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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Piute Mountains Wilderness

Route 66 got hit by a flood in 2016.

Washes that normally would make for pleasant hiking have been churned into an obnoxious mix of loose sand and burro poop.
This range is overrun by burros and useless for anything but a 4wd loop right up the middle.The nearest gas would be Amboy, if they're still in business. It won't be cheap. 

  • From Essex, go east on Route 66 for 6 and a half miles to BLM road #050. There is a crude gate there made of barbed wire and a sign for Piute Crossing. I took that road and stayed right at forks and circled back to Essex in about 20 miles. The first 3 or 4 miles sustained the most flood damage, but 4wds will have no trouble re-establishing it. The road cuts thru the range and stays in wash bottoms. After 7 miles there is a T where I went right on road #212 to the Lazy Daisy Ranch. The road goes right thru their front yard and so they might block it someday. The high point of the range is a short hike from  road #050. Park near a low saddle at N34 43915, W115 06637 el 3300, which is about 6 miles in from the highway. Walk thru and up a long valley then climb up on the left at 44309, 05218 el 3650. Walk burro trails on the ridgetop to the reg at 44747, 04763 el 4150+. That took me under 3 hours with only about 600 or 700 feet of noticeble gain. Some hikers drive closer up the valley. Not legal, but burros have trashed it anyway. Posted 2017.
  • FENNER SPRING is a short hike. Drive in from Route 66 for over 2 miles then take a left fork in a soft wash reading N34 46089, W115 07593. Go a mile up that to another fork and take the right fork reading 45629, 06693. A jeep made it this far. Walk up the wash then next there is an option to use a trail on the left bank at 45488, 06488. Follow that or the wash bed to the spring at 45243, 06240. A pool had a tiny trickle flowing out, but of course burros ruined it. 1 hour with hardly any gain. Posted March, 2017.

Fenner  Spring. Burros can't read.

The trail to Fenner Spring