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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Deep Creek Range Area

Flat Top

Haystack Peak seen from Toms Creek camp

Birch Crag

Smith Creek Peak
A graded roads runs along the east side of the range for 100 miles starting from the paved Ibapah road to a gas station on US 50. Toms Creek has the only shade along the road. I left the Ibapah road near mp 28 and went thru Gold Hill then on south to Baker. It's bumpy for the first 35 miles to Callao then it's a wider, smoother road. I was told that a smooth graded road goes east from Callao for 50 miles to a paved road that connects to Delta. Baker and Wendover have VZ cell service, but in between a signal can only be had on high points. At the southern end, I poked around in the north Snake Range. That info is posted on the Moriah page. Posted 2015.

  • DUTCH MOUTAIN el 7700 is right on the edge of the Salt Lake Desert near Gold Hill. Turn off the graded road at N40 10348, W113 50835 and follow a good road into Pool Canyon. Turn right on a jeep road at 11799, 50623 el 5700. It has bad spots but there are turnarounds. Park at a fork reading 12138, 51108 el 6000 and hike the left fork up the main canyon. Take a right fork at 12171, 51488 el 6300 and follow that up to the main saddle then up the ridge. For the last mile you're on the crest. There are some minor bumps but they are not an issue. The reg is at 13406, 50664. 3 and a half hours, nearly 2000 gain. Nice pj forest. A more direct route would be from the Silver King Mine, but it's sunny, steep and a lot of driving. Posted 2015.
  • OCHRE MOUNTAIN el 7500 is an easy one. Go south on the main road from Gold Hill and stay right at main forks. At a 4 way reading N40 06003, W113 52749, go north on easy 4wd for half a mile then go left and stay on the road until it tops out at el 6800 on the west ridge. It's 3/4 mile to the reg at 07979, 53149. MONTEZUMA PEAK is across the valley but the road up it seems to be overgrown. Overland Posted 2015.
  • TOMS CREEK CAMP is about 4 miles south of Callao reading N39 51489, W113 46449 el 4800. It makes a good hub for OHVs to get at the various hikes. There is no outhouse.
  • GOSHUTE CANYON has a road that starts at Toms camp. Take the road going north and it leads right into the mouth where it turns pure rubble. I stopped there at a cabin. BIG CANYON is the next canyon south but it's dry. Posted 2015. 
  • HAYSTACK PEAK el 12020 has a trail to the 10150 level on the crest from Toms Creek. From the camp on Toms Creek, go north on a good road for a mile and a half to a 4 way reading N39 52710, W113 47023. Go left and and shortly there is a fork where you go right.  Go on up another mile and a half or so to a key fork at el 5900. The right fork goes to Middle Canyon, but you want to go left on 4wd and stay on the main road all the way to the closure in Toms Creek at a shady camp el 8500. There was heavy cattle impact in this area. The road is packed sand with occasional bedrock and is closed at el 7500 from Nov 1 to June 1. From the end of the road, hike the old track to the end at a saddle reading 52618, 55040 el 10150. Now a crag is in the way, so go up the left side thru a notch then it's clear sailing. It's easy to pass crags on the left side until a line of crags forces you up into a saddle el 10700 which is on the north side of peak 10828. Walk along the right side of that peak, dropping a little, to get into the saddle south of it which reads 52135, 54781 el 10700. Then it's easy to walk the crest passing crags on the left side to get to the final bald slope. Angle up that to a viewpoint at 51313, 54541 el 11500. Now you can see an easy passage under the west side of Ibapah Azimuth. Just drop a little to get on it and soon a faint game trail makes it easier. The peak soon comes into view reading 50864, 54291. 7 hours, 3700 gain. It looked easy to walk the crest center over to Ibapah Peak. This is for certain one of the best peak hikes in the Great Basin and it never gets very steep. There is a road out of Toms Creek at the 7400 level that goes over into Indian Farm Creek to some cabin ruins el 8000. The road is smooth but there was an eroded section about 100 feet long.  A Nissan Xterra made it to the TH. How hard can it be? Posted 2015.
  • ROCKY PEAK el 10748 is the next peak north of Haystack and uses the same TH. The route is visible from there. You can walk the old track to the crest then run the  crest to the summit. I made a loop thru Scotts Basin. I went down the old road into the basin at el 7800 then used cow trails to get near Chimney Rock. I veered north there up an open fork to a tiny spring at N39 53925, W113 53916 el 8900. I filled up with cold water then it was easy to get to the SW saddle at 54559, 54071 el 10200. The BM is at 54701, 53843. A rusted out can a few feet north must have once held a reg. On the way down I walked the crest. At the SW saddle I had to drop south to get around a big talus pile. The crest has a 600 foot deep saddle to cross before getting to the track that runs back to the start. It took 6 hours with about 3600 gain. There is light brush but it's not a factor with long pants.  A million animal trails weave thru the brush. Posted August 2015.
  • FLAT TOP el 8676 is what I call the dramatic peak on the south rim of Big Canyon. A man made trail goes into the SW saddle next to peak 8305. Drive the same as for Haystack Peak but only as far as the key fork at el 5900. Go right there and follow the jeep road into Middle Canyon. The road is packed sand as far as the 6900 level but for one tricky spot near a spring. At the 6900 level begins intermittent rubble. At 53131, 51493 el 7850 is where the TH is. There is room for 2 or 3 jeeps if they can make it that far. Hike the trail to the saddle el 8150 then go up the ridge straight  toward  peak 8305, which is a small crag. As you come to it, veer around the right side to get behind it in a clearing at 53526, 51171. I stayed too low and had to fight dense trees. It's easy to keep going to the first cliff band at 53632, 50777. Here I went left along the base of the cliff to an easy break then straight up and right a little.  I stayed on the easiest terrain and topped out at 53714, 50720 but had to climb some class 3 rock near the top. The terrain on this upper part will guide you to the right of where I topped out then bring you back left, as there aren't any alternate routes in that area. I left cairns there. There was a surveyor pole still standing on the north rim of the peak. That north face is 1000 feet high. 3 hours, about 1000 gain. It could be a 5 hour hike if you park where the rubble starts. I rode my 125 past the TH to the 8000 level then lost traction.  Posted 2015.
  • INDIAN FARM CREEK has a road out of Toms camp. It's the one south of the creek going up the hill. It's packed sand to the end just inside the mouth. Some nice camps are here and a foot  trail goes a short way. Posted 2015.
  • GEORGE H HANSEN PEAK el 8500 is the high point of the Fish Springs Range. A jeep road goes to the 5800 level on the west side. The Weiss Highway is a graded road that crosses the southern tip of the range and connects Delta with the Deep Creek Range. From Toms camp, go south a half mile to get on the Weiss road. Go east to a crude road at N39 42234, W113 35045. I turned here but a better road is farther east. The crude road will merge with that better road and you just keep going north to 44604, 32976 then go right to a corral where the erosion starts. Keep going to a T, then go left to a road at 45035, 30960 on the north side of a wash. Go up that road for a mile and a third to a washout el 5250. Jeeps can get around, cycles and ATVs can make it. Go on nearly 2 more miles to where the road fades el 5800. Hike up and cross a low rim at 43996, 27868 el 6050 then walk the base to the west ridge at 43498, 27573 el 6300. Go up the ridge to the 7600 level where cliffs force you to angle up to the right to the reg at 43513, 26407. Scree and talus above the 7600 level are the major headaches. Long pants are needed. Brush is thin but it's like coat hanger wire. 5 hours, nearly 3000 gain. Posted 2015.
  • RED CEDAR CREEK has a road into the mouth to el 5700. Turn off the graded road at N39 48601, W113 47039 and follow a smooth 4wd road to a T. Go right and then stay left. A short section has rough bedrock. You can return by going north along the granite to a T in a wash. Right goes out, left  goes to Indian Farm Creek road but has tricky spots. Posted 2015.
  • IBAPAH PEAK el 12087 is the high point of the Deep Creek Range. A trail goes most of the way. Turn off the graded east side road at a sign for Granite Creek reading N39 46684, W113 47994. The road goes up the canyon to a gate at el 6500 which is locked from Nov 1 to June 1.  The road gets tougher for the next half mile and then comes the worst spot el 6800 where a Dodge truck was parked. This was where the road was once closed, but it didn't stick so they closed it again farther up.  Jeeps can make it on to the end of the road but not with their paint. The road ends and trail starts at 47794, 53737 el 7350. The first backpackers camp on the  trail is at about the 8000 level where the road once ended, but it might be hard to get at the creek. The trail soon goes parabolic. The last camp spot is the springs where the creek begins at 48530, 56049 el 9900 and then the trail tops out in a giant meadow el 10200. Now you leave the trail and aim for a bald spot on the crest at 49283, 56049 el 11000. Now there's just one bump in the way. I went around the right side to 49284, 55681 where a trail appears and soon gets to be a good trail all way to the summit at 49690, 55186. 7 and a half hours, 4700 gain. Taking a filter is best since there is water to the 9900 level. This is the best overall hike I've seen in the Great Basin. You get a lovely forest, a lovely creek, lovely meadows and a spectacular peak. You DON'T get cattle, horses, brush or bugs ( at least no bugs in late August ). I saw cars make it to the mouth of the canyon. Posted 2015.
  • COTTONWOOD CANYON is the next one north of Granite Creek but it's dry and sunny. A smooth road along the base connects the mouths of the two canyons. Posted 2015.
  • TROUT CREEK has a trail to the 7400 level. Turn off the graded east side road at N39 44828, W113 48411. It's a crude road that has long sections covered with little rocks. The road is closed at the 6400 level but it's easy to walk the old road for a mile and a half until it starts fading. There is a foot trail that goes on up creek but tricky to follow. I turned back at 45843, 55223 el 7600 where it was getting too overgrown. It's a nice forest and creek, no cattle. Posted 2015.
  • BIRCH CREEK has an overgrowing constructed trail. The turnoff is at Trout Creek ranches on the north side of a church reading N39 41078, W113 50026. It's about 6 miles on easy 4wd to the end of the road. Some sections are covered with little rocks. An ATV track goes on a short way then it's a foot trail into a gorge. At 43549, 55208 the trail gets tricky and goes along the far right edge of the canyon floor. At 43788, 55703 el 7100 is a spring on the left bank where I filled up. Then I went over to the right bank in tall weeds where the trail soon resumed. I went all the way thru the gorge and stopped at a main fork reading 43966, 56552 el 7500. I couldn't tell where the trail was at that point. A base camp could be set up here for Trout BM and other peaks. The hike took me 5 hours. Long pants are needed. It's the best creekside hike I've seen in the Great Basin.  But it's going bye bye unless it gets adopted. Hedge clippers would go a long way. Posted 2015.
  • BIRCH CRAG el 8970 is what I call that nasty looking thing at the mouth of Birch Creek. There is a class 2 chicken route up the NW side. Turn off the graded road at N39 40852, W113 51456 and follow a good road for 2/3 mile toward a landfill then veer left on a bumpy 4wd road into Wood Canyon. Park at the last turnaround reading 42030, 55660 el 6300. The road soon fades in a thicket. Walk the right bank around the thicket and go on up canyon on a faint logging road to el 7500. Look right and you'll see a talus gully. Walk to it at 43181, 56052 el 7900. Go up that to the main saddle el 8500. Don't get tricked by a decoy saddle just before it. Walk thru the saddle then up a little to a viewpoint reading 43145, 55812. Here you can see a wide shelf ramping up along the north side of the final ridge. It merges with the ridgetop then it's a short walk to the high point at 43028, 55568. 5 hours, 2700 gain. No sign of humanity. Posted 2015.
  • TROUT CREEK RADAR STATION el 6900+ sits on a peak SE of Partoun. A graded road goes up, but too soft for 2wds. Turn off the main graded road just south of Partoun at N39 38117, W113 53715. Go east on another graded road that swings north to a fork at 39478, 48064. Go right and that road swings south up a long canyon to the top where a sign says el 7075. They're off by over 100 feet. It's a nice ride/drive with sweeping views. That black volcanic formation along the way is the Smelter Knolls. It looks like Lake Bonneville shorelines at the base. Posted 2015.
  •    GOVERNMENT PEAK, TIN SPRINGS MOUNTAIN and KERN MOUNTAINS HIGH POINT can all be done in a day. Turn off the main graded road at Gandy onto a good road reading N39 27511, W114 00000 and go NW. For Tin Springs Mtn el 7473, turn off the main road at 32588, 06958 and drive down into a main wash el 6100 and park. Pick a ridge to the top reading 33357, 05128. I used the one as seen left of the summit. 2 hours, 1300 gain. For Govt Peak el 7872, keep going on the main road to a cattleguard reading 33773, 09186. Go south on easy 4wd to a low pass el 6800 which is NW of the peak. Turn toward the peak on a road that soon ends at the Government Peak Wilderness boundary. You could park sooner and walk the north ridge. The summit is at 31352, 09180. No sign of humanity. That's a 2 hour hike with 1000 gain. For Kern Mtns high point el 9600+, return to the cattleguard and  go north on easy 4wd for 2 and a quarter miles to a tricky fork. Both go, I went right and stayed on main roads to a fork at 39046, 09641 el 7600. I went right to a road forking left up a drainage reading 38609, 08027 el 7800. It's hard to say how far a jeep can go up this road. It's not washed out, just narrow. I rode all the way up to the 8800 level then took a left fork that went right to the base of the peak at el 8900. It's a short but steep hike to the reg at 39833, 07567. The roads here are mostly packed sand and dirt until the 8000 level in the Kern Mtns where some rocks occur. Posted 2015.
  • WARM CREEK is at Gandy and has lukewarm soaking pools. Go west on a graded road reading N39 27242, W113 59919 for 2 and a half miles to a sunny camp area. It's another fifth mile on chalky 4wd to the pools. I filled jugs at the upper pool. SPRING MOUNTAIN el 6387 towers over the pools. An easy 4wd road goes up the north slope to the 5700 level. A foot trail starts there. It soon forks and the right fork goes onto the spine and that can be walked to the BM. Some minor bumps are along the way but easily passed on the right. The survey pole was still standing after 6 decades. Posted 2015.
  • SMITH CREEK PEAK el 9372 is what I call the massive peak on the north side of Smith Creek in the Snake Range. The north slope has forested routes with hardly any brush. Take the main graded east side road to the turnoff for Smith Creek at N39 18538, W114 00380. Go 2 and a half miles to a main fork. Go right and stay left at main forks to a faint road at 22609, 04091. Turn west to the wilderness boundary el 6400. These roads aren't rocky but have some sharp dips. Hike west on the old road and it soon fizzles but it's easy to walk on top of the low ridge to the right. Stay on that until it turns toward the mountain then cross a dip to get on the easiest ridge at 22669, 06994 el 7200. I made a loop by going up this ridge and over to the saddle west of peak 9049 then came down the canyon east of the ridge, but that involved some contouring into the saddle but it was easy to walk the south side of peak 9049. If you just want to go up the canyon, then only go up the ridge to the 7500 level then contour into the canyon at or above a chokestone reading 22398, 06922 el 7400. Stroll up on smooth gravel to a left fork at 22116, 07108 el 7700 and take that. At el 7900 a minor fall is in the way. I went around the steep east side of it, but I didn't check to see if it was climbable as I was descending. Keep going south in the correct drainage at 21714, 07112 then into the high saddle at 21575, 07197 el 8950. It's a stroll from there to the high point at 21154, 06564. It had nothing on it. The loop took me 6 hours with about 3000 gain. It was easy walking in a thin forest. I could have done this in shorts, but peak 9049 had some light brush that would require a lot of weaving. The ascent ridge had mine claims dated 1986 at the 8000 level. A top notch hike in a real wilderness. If you're looking for a wuss wilderness with well manicured trails and lots of yuppies, then skip this. Posted 2015.