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Monday, September 20, 2021

North Sevier Plateau, Utah

 ⦁ CREST ROAD - the Saul Meadow Rd runs east out of Annabella and goes to the crest then the crest road runs south to highway 62 just east of Kingston. Several major roads drop off the crest. The one down to Monroe was good enough for a car. Another goes down Pole Canyon and one down Dry Creek but it wasn't dry. It had a little stream and no sign of cattle even at the mouth. These roads are maintained but get bumpy due to embedded rocks. If 4wd is ever needed it would be easy. There's a cell signal most of the time. A Verizon tower may be on Monroe Peak. Posted 2021.
SIGNAL PEAK el 11226 - the trail is about 20 miles out of Annabella along the crest road at N38 37591, W111 59094 el 10150. A stream and room to camp is there and no cattle. The trail generally follows the topo and bends right onto the bald summit plateau and fades then there is a minor trail at N38 37470, W112 00804 that helps for the last tenth mile. 3 hours, 1200 gain. Posted 2021
MONROE PEAK el 11227 - a main road forks off the crest road and goes down Monroe Canyon to Monroe town. Before it drops off the rim there is a decent road going 3 miles to towers on the peak. The topo shows these roads. I could have drove a car up from Monroe. Posted 2021.
MARYSVALE NORTH SUMMIT el 10900+ is what I call the one next to Marysvale Peak. The crest road runs south past Manning Meadow Reservoir. Shady camps and a restroom are at the south end. A mile beyond that is FR156 forking right. In a third mile it turns into a smooth OHV trail and I went on another 2 miles to a clearing at N38 28841, 112 05819 el 10400. I walked to the end of that then went left thru trees to an elk trail at 28860, 05952 el 10550 then up to 28918, 06062 then another tenth mile to  the reg el 10900+, placed a year earlier. Short hike. Ebikes should work on the OHV trail. Posted 2021.
BEAN HILL, BIG TABLE - turn off the crest road at N38 2593, W112 02955 el 9200. The road soon turns into a decent ATV trail and ebikeable. Proceed to a fork at 24755, 04139 el 9700 and go left to a fence. To stay out of a burn area, I walked level around the right side of the peak to 24609, 03689 then on to a bald slope then up to the reg el 10055. Short hike, some light brush. I kept going on the ATV trail and stayed left at forks and it took me around Big Table then up to el 10050 where I had a short stroll to the reg at 24055, 04589 el 10086. Bad views but the ride up has good views. Posted 2021.
LANGDON MOUNTAIN el 10323 - turn off the crest road onto FR82 at N38 23225, W112 01798. Stay left at a fork to the end at a fence el 10000. It's easy 4wd and ebikeable. Walk along the right side of the fence to the reg and witness BM at 23467, 01175. Short hike. Posted 2021.
MALMSTEN PEAK el 9793 is at the south end of the range on Forshea Mountain.  The topo shows a road running south from the crest road along the east side of the peak. It's easy 4wd but closed at el 9500. I walked from there and soon went right on a  fork and when that bent left I walked a clearing to another clearing at N38 15186, W112 05152 then the BM is at 15235, 05212.  Short hike. I had 2 bars of Verizon there. Posted 2021.
PEAK 8582 is on  the west side of Forshea Mtn. The topo shows a road from the crest road running south of a dry lake for a bit over a mile to a fence el 7700. It's easy 4wd. A trail goes along the left side of the fence making it easy to get to the SE saddle el 8100 then up the ridge. I took a direct route down to the east and walked back on the road. Driving around to the NE side would be 200 feet higher but it's a crappy road. 2 hours, nearly 1000 gain, some light brush. I didn't see anything blocking a side trip to peak 8382. Cattle were thick here once but long gone now. Posted 2021.
PEAK 7381 is along the crest road half a mile north of highway 62. The whole route up the north ridge comes into view upon approaching it on the crest road. Posted 2021.
STEENS CANYON is at the south end of the range. I went up canyon and back on the west rim. It's the best hike I found in the range. I parked on highway 62 at mp 7.9 where two canyons come in from the north. The left one is Steens. I strolled up the creekbed past Dripping Spring, which had a drip, then checked out Blind Spring but found nothing there. I went on up to Blood Mine Spring at N38 13886, W112 05420 el 7700 and found a tiny flow. I made a U-turn there and took an east angle up to the west rim and hit an ATV trail next to peak 8257 at 13914, 05953. I walked it over that peak then left it and went down the rim to 13510, 06289 el 8000. I then came to a minor hill and went right of center over it then came to peak 7905 and went right of center over that then made a hard left to stay on the rim. I went down to a point at 11954, 06472 el 7400 where a path led down thru a cliff then had easy slopes down to 11725, 06023 where a decent route gets down to the creekbed. That took 5 hours, 11 minutes with around 2000 gain but it's all easy, especially the 1300 up the creekbed. No cattle and nearly zero brush. Good pj forest. PHONOLITE PEAK el 7915 is at the mouth of the canyon. A road goes up along the east side to get close to the north saddle but it's washed out. Maybe it gets fixed. Posted 2021.
MONROE CREEK TRAILS - these trails show on the topo and may all still exist because I saw new signs at trail junctions. I hiked up the Shingle Creek trail and down the Second Lefthand Fork trail. Main St in Monroe bends into Monroe Creek and goes thru a narrows where FR162 goes left up the First Lefthand Fork. It's easy 4wd and ebikeable to the end at a TH el 7600. The Shingle Creek TH is along the way at el 7000. I walked it to Washburn Reservoir el 9200 then across the dam and on to a fork at point 9738 that isn't on the topo. The right fork is a shortcut to the Second Lefthand Fork trail. I took that and it got fuzzy as I came to that trail. The correct trail goes down slope at N38 35449, W112 01532 el 9400. I walked it down to Monrovian Park. That took 5 hours with 2700 gain. I didn't have a shuttle so I had another hour of road walking back. I did this in shorts but was rubbing against scrub oak on the descent. These trails can get rocky. Shingle Creek was the only good water and easily jumpable. MONROE CREEK TRAIL - this one follows the creek from Monrovian Park for a mile and half. There are 2 DIY bridges then a third crossing with no bridge where the stream forks. I jumped that then hit brush right away and turned back. I spent 80 minutes. It's a nice gorge. An old topo shows this trail went on up creek and was the original Third Lefthand Fork trail. But the new topo shows it had to be detoured over an 800 foot high ridge. Forget that one. Posted 2021.