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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Lewis And Clark Adventure Road

Most roads here aren't rocky. A road goes south from Lemhi Pass on the divide. It's good for mtn bikes for a couple of miles then gets steep. I dropped off there and went down a road by way of the mine. There is a road up Cow Creek that goes over Ramsey Peak and down to Lemhi. Jeeps can make it.
Sharkey Hot Spring has a day use fee of $3.

On the CDT hike to Goldstone Mtn, I could look down and see this fire.

Fire fighters had moved in.

The view from the summit of Goldstone Mtn.

On the return, the fire had covered the CDT. I moved right 100 feet and got under it on a barren slope. Green trees were flaring up as if someone poured gas on them.

I came back to the trail after 100 yards and was home free. I can outrun any fire, any day with my 29 dollar Walmart hiking boots.
LEWIS AND CLARK ADVENTURE ROAD  is what the BLM has designated a 36 mile loop by way of Lemhi Pass. Follow signs from Tendoy to the pass. A free, small campground is about 5 miles along on Agency Creek. The pass has displays and is day use only. Follow signs north on road #185 back to Tendoy. The BLM has developed Sharkey Hot Spring el 5400 just a few miles before the end of the loop. The loop is graded but it gets steep and some small rocks might cut into car tires. GOLDSTONE MOUNTAIN el 9909 is one hike to do along this loop. About 9 miles south of Lemhi Pass is where FR 184 forks to the right reading N45 03323, W113 27982 el 7900. Take that high clearance road for a bit over 5 miles to a fork at 05348, 31223 el 8494. Road #186 goes left, but stay straight for a mile and a half on a narrow 4wd road to the CDT at 06066, 30692 el 8600. That 4wd road is mtn bikeable. Then it's a matter of just walking the CDT to the NW ridge of the peak at el 9600 then stroll half a mile to the summit at 07135, 34578. That took me 5 and a half hours with nearly 2000 gain, none steep. On the return I had to detour around a fire burning a couple miles west of the peak in upper Park Creek.  Posted 2018.