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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Trinity Range, Seven Troughs Range

The vast plateau at Trinity Peak
Tunnel Camp ghost town

  • Highway 399 goes from Lovelock to the crest of the Trinity Range then a good dirt road goes on to the Seven Troughs Range. Take Central Street north from town to signs for 399. Lovelock has a Safeway, Family Dollar and McDonalds. Posted 2019.

    • TRINIITY PEAK el 7337 is the high point of the range. Take highway 399 to mp PE 1 and then go another 250 feet west and turn on 4wd. Stay left at the first fork then right thereafter and the road goes up a little ridge and joins the 4wd road shown on the topo and soon gets too rocky. Hike up the ridge at N40 15153, W118 43985 el 5900 and it's easy all the way to the summit at 13937, 44724. It takes an hour to walk to the southern tip of the plateau at 12314, 44440 el 6800. Going to the peak and back is a 3 hour hike with 1500 gain, the side trip to the southern tip would add 2 hours with neglible gain. The terrain here is rocky soil with thin, stubby sagebrush. Burros have stunk up the lower elevations but the high plateau is nearly pristine. Posted 2019.
    • POKER BENCHMARK el 6959 is at the north end of the range along the crest road with plenty of good views. Take highway 399 to mp PE 6 and turn on a good dirt road and go a mile and a quarter then turn right on easy 4wd. The road runs to Poker Spring where there is a 200 foot stretch of muddy road that stops some drivers. My cycle didn't sink in it. Stay left at a fork there then go on to the BM at N40 23417, W118 32656. It has a witness BM mounted on a vertical surface. I can't recall seeing another one like that. With a 4wd, I would drive one way north to south on the crest road and then would be going downhill on that muddy section. There isn't much horse or cattle impact along this road. Peak 2148 meters is an air mile south of the BM and seems to be the highest point around. Posted 2019.
    • SEVEN TROUGHS MOUNTAIN el 7479 - the road from Vernon to Signal Peak only has minor erosion then it's easy up the east ridge. Take highway 399 to mp PE 6 and turn on a good dirt road and stay left at main forks to N40 25414, W118 47391. Turn there on easy 4wd at Vernon and stay left at main forks to a fork at 27145, 47625 el 5400. Go left up to the pass at almost 6000 feet then take a steep spur road to the end with parking at el 6100+. A short trail goes from there to a saddle el 6200 then go up along the left side of a rocky hill to get to the next saddle el 6250 then go up to el 7000 where there are 2 choices. One is to keep going up and over the south summit. The other is to stay low on a shelf and skirt under it. The low route is less steep. It starts at 27592, 48727 el 7000+ and goes along to 27957, 49100 el 7300 then you just go up to the ridgetop and go north a fifth mile to the reg. 3 hours, about 1500 gain. The road out of Seven Troughs Canyon to the pass is not eroded much but there is a sharp dip el 5200 in the creekbed that a jeep should be able to cross. Posted 2019.
    • SEVEN TROUGHS BENCHMARK has 3 routes. The easiest is the west route described on but may have bad roads. Burnt Canyon is the route I used but that road only goes to el 5200 and takes a jeep or OHV to make the last mile. Cattle and horses have decimated that drainage system. Seven Troughs Canyon has the most potential of all the east side routes.  Take highway 399 to mp PE 6 and turn on a good dirt road and go about 5 miles then stay left at a main fork then stay right at main forks thereafter and it brings you to the mouth of the canyon. It's a high clearance road by that point then easy 4wd up into the canyon. The road will go up onto the left bank then back down to skirt a bad section of creekbed. I only went as far as the 5200 level but could see from a peak that cow trails could likely be used to get up canyon then slopes covered with stubby grass would make for easy walking to the summit. I found no register. Posted 2019.
    • SEVEN TROUGHS JEEP TOUR - with a jeep and a weekend to kill, a loop can be done to ruins and peaks. Follow the roads on the topo to the ghost town at Tunnel Camp then go into Seven Troughs Canyon and take a crack at hiking up it to  Seven Troughs BM then keep driving up the south rim to Signal Peak and do the  Seven Troughs Mtn hike then drive down to Vernon. The sharp dip in  Seven Troughs Canyon was the only obstacle in 2019.