mostly packed dirt and frequently rutted, but no problem for 4wds. It might be better for cycles to reverse this and come down Eightmile as it seemed less steep. Posted 2015.
- TAFT CREEK turnoff is at mp 21 on SR 893. The road ends at the mouth. It's way too rocky so forget it. But somebody drives up there, so there must be a brothel or something. Posted 2015.
- McCOY CREEK turnoff is at mp 23.6 on SR 893. A decent 4wd road goes 2 and a half miles to a creekside camp. The road goes to hell after that. Posted 2015.
- PIERMONT CREEK turnoff is near mp 33 on SR 893. An easy 4wd road goes about 6 miles to the wilderness boundary at el 8300. Down trees were blocking the last tenth mile. Nice creek and no cattle. Posted 2015.
- KALAMAZOO CREEK turnoff is at mp 38.3 on SR 893. A 2WD road goes 3 and a half miles to a campground that was trashed by cattle. What a stink. A skunk wouldn't camp there. I found one good spot up past the restroom. The road goes on another 5 miles to a pass el 9000 then on down to US 93. Posted 2015.
- KALAMAZOO CREEK SOUTH FORK - this is a dry fork but there is one spring I call Frenchman Spring and the best looking forest I saw in the whole range. Drive a mile and a quarter up from the Kalamazoo campground and park at the south fork. Walk a couple hundred feet to an old trail on the left bank reading N39 33657, W114 36297 el 7300. Go up canyon a mile and a half. It's easy at first then fallen trees have to stepped over or walked around. At 32535, 36727 be sure to stay on the left bank. At 32358, 36733 el 8200 is where the spring stream is coming down the right slope. Cross over and start up the right slope following the stream. At 32324, 36879 el 8400 is the first engraved aspen I saw. It read " Vive la France 1923". Beyond that a few feet is the water source in a small clearing and not safe to drink without treating. Many artistically engraved trees are here going back to 1921. Treat it like a rock art site and DON'T add your name. There is a good view of the upper canyon and Kalamazoo Peak. It' obvious to return on the open slope at that level then after half a mile a major fork is in the way. Just go down the easy rim back to the main canyon and it's a mile back to the start. There is some light brush but with long pants it didn't slow me down a bit. 3 hours, 1100 gain. Posted 2015.
- KALAMAZOO PEAK el 10948 (3337m) is what I call the peak at the head of the Kalamazoo Creek south fork, in the northern part of the High Schells Wilderness. It has the most dramatic summit face in the range. The north ridge is one route. Drive a mile and a quarter up from the Kalamazoo campground and park at the south fork. Walk a couple hundred feet to an old trail on the left bank reading N39 33657, W114 36297 el 7300. Go up canyon nearly 2 miles. It's easy at first then fallen trees have to stepped over or walked around. At 32535, 36727 be sure to stay on the left bank. At 32358, 36733 el 8200 is where the Frenchman Spring is coming down the right slope.That would have to be treated if you're camping there. Cattle don't wander up that far. Keep going on the left bank a bit more to 32221, 36716 el 8300 then start up the left slope. Go up to 32039, 36525 el 8900 then to a rim at 31925, 36344 el 9600 then top out on the north ridge at 31849, 36186 el 10000+. Now turn right toward the peak but there's a minor bump in the way. Walk level along the left side for a quarter mile to get past it and then you can see the rest of the route. Go up staying below the crags until a final grassy slope leading to the summit at 30893, 36416. It took me nearly 4 hours with 3700 gain to get there. I was in a fir forest the whole way until near the summit. I made a loop by going back to the campground via the north ridge. It's easy to walk the ridgetop but the downhill part is steep as hell. At 32864, 35691 el 9900 is where I started down "golf ball gully". I found a ball near there. The gully is very steep dirt under the trees. I angled down to a viewpoint at 33025, 35740 el 9300 where I could see a bald ridge just ahead. Game trails got me on it then it drops right to the campground. The loop hike took 7 and a half hours. This is the best hike in the range that is in a real wilderness. There was a little bit of knee high grass and other soft plants but no serious brush. I once tried this via the NW ridge from the pass but crags near the top meant taking a big dip so I got discouraged. Posted 2015.
- MUNCY PEAK el 9450 is what I call the dramatic peak on the south rim of Muncy Creek, shown on maps as MM NO 2. It's an easy hike from the west. Drive up creek from the Kalamazoo campground for nearly a mile to the north fork which has a creek flowing. Take the 4wd road up that to a divide with a cattleguard at el 8600. Turn right there and go to the end at a saddle el 8900. A big bump is in the way, so hike around the right side in some light brush to a saddle at N39 35543, W114 36237 el 9050. Now it's easy going up the ridge under big trees along the edge of the burn. There are no more bumps worth skirting. The ridge tops out at 3 peaks at about el 9500. Muncy has the view you want at 35586, 34998. 3 hours and a little over 1000 gain if you do all 3 peaks. Easy. Posted 2015.
- MUNCY CREEK is near mp 40 on SR 893 where pavement ends. It burned and I was told the road washed out. I skipped it. I could see from a peak above that it's a barren wash. Posted 2015.
- AURUM turnoff is 8 miles past the end of pavement on SR 893. The reading is N39 42921, W114 32075. It's 3 miles to Silver Canyon where a cemetery remains. A new sign tells how an avalanche killed some residents in 1884. The road goes up canyon for 2 miles to a basin with a fir forest and log cabin ruins at el 8600. It's easy 4wd but brushy.I saw no water. You could hike straight up to Siegal BM or use a mine road el 9200 on the south side of the canyon to get at the BM. SUNKIST is another site to the south with a creek but not much else. SNOWBANK CANYON has an ATV trail up it. Posted 2015.
- SIEGEL CREEK turnoff is 9 miles north of the end of pavement on SR 893. The reading is N39 43421, W114 32157. It's a decent road that soon merges with a better one and goes for a dozen miles along the east slope and joins the graded road just east of Schellbourne Pass. It's mostly packed dirt but there are a couple of 4wd spots. An OHV track forks off at 46687, 36260 el 7500 and goes up a ridge then goes up onto a higher ridge and on to the crest at the head of McCurdy Creek. Some mines are there and a cycle trail going south. The OHV track goes down the west side to the Schellbourne Ranch then down to US 93. Posted 2015.
- NORTH LOVELL PEAK el 9600 has an easy 4wd road up into the west saddle el 8500. Use the good dirt road running along the east side of the Schell Creek Range and turn at N39 51039, W114 33317. The road runs north then west along the north rim of Spring Gulch. Drive up into the canyon ahead and keep left at forks and the road will top out at the west saddle. The reg is at 51530, 38983. It's easy to run the bald crest south for 3/4 mile to LOVELL PEAK. Cooley's Cabin is along the drive in but it's just log cabin ruins. Posted 2015.
- BECKY PEAK el 10000 caps the north end of the range. An easy 4wd road goes up to el 9000 on the NE ridge. Use the good dirt road running along the east side of the Schell Creek Range and turn west at N39 55567, W114 31854. Stay on that road and it goes up Box Canyon and all the way up to the NE ridge. Hike up the bald ridge but don't stray too far left like I did and get into brush where a big fat rattler was waiting. That must have been Becky. The reg is at 58301, 36174. 2 hours, 1100 gain. Posted 2015.
- BALDY PEAK el 9360 is the high point of the Antelope Range. Use the good dirt road running along the east side of the Schell Creek Range and turn east at N39 59133, W114 30915. Drive to the first main fork in the range. A sign there says "Tunnel Canyon" is to the right. Keep right and now it's 4wd. Stay on the main road until it tops out at el 8500. Turn left there and drive to the end at the west saddle el 8800. It's a half mile to the reg and Smoothie BM at 57851, 23792. The main dirt road drops down the east side then comes back up and runs along the crest for 8 air miles to a T which is the Pony Express route. Turning right there takes you over Rock Springs Pass and back out. That was all easy 4wd and the best part of the trip in 2015. The map shows a road climbing up the crest from the head of Chin Creek. That looks interesting.
- An OHV track just east of Shellbourne Pass goes up to the crest at el 8800 just south of Lovell Peak. Turn north off the graded road at N39 48811, W114 37688 and go about an air mile to Garrett Canyon. Go up that canyon to the crest. It's a 45 minute walk up the crest to Lovell Peak and 20 minutes more to North Lovell. Nice ride. Posted 2015.
- McMAUGHN CANYON turnoff is west of Shellbourne Pass at N39 48232, W114 40588 el 6900. An easy 4wd road goes 3 and a half miles up canyon then goes parabolic up the right slope. The road is packed dirt so a mtn bike would work to the 8100 level then it would be a short hike to the Lovell peaks. Some ranch ruins and springs are in there. Posted 2015.
- SIEGAL BENCHMARK el 10200 is in a cluster of peaks south of Schellbourne Pass. Whiteman Creek has a road but a ranch might lock it off at any time. The jeep road up Mattier Creek is smoother. Use the old highway on the west side of the range to get to a fork at N39 41202, W114 44476. Drive up into the canyon and stay left at a main fork at el 7050. Stay on the main road to another fork at 42136, 38693 el 8200. Go left and keep going up to the crest where the road goes to the saddle el 9850 south of the peak. A track goes from there most of the way to the BM at 43047, 37520. Whiteman Peak is what I call the 10000 footer a mile to the NW. A foot trail on the crest runs along side it. Cycles and ATVs will have a smooth ride on these roads but 4wds will have 2 wheels in a rut, mostly above the 8600 level. Getting to the 8200 level is easy but brushy. It wouldn't be a hard hike from there. No cattle or horses in this area. Posted 2015.
- BIG INDIAN CREEK is a main route onto the crest. A good road goes up the shady canyon about 4 miles to the 8000 level then climbs out and goes 4wd. It meets the Ranger 4wd Trail on the crest. I went north on that to the north fork of Mattier Creek where the road shrinks to a foot trail at el 9000 and drops in. I was able to ride a 125 down to an ATV track then get on the road up to Siegal BM. The south fork of Mattier has an ATV track coming down from the Ranger Trail. One peak to do in this area is the one at N39 41945, W114 37496 el 10300. The first 4 miles in Big Indian Canyon would make for a good mtn bike ride. Posted 2015.
- NORTH SCHELL PEAK - from Mcgill, go north about 5 miles on US 93 to the paved Duck Creek Road. Take that for 8 and a half miles and turn left at the sign for Timber Creek Campground. Go 4 miles on bumpy 2wd thru the campground then to roads end on 4wd in about half a mile after the campground. A couple of good camps are here at 9000 ft. Hike up the trail in the left fork. Above timberline, forget the trail and get on the ridge to the left and then go on to the top at N39 24812, W114 36010 el 11800. 4 hrs, 2800 gain.
- SOUTH SCHELL PEAK is a short hike. Drive the same as North Schell but don't turn off the Duck Creek Road. Stay on it going south for nearly 2 miles to the end of pavement. Turn left for 5 miles on the graded Berry Creek Road to a campground. Now it's easy 4wd to the end at 9400 feet. Mtn bikes would work but strenuous. I filled up at a gushing spring at N39 19018, W114 37102. Then I went up to the right on a game trail. When that fizzled I came back left into the trees to another trail at 19011, 36907 and kept going north to a saddle at 19541, 36359 el 11100. From there it's an easy stroll north for 3/4 mile to the summit el 11700+. 3 hours, 2400 gain.
- CLEVE CREEK BALDY has a trail most of the way. Drive to Cave Creek State Park but don't turn in at the entrance. Instead,keep going north to Success Summit. Then go another quarter mile down the other side to a sharp left turn. Now go right for a mile on a 4wd road to a camp spot at the end el 9500. Hike up the canyon on a rocky trail to timberline then go up the easy slope to the reg at N39 15621, W114 38776 el 10940. 2 hours, 1500 gain. Nice easy hike. If you really want to wuss out,you can drive to the top of CAVE MOUNTAIN el 10700. Drive thru the state park. I never pay to drive thru. Go on up canyon and turn left after 3 miles and go up on an easy 4wd road. This is the highest in the state that the average SUV can make it.
- MAJOR BM, SCHELL BM el 9900+ is the first major peak south of US 50. Two good routes go up from near Buck Spr. Take US 50 to mp WP 54.9 then turn SE on a good road. Go 4 miles to a main fork and go left for 8 miles on a good road to a road on the left forking backwards at N38 54352, W114 41424 el 7500. This is the road up the canyon with Buck Spring, but only OHVs use it. I rode to the end at 53287, 39477 el 8400. A mtn bike would work here. A trail from there goes up canyon a short way then you can cross over to the left slope and just keep going up to the Major BM at 54311, 37659 with a good view to the east. The reg is on the high point just before the BM. Schell BM, a few feet lower, is an easy half mile walk to the west. That route up is a nice hike with no brush. 4 hours, 1600 gain. 4wds should avoid Buck Spring canyon and stay on the main road another half mile to get on the south rim road. I didn't ride it, but I know it fades at 53075, 39777 el 8400. It looked easy to walk up the rim from there and it merges with the other route. I filled up with cold water from the spring. Posted 2015.
- MOUNT GRAFTON el 10990 is the highest peak south of US 50. The unsteepest route is an elk route that goes up the north ridge. There are two ways to get at the north ridge. Take US 93 to mp WP 1.3 and take a good dirt road for a mile and a third to forks at a gate. Straight ahead goes to the standard TH el 6800. The next fork to the right of that goes to Campbell Spring el 7150 which is where I started. That road is 4wd for 4 and a half miles with some tricky ruts. From the spring, go up canyon on a trail which enters a left fork in a fifth mile. It's a shady walk up that fork to where the canyon opens up at el 7900. There is brush here but not too hard to get thru on a million animal trails. The ridge I went up is at N38 43487, W114 44839 el 8300. The forest starts at el 8500 then there is no more brush. There is a bump in the way at el 9200, but a trail goes around the right at 42945, 45094. The next crag has an obvious trail around the right. The trees get thick so aim for 42496, 44972 el 9500 where you can stay left of dense aspen. Now peak 10109 is the next thing. Elk are getting around it on the right on trails at 42318, 44977 el 9700. Go up on various trails to a main trail at 42171, 44919 el 10000 then it's obvious the rest of the way to the BM at 41531, 44546. 7 and a half hours, 3900 gain. The first third mile of this hike is in a burn area. The spring had a small, clear flow from a pipe. The other way to get to the north ridge is the road in Robbers Roost Basin. A major road runs across the north end of the basin. A decent road runs south from that at 50317, 46617 for 6 miles to the closure at el 8050 with some shady camps.There is only one main road to follow. 2wd trucks might make it if they can get past the first tenth mile. I didn't hike the closed road, but the map shows it has some dips. I could see that it went as far as the saddle el 8750 due west of peak 8785. This would likely be the easiest way though it is a mile longer each way. Posted Sept 2015.
- PATTERSON BENCHMARK el 10063 is the southernmost 10000 footer in the range. A mine road goes to el 9700, OHVs can get to el 9500. Take US 93 along the east side of the peak to a big sign for Patterson Pass. Turn onto a graded road and go nearly 4 miles to the mine road reading N38 35684, W114 42766 el 6965. Only OHVs can fit on the road but it's not eroded. It tops out on the west side of the summit at el 9500. Two overgrown roads fork left from there. Take the higher one to el 9700 then go straight up and then along a spine of bedrock to the BM at 37117, 43838. If I had no OHV, I would hike up the mine road then go down the south ridge to the pass. A free semi-shady OHV campground is about a mile in from the highway. There is no rule that says you have to have an OHV to camp there. Posted 2015.
- SILVER KING MOUNTAIN el 7851 is at the south end of the Schell Creek Range. Take SR 318 to mp NY 9.7 and go SE on a graded road for about 9 miles to Silver King Pass. Hike to the mouth of the north canyon at N38 13691, W114 53188 el 6400. There are 2 ways to go. Either up the ridge to your right, which is the NW ridge, or up canyon. I went up canyon to the saddle at 13108, 52906 el 7000 on the NE ridge. Then I went on up the ridge. There's a cliff in the way at el 7500. I went up along the left side then got back on top of the ridge and on to the Black Cone BM at 12747, 53336. I returned down the NW ridge to the mouth of the canyon. 2 and a half hours, 1500 gain. The hike is in a nice pj forest the whole way. Posted 2015.
- BURNT PEAK el 7189 is a conical pile of loose rocks at the southern tip of the Schell Creek Range. The NW slope is a decent route. Take SR 318 to the Bristol Wells Rd at mp LN 46.4. Go east about 2 and a half miles to an easy 4wd road at N38 07313, W114 57795. Follow that road toward the peak. Stay right at forks near the peak. The last turnaround for 4wds is at 10261, 55367 el 6400, just short of the NW saddle. I hiked from the saddle and stayed under the rock field then angled up to a game trail at 10183, 54907 which led me to the surveyor junk on the summit. 1 hour, 800 gain. Mtn bikes would work here. This little pipsqueak peak isn't so tough. I showed it who's boss. Posted 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Southeast Nevada Peaks
Black Cliff BM |
Shingle Peak |
Schoolhouse Peak |
- ADAMS BENCHMARK el 9612 is the highest peak in the South Egans Wilderness. NINEMILE MOUNTAIN el 8990 is west of it. Maps show a trail along the west side of Ninemile Mtn. That is now a steep ATV trail. Take SR 318 to gravel pit at mp WP 2.4. Turn in there and follow the 4wd road running SE. You'll come to a corral and a BLM sign with a map. Go south shortly to a fork and take the right fork and it will go to the mouth of Ninemile Canyon where it shrinks to an ATV track. The track goes up to a fork at N38 40770, W114 59969 el 8400. Left shortly ends at el 8500 on the west shoulder of Ninemile Mtn as shown on maps. It's only 500 gain to the summit of that one. The right fork, which is unmapped, loses 400 feet to an unmapped spring then goes back up and ends just past West Parker Spring el 8500. That spring was useless. From there there is a trail to walk for a half mile toward the peak. Then go to a viewpoint at 40348, 58654 el 8750 where you can see the west ridge. It has a 200 foot deep saddle out of view. But circling left cuts it to 100 feet. To do that, go up thru a lovely fir forest to a minor saddle at 40362, 58078 el 9300. Go thru then walk level toward the deep saddle at 40086, 57981 el 9200. You'll see when it's time to drop 100 feet to it. Then go up to the BM at 39992, 57685. The whole hike from the spring took me 3 hours, 8 minutes and 1400 gain on the ascent, 300 gain on the return. Another option for Adams is the ATV track going to Head of Ninemile Spring. It's not as steep. If I were backpacking, I would follow the trail on the map to the west shoulder of Ninemile Mtn then cut over to the unmapped road at dry West Parker Spr. Then go down the road a third mile to the unmapped spring at el 8000 to reload. Then go back up the road on on toward Adams BM. Hike the BM as a side trip then go down to Head of Ninemile Spr wich had a good flow from a pipe. Then take the unmapped ATV track from there which goes over into Sheep Pass Canyon then walk out thru the Box Canyon narrows on smooth gravel. The creek in Ninemile Canyon was flowing at 42340, 59819 el 6500. The unmapped spring at el 8000 had a flow of one quart per minute from a pipe and Head of Ninemile had a larger flow. Nobody goes in there until hunting season. No cattle were in there on June 15, 2015. The other way in is from Long Canyon to the east. Drive to the Shingle Pass Rd at mp NY 25.6 on SR 318. Go north on the main road for 15 miles to a good road going left at N38 38139, W114 50635. Go left there along the north side of Haggerty Wash to a ranch. The road goes along the fence on the north side of the ranch. I stopped there, but the rancher said the road goes on to Long Canyon and is 4wd. Posted 2015.
- ARROW CANYON PEAK el 5226 is what I call the high peak in the Arrow Canyon Range. US 93 runs right next to the range. Just park near the ascent canyon which is at N36 39086, W114 53996. I went to mp CL 77.2 to get on the power line road. That saved a half mile each way but took longer. Go up the canyon to the main saddle el 4300. It's easy to go up the ridge from there until some dark crags get in the way at el 4700. Angle up around the right side and soon a route appears to get on top then stay on center to the reg at 39800, 53239. 4 and a half hours, 2500 gain from the power lines. Posted 2015. CLIFF BM el 3598 is at the north end of the range. Take SR 168 to mp CL 5.2 and go south for 2 miles on easy 4wd to a T. Walk to N36 45970, W114 52245 and go up the ridge to the BM at 45507, 53050. 2 and a half hours, 1500 gain. Posted 2015.
- BADGER MTN, TIKABOO PEAK- Take US 93 to mp LN 32.2 and turn west on the Badger Valley Road. Go about 5 miles to a main fork. Both go, but the sat image shows the right fork is not graded. I went left on the graded fork. It makes a big loop south then enters Badger Valley. Keep going NE to dry Badger Spring at el 6700. The road gets worse here. Keep going past the spring junk for a half mile to where the road makes a hard left. It's not worth trying to drive beyond here unless you have an OHV. For Tikaboo, walk the road to the end in a quarter mile to the foot trail at N37 20829, W115 20850 el 7100. The trail goes parabolic to the 7600 level then loses over 100 feet before the final push to the reg at 20658, 21536 el 7900. 2 hours, 1300 gain. Don't expect a nature hike. The route is littered with cans, bottles, foil, fire rings, painted rocks and a million ribbons. It's the trashiest hike I ever took and I didn't even get to see any UFOs. Badger Mtn is the same TH. Hike north into a saddle at N37 21148, W115 20723 el 7000. Then go up the ridge and angle left into another saddle at 21320, 20330 el 7600. Now circle left to the reg at 21099, 19565 el 7900+. Posted 2015.
- BLACK CLIFF BM el 8589 is at the northern tip of the Seaman Range. The NW ridge goes. Take SR 318 to mp LN 49.1. Go west on a graded road for nearly 10 miles over a pass to a corral. Keep going another mile to a 4wd road. Go left for nearly a mile to a fork. Go right a third mile to a T and park el 6200. Walk to the NW ridge at N38 04178, W115 07559 el 6500. Go right up the center of the ridge until crags get in the way at 03837, 06659 el 7900. Then go along the right side of the crags until you walk into an obvious gully that goes up to the summit ridge el 8300. It's a stroll from there thru a nice forest to the BM at 03838, 06100. 4 hours, 2400 gain. Mtn bikes would work on the 4wd road. An unused road goes in from east of the pass. Walking that would add 3/4 mile each way. Posted 2015.
- BURNT PEAK el 7189 is a conical pile of loose rocks at the southern tip of the Schell Creek Range. The NW slope is a decent route. Take SR 318 to the Bristol Wells Rd at mp LN 46.4. Go east about 2 and a half miles to an easy 4wd road at N38 07313, W114 57795. Follow that road toward the peak. Stay right at forks near the peak. The last turnaround for 4wds is at 10261, 55367 el 6400, just short of the NW saddle. I hiked from the saddle and stayed under the rock field then angled up to a game trail at 10183, 54907 which led me to the surveyor junk on the summit. 1 hour, 800 gain. Mtn bikes would work here. This little pipsqueak peak isn't so tough. I showed it who's boss. Posted 2015.
- DELAMAR MOUNTAINS WILDERNESS, MAR BM el 6181- the western edge of the wilderness is a high escarpment that is the most appealing area for hiking. Mar BM el 6181 is the high point along the cliff edge. An ATV track runs up the canyon to the north of point 6050. That can be used for a one way hike back to the highway. Leave 1 car at a gravel pit at mp LN 19.1 on US 93, then drive to the graded Turtle Walk Rd at mp LN 25.1. Go a half mile to a gravel pit then keep far right on graded road and go another 2.8 miles to an easy 4wd road, just past tower 97 / 1. Go south for 2/3 mile to a T. Go left a fifth mile to the ATV track, but it's better to keep going past it for a third mile and walk over a low ridge at N37 12882, W114 59552 and get into the main wash with the track . Walk up the track in the sandy wash for about 3 miles then go up a canyon at 13189, 56209. It's easy going to a guzzler at 12701, 55700 el 4900. The one tank I looked in had clear water. Stay on the left bank for another quarter mile then cross to the right, then back and forth as needed. A dry fall is in the way at 12128, 55919. Boulders get dense before that so you might as well get up on the right slope to get past it all. At the top of the fall you're on the easy plateau. I stayed in the wash keeping the high slope to my left and got to the escarpment edge at 10977, 56851 el 6000. Then it's an easy stroll for 2 miles along the edge, passing over Mar BM at 10219, 56321. All the wood there must have been flown up in 1969. How many people have ever hiked up here? I went south to a viewpoint at 09384, 56505 el 5700 where I could see a route down the ridge. I went on down to 09209, 56970 el 4800 and could see smooth ridges below me. I followed those to a crag 09146, 57412 el 4400 then dropped into the canyon on the right and got down to the flats where I walked to the gravel pit. 8 hours, 13 miles, 2700 gain, very little gain is steep. May is the time to go. I saw a million mallows on top. A peculiar "trail" is at 10535, 56598 and may be fire related. BOMBER WASH is the longest canyon in the wilderness and has a sandy 4wd road up it. Take US 93 to mp 13.3 and get on the old highway. Go south for a mile and a half and turn left at the sign. It's 10 miles up the wash to the fence at the end of the road. Posted 2015.
- EAST PAHRANAGAT RANGE HIGH POINT el 6388 is an easy hike. Take SR 375 to mp LN 41.6. Go south for 4 miles on a good road then it turns to easy 4wd. Keep going another mile to a brushy track at N37 25053, W115 18769 el 5500. I easily rode my cycle a half mile to the end of the track el 5700, staying left at one fork along the way. I went up the canyon then circled north up to the ridgetop then south to the reg at 25207, 17820. I came down south on a steeper route. 1 hour, 700 gain, some light brush. This would be a good mtn bike ride. The first 5 miles only gains 140 feet per mile. Posted 2015.
- FOSSIL PEAK el 6400 sits right next to SR 318. The NE ridge is the way. Drive to mp LN 17.4 then go west on a graded road for a third mile. Then turn south for 1.7 miles to a road going west. Take that and park where it passes the tip of the NE ridge. The ridge has minor bumps on it that pose no problem. The reg is at N37 43415, W115 11057. I retreated to 43671, 10981 where I could see a route down into the north canyon. I went on down, moving left a little, and walked cow trails back out. 4 hours, 2100 gain. Posted 2015.
- MEADOW VALLEY MOUNTAINS high point el 5700 is informally known as Cathedral Peak. Take US 93 to mp LN 7.6. Turn onto the graded Kane Springs Rd and go nearly 11 miles to a short side road at N37 02984, W114 50170. You can see the entire route from here. Walk to a minor ridge at 02407, 49379 el 3250. Follow that as it swings left and goes all the way to the main canyon mouth. Go up canyon until walls close in at el 4600. Here it's best to use sheep trails up on the left bank. When those fizzle out you come back to the creekbed and it really goes parabolic. Aim for the main saddle at 01688, 47666 el 5200. Now go up the easy ridge to the summit block. A class 3 crack on the SW side at 01860, 47573 is the easiest route up. It's not dangerous. 5 hours and 6 minutes, 2800 gain. Plane wreckage is along the way. I found a pair of Craftsman locking pliers clamped on one piece. An RV pullout is along the graded road nearly a mile in from US 93. Posted 2015.
- MOUNT IRISH el 8700 is the high peak in the Mount Irish Wilderness. It has a standard route up the south ridge. Take SR 318 to a gated road at mp LN 3.2 or go north for 3/4 mile to another road with no gate. It soon merges with the other road. Go about 7 miles to a main fork at the petroglyph area. Keep left and go another 5 miles to Logan Pass el 7200. A short spur road goes to a camp spot. The whole road to here is bumpy and the last mile is easy 4wd. Hike up the ridge from the pass. It goes parabolic right out of the gate. Go on up to a plateau at el 8100. Use a break in the cliffs at N37 38059, W115 24336 to get on it. Then walk thru the lovely forest to a viewpoint at 38234, 24288 el 8250. From there you can see the rest of the route. 3 hours, 1500 gain. A jeep road goes up the SE ridge to el 7400. Jeeps could still make it as of 2015, but it's for those who like a wild ride. The Silver Canyon Rd is decent and makes a good loop around the peak for cycles and 4wds. I went around to one of the north canyons to see if I could ride into ponderosa pines. At about the 7000 level I came to pines and some mine cabins. The road is washed out beyond there, but I walked it to the 7700 level. That would be a route to the 8600 peak. I was able to keep circling west on decent roads and came back thru Logan Pass. On the way back to SR 318 is the turn for the Shaman walking tours at N37 36491, W115 22652. The Many Sheep panel is there. REED PEAK el 7580 is what I call the high peak in the southern part of the wilderness. Take SR 375 to mp LN 43.2. Go north for 7 and a half miles to a cabin at Reed Spring at the end of the road. The road had recently been bladed, but sand makes it 4wd. I went up the ridge from the spring, but it's steep. Try driving back a tenth mile from the spring and go up that canyon. The peak is at N37 33983, W115 25283. The whole hike takes less than 2 hours with about 1000 feet of gain. Pj forest all the way. The spring had a tiny flow. Posted 2015.
- SAWMILL PEAK el 9474 is at the north end of the South Egans Wilderness. Drive to mp WP 12.8 at the north end of Lund. Turn east on dirt and go to a T. Go left and the easy 4wd road soon swings west into Sawmill Canyon. About 3 and a half miles up the canyon is a fork. Go right and the road climbs to the pass at 8500 ft with a shady little camp spot. Delorme maps incorrectly show the peak is half a mile west of the pass and 900 ft up. You have to go over that one to the real one at N38 53376, W114 55418. There is a good view point at N38 53185 W114 54650. It took me 45 mins one way. Take long pants. The dirt road in is about 10 miles and bumpy. This peak rises about 4000 ft over Lund. Updated 2015.
- SCHOOLHOUSE PEAK el 9580 is what I call the peak at the head of Schoolhouse Canyon in the South Egans Wilderness. The north ridge goes. Take SR 318 to mp WP 7. Two crude roads go east from there. Take the northern one for nearly 3 miles to a shady camp on the edge of Schoolhouse Canyon el 6400. 2wd trucks might get there. Hike up canyon half a mile then start up the slope at N38 48401, W114 57410 el 6700. Aim to the left of cliffs and top out on the north ridge at 48302, 57032 el 7600. Go up the ridge a short way to the cliffs then stay left of center to get on top. Now there are no hidden saddles or bumps to deal with all the way to the summit at 46860, 57326. It would take a level to tell if the knob a few feet north is higher. 5 hours, 3200 gain. It's shady most of the way. The canyon route might work for a loop. I could see a nice forest down there. Higher roads come in from the east, but it's an ugly burn area. Posted 2015.
- SEAMAN RANGE HIGH POINT el 8606 is also the high point of the Weepah Spring Wilderness. Take SR 318 to mp LN 24.5. Go NW on a good road a bit over 7 miles to a main fork. Both go to the TH in 3 or 4 miles, but left was in better shape that day. Go left then right at the next main fork and the road will shrink to a crude track at el 6400. Some 2wds would make it here. Go a quarter mile on the crude road to the wilderness boundary. Look up at all the talus in the southern drainage of the peak. If you're going up or down that route, keep to the east side of the drainage. Luckily there's a wuss route that goes up the east canyon into the NE saddle. Walk the old road into the east canyon and stroll up that to the 7000 level. A ponerosa pine and corral are there. Go up the ridge there at N37 58961, W115 05063. The ridge levels off at 7550 then move left to the drainage at 59032, 05636. Now go straight up under the big pines into the NE saddle el 8150. Then walk under more pines to the reg at 58844, 06085. I went down the south drainage on the east side of the creekbed. It saved a mile but I doubt it saved any time because of all the rocks. 5 hours, 2300 gain. Posted 2015.
- SHINGLE PEAK el 9823 is the highest peak in the Far South Egan Wilderness. The north canyon is the way. Take SR 318 to mp NY 25.6 and go east on a graded road for 5 and a half miles to a corral at Shingle Spring el 6400. Hike to a logger trail at N38 31984, W114 56239 and walk it into the canyon. Go up canyon and use a path on the right side at 31730, 55982 el 6800. Stay on the right side, sometimes up on the bank, but don't stray up any side draws. Then at el 7000 cross over to the logger trail on the left side reading 31549, 55715. There are segments of the trail along the way to a major fork at el 7900. Go up the ridge on the right side of the right fork. The reading here is 30966, 54826. It's 2000 feet of gain in a mile, but it's a nice route under the big trees. The reg is at 30495, 55668. 6 hours, 3400 gain. I read that some hikers had trouble with brush. I wore long pants as far as the 7300 level then never wore them again all the way up and back to the start. You can start out in long pants then stash them. They're dead weight for sure after el 7900, but they can save some weaving to that point. This peak is not to be confused with the Shingle BM just to the north, shown as Shingle Peak on some BLM maps. The shadiest camp I saw along the road is on the left a mile past the spring. Posted 2015.
- SILVER KING MOUNTAIN el 7851 is at the south end of the Schell Creek Range. Take SR 318 to mp NY 9.7 and go SE on a graded road for about 9 miles to Silver King Pass. Hike to the mouth of the north canyon at N38 13691, W114 53188 el 6400. There are 2 ways to go. Either up the ridge to your right, which is the NW ridge, or up canyon. I went up canyon to the saddle at 13108, 52906 el 7000 on the NE ridge. Then I went on up the ridge. There's a cliff in the way at el 7500. I went up along the left side then got back on top of the ridge and on to the Black Cone BM at 12747, 53336. I returned down the NW ridge to the mouth of the canyon. 2 and a half hours, 1500 gain. The hike is in a nice pj forest the whole way. Posted 2015.
- SUNNY BENCHMARK el 8824 is a major peak in the Far South Egan Wilderness. The east ridge is the route up. Take SR 318 to a 4wd road at mp NY 16.7. There is only one main road to follow. It goes up Trough Spring Canyon then north to a pass el 6800 with a shady camp. I went up the easiest looking ridge at N38 24750, W114 57582 el 7000. It tops out on the main ridge then it's less than half a mile south to the BM at 24998, 58575. 4 hours, 2100 gain. You're in a pj forest the whole way. The reg, placed in 1990, had no more entries until 2014. And it was the same person. Peculiar rock alignments are few feet south of the BM. Helipad? Posted 2015.
- WHITE RIVER BM el 6221 is the high point of the Hiko Range. The long north ridge is an easy route. Take US 93 to a good road at mp LN 60.4. Go north for 4.1 miles to an easy 4wd road reading N37 38648, W115 04954. Go west on that for at least 4 and a half miles and park at el 4950. Or go another half mile to an ATV track on the left and walk that to the 5200 level then go up the north ridge to the reg at 39521, 10002. I started at the 4950 spot and the hike took me 2 hours with 1300 gain. I found out I could have easily rode my cycle on the ATV track to the 5200 level. It's too rocky beyond there. The track goes to a guzzler at el 5400, but hiking from there would be steeper. Posted 2015.
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