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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Warner Mountains, Ca

  • EAGLE PEAK el 9892 is the highest in the Warners. From Eagleville, go south 3 or 4 miles to the sign for FR 64. Take this graded road for 13 miles to the Patterson camp. The Summit TH billboard el 7100+ is in the cg behind the guard station. In a fifth mile from the TH is a fork at N41 12081, W120 11295. Keep right and go about 5 miles to 16024, 11182. Leave the trail here and aim for 16246, 11224 to get on the ridgetop then go on up 1500 feet to the summit at 17009, 12045. 7 hours,nearly 3000 gain, about a 14 mile round trip. Most of the 1500 ft that the trail gains is hardly noticeable. Trails come in from the east and west that look shorter on the map. But it's an illusion because those trails are infested with switchbacks. The map shows good roads that can be used to come in from 395.
  • BALD MOUNTAIN is the highest peak in the Warners north of 299 for many miles. From the jct of 299 and 395, go north on 395 for 6 miles to Co 118. Go 10 miles on 118 to FR 44N30 at N41 38735, W120 17562. Then go 4 miles on 44N30 to a crude road at 36727, 15216. Go right on this road and keep left at a fork and on to the end within half a mile of the peak. Go up thru trees to the top at 36591, 16204 el 8270. It's a short hike with 700 gain. All roads are very good except the last half mile. FR 44N30 would make a good bike ride.
  • WARREN PEAK el 9710 is the no. 2 peak in the range and the most scenic hike. From the stop sign in Cedarville, go south a mile and a half to FR 31. A 4wd route starts another 2 miles south at Co 27 and goes up Granger Creek. 2wds should go about 6 miles on 31 to a fork and keep right (the left fork goes too but it's not as good) and go on to the TH at the Pepperdine camp at N41 27044, W120 14611 el 6800. Follow the Summit Trail south along the crest for about 6 miles to Patterson Lake. Stay on the trail as it climbs left of the lake then cut over to a saddle el 9400 on the east ridge of Warren. Go up on some talus then circle left around behind the summit block to get to the BM at 22717, 13186. I went back along the escarpment over the lake to where a cow trail goes thru a break at 23674, 13797. Go thru the break then move right to the ridge center then down to the trail. 6 hours, 3000+ gain. The trail has a few minor dips. Just going to PATTERSON LAKE below the summit cliffs would be a worthwhile hike.You'll think you're in the Sierras. To drive in from Alturas, get on Mcdowell at the south end of town. Go a dozen miles on pavement then it's graded dirt. Soon you come to a sign for Pepperdine where you go left.The last 8 miles is graded dirt. Pepperdine has great spacious sites.
  • A really short hike would be SQUAW PEAK el 8650. Use the Warren Peak trail. Just go to the Squaw Peak Trail jct about 1.6 air miles from the start. Keep right on the Summit Trail for a quarter mile then go left up the ridge to the top or stay on the trail till it enters trees then go up to the top at N41 25127, W120 13135. 3 hours, 1900 gain. The Squaw Peak Trail goes around the peak but you can drop down and return on it. There are several springs on it. A good one is 5 minutes from the Summit Trail at 25691, 13494.
  • PAYNE PEAK is just south of 299 and has a road to the top. Follow the Warren Peak directions but turn off FR 31 before Pepperdine cg at N41 31696, W120 16942. Go half a mile then turn right just before a metal gate. It's about another 3/4 mile to the top.The last half mile is 4wd.HAT PEAK el 8700 is a prominent peak at the south end of the range. A jeep road goes nearly to the top, but fallen trees and a maze of logging roads make it a problem.The road is faded in places so I had to reverse engineer it, but didn't walk it all the way back. Go south from Eagleville for 3 or 4 miles to the sign for FR 64. Take that for 9 miles to a gravel road going south at N41 11360, W120 08614 el 7500. Go south for a mile and a quarter to the end of the gravel then turn right on an easy 4wd road. Now you have to figure out how to get to the jeep road where I left it at 08025, 09014 el 8000. Once on the road, it goes shortly into meadows where it fades out. Pick it up at 07743, 09091 where it leaves the meadows and is easy to follow to the summit ridge. Then just go north to the end of the road and it's another half mile to the reg at 08827, 07538. There is a homemade BM 800 feet to the north at the skinny tip of the ridge. A good view of Lost Lake can be had, and it's all you're ever going to get because the road to the lake is a rocky mess. It took me about 3 hours for the whole hike, but rode around several fallen trees. Hunters might come in late in the season and clear the roads. If you can drive the summit ridge, the road is good until a shady grove near the peak. After that it's big time rocky. Posted 2013
  • Cedarville is a classic small town with friendly people. It has a good grocery, gas, propane, restaurants and shady lanes. There are historic buildings and you can get info from the forest and BLM offices.
  • DRAKE PEAK el 8400 is the high peak at the north end of the range in Oregon. Take highway 140 to mp 8 on the crest. Turn north on the paved Warner Rd (FR 3615) and go to mp 7.5. Turn right on a good road. After about 4 miles the road gets crude then tops out on the crest at a fork. Left goes to the lookout with a restroom. Right is 4wd that goes to Light Peak with the Drake BM. The main BM is dated 1920 but the witness is dated 1971. The road keeps going east along the crest dropping down to a crag at N42 17961, W120 08346 el 7850. From there it's a one hour round trip hike with 700 gain to the reg at 18007, 07426 el 8400.This peak is shown as Drake Peak on maps. Don't drive down to that crag unless you're sure you can get back up. Posted 2013.
  • THE SQUAW BUTTE MOSQUITO SANCTUARY is at mp 4.6 on FR 3615. Park at the Walker TH and hike up thru the trees to a clearing at N42 15906, W120 14346 el 7050. Then start angling up to the left to get to the BM at 15502, 14669 el 7300. Short hike. Mosquitoes are protected here so don't swat any. And wear shorts so they can feed properly.
  • FR 3615 is paved past mp 15 then it's good dirt to the forest boundary at mp 23. Note that highway 140 was re-aligned north by .6 mile so when you turn on to FR 3615 you're already at mp .6. At mp 21.5 is a left turn going up to the hang glider launch with good views. A road goes down from there to 395 but it may be blocked at a ranch. Good mtn bike rides start at mp 7.5 across from the Drake turnoff. Follow a good dirt road for a mile to a fork at a cattle guard. Left is an easy loop around the big meadow. Right goes up to the rim then loops back to the pavement at mp 8.4.
  • TWELVE MILE PEAK el 8100 is the northernmost 8000 footer in the range. It can be hiked from the same parking spot at the NRT used for Crook Peak, or you can get a little closer by taking a right fork just before the NRT. The summit is at N42 19610, W120 09450. No reg or even the obligatory cairn. 1 hour, 500 gain. Those without 4wd can hike a steep road at mp 10.7 to get to the saddle south of the peak.
  • CROOK PEAK el 7800 is the northernmost peak in the range and has a national recreation trail (NRT) running along the south slope. Drive the same as Drake Peak but stay on FR 3615 to mp 12.4 then turn on FR 199. It's easy 4wd for nearly 2 miles to the crest. Just before the crest is the NRT at N42 20415, W120 09823 el 7500. Hike the trail north, hopping over several fallen trees. The trail skirts McDowell Peak on the left then comes to a logging road where it gets spotty. Cairns and ribbons help mark the way. Aim for it at 21555, 09490 where it's visible again. In another 230 feet it switches right then goes thru a gate el 7300. 400 feet past the gate just start up the slope to the summit at 21733, 09074. 3 hours, 1400 gain. To use the logging road, take FR 3615 to mp 13.4. Go right on graded FR 3720 for 2.7 miles to the logging road el 6200. It's easy 4wd for nearly 2 and a half miles to where the NRT crosses at 21485, 09617 el 7100. It's a one hour hike with 700 gain from there. Mtn bikes would work on the logging road and might be the only thing to use if trees are down. There is potential for shuttle hikes here. Start on the NRT at mp 10.7 on FR 3615. Follow it on past Crook Peak then down to the Swale TH where another car or mtn bikes are waiting. The Swale TH is at mp 5.7 on FR 3720. Another option is to start at the Drake Lookout and come down the crest.

The PLUM CREEK CG is about 3 and a half miles out of Davis Creek. There's not much to do there unless you have a mtn bike. Ride south out of camp for 6 miles to the Franklin Canyon road # 44N62 at N41 39177, W120 19241 el 6000. It's easy to miss. Coast down to a T then make a right to go back to Davis Creek. At least 2 miles is on 395 and there's no shoulder. Another option is to keep going south past 44N62 for a mile and a half to FR 30 then follow directions for Bald Mtn hike. It's 15 miles one way, or a 2wd truck can make the road. There are also graded roads all the way to Sugar Hill Lookout.

  • BUCK MOUNTAIN el 7900 has a short jeep road to the top. Use graded FR 30 running along the east side and turn at N41 42603, W120 16133 el 7600. Not worth it unless you're going that way.
  • FANDANGO PEAK el 7800 is the loneliest of the named peaks in the Warners. Turn off 395 at mp MOD 55.9 and go 4.4 miles on FR 9 to a fire station. The pavement ends right after the station. Turn left there on a narrow paved road that turns to good dirt and goes for miles around to the north side. When the good road ends, keep going on a jeep road that gets steep, but not rough. At the next fork reading N41 52799, W120 13583 el 7400, go right to where the road shrinks to a cow trail. Hike the trail to a meadow at 52736, 14544 el 7300. Now just turn left thru the forest and start hopping logs. Aim for 52384, 14680 near the rim where walking gets easier, just stay in the trees near the rim. The BM is on an odd talus pile at 51757, 14239. 2 hours, 500 gain from the meadow, take long pants for sure. SUGAR HILL el 7200 can be done on the drive out. Just past the fire station is a graded road going south. Follow signs to the lookout. It's graded all the way and a restroom is on top. MILL CREEK is the canyon north of Fandango Peak and a road goes down it to Fort Bidwell. There is a sign for the Highgrade Trail where the Fandango Peak road makes its turn to the east. Right next to the sign is an easy 4wd road that goes down for 2 miles and connects with a better road that goes all the way down along Mill Creek with some good campsites.
  • MOUNT VIDA el 8220 has an OHV track to the 7900 level. At the south end of New Pine Creek, get on FR 2 and go to mp 5.4 at a sign for Consolidated Mines. It's steep and bumpy. Turn right and it's easy 4wd all the way to the NRT at N41 57011,W120 13519 el 7700. Now the road goes parabolic down then up, so hike it or try the overgrown NRT which rejoins the road closer to the peak. It's a short hike off the road to the peak at 56096, 13528. I rode as far as 56755, 13688 el 7600 then lost traction. YELLOW MOUNTAIN el 8040 can be done on the drive out. Turn east at a fork reading 57621, 13385 el 7300. Keep going on easy 4wd to another fork at 57774, 12204 el 7700+. The left fork is a narrow track going a third mile to the summit. Going straight at the fork takes you back down to FR 2 at the 4 way where you can go up to Mt Bidwell. It's easy to do all 3 peaks in a day with a jeep or OHV.
  • MOUNT BIDWELL el 8200 has a jeep road over the top. At the south end of New Pine Creek, get on FR 2 and go nearly 8 miles to a 4 way at the crest el 7500. It's steep and bumpy. Turn north on FR 48N21 for a third mile to the Moonlight Mine buildings. Now turn right on a jeep road that gets rocky and steep. On the summit plateau the road gets smoother. The high point is at N41 57940, W120 09999. The BM is 2 miles to the east along with a memorial to George Maxwell Smithe-Rowe, a 15 year old who perished in the summer of 2012 from ?. The road drops north off the summit plateau and loops back to FR 48N21. It's mostly smooth but brushy, a good cycle ride. Some 2wds can make it to the Moonlight Mine el 7500. Posted 2013.
  • CRANE MOUNTAIN el 8400 has a 4wd road most of the way. Take highway 140 to mp 8 then turn south on a paved road for several miles to Rogger Meadow TH. From there follow signs for another 8 miles on graded dirt to Willow Creek Cg. Right before camp is a sign for the Crane Mtn trail. Take that road to the end of gravel el 6900 where it becomes easy, bumpy 4wd. Hike or drive the 4wd road almost to the lookout on the crest where the NRT goes left at el 8200. Go south on the NRT for 2/3 mile then veer right thru the trees to the reg and BM at N42 03770, W120 14447. The NRT, which is an ATV trail, goes on south along the crest for miles. It gets smoother as it goes. At about 2 air miles from the start near the lookout, it merges with a logging road. Soon the road forks. Left goes down to Deep Creek Cg. The right fork goes on down the crest. At a small meadow a jeep road comes in on the left, but the NRT goes across the meadow and continues down the crest eventually merging with another logging road. Stay on the main road to a one lane gravel road at N41 58541, W120 11132 el 7600. The Moonlight Mine is here. Go north on the road until the end of gravel then it's another mile to the state line and the road becomes FR 3915. Keep going north for a half dozen miles to the graded road that goes back to Deep Creek Cg. Then either follow the graded road back to Willow Creek Cg or go up Deep Creek and take the road up the right fork that goes over the ridge then on to Willow Creek. ANOTHER RIDE of interest requires a dual sport bike. Go south on the graded road from Willow Creek CG and stay right on FR 3915 at N42 03061, W120 07208. Follow that crude road south for nearly 6 miles to the state line. Soon after the line there is a fork. Keep right and soon it's gravel then keep going south to the first graded road coming up from the west which is FR 2. Take that on down to 395 then go north to Lakeview. Take Center Street up Bullard Canyon and stay on the main road to Rogger Meadow then follow signs to Willow Creek. It's about a 70 mile loop, with half a dozen miles being crude dirt. A 2wd truck could make it. Posted 2013.

  • LAKEVIEW has a Safeway and everything else you'll need. A good cycle ride starts there. Take Center St east into Bullard Canyon and go 2 miles on graded dirt to a fork at the shooting range. If you go straight for a third mile there is a graded road on the left that goes to the towers. For a loop, turn right at the shooting range and go a mile to another fork reading N42 11013, W120 17931 el 5600. Go right here on a crude road. It's packed dirt which turns to mud in winter/spring. The road climbs for 3 miles and tops out at 6600. Then it's mostly downhill for 7 miles thru Crane Creek Canyon back to 395 about 5 miles south of Lakeview. Mtn bikes would work here but I would shuttle up Bullard Canyon. Cars might get to the fork at el 5600. The shooting range has a public restroom to park at. 395 has a shoulder to ride on. The loop totals about 20 miles. There is another fork of interest at 08383, 16038 el 6200. It's an ATV track going left that goes over the divide to FR 3915.
  • WARNER PEAK EL 8000 is not in the Warner Mtns, it's the high point of the Hart NWR just to the east. At the north end of the town of Plush, get on the Hart Mtn RD. Go about 14 miles to the end of pavement then stay on the graded road another 10 miles to the refuge headquarters. Then turn south on a graded road and go about 2 miles to a main fork. Right goes to the Hot Springs Cg, but go left for nearly 13 miles on the good Blue Sky Rd to a fork in a pine grove reading N42 25780, W119 43397 el 6050.The road beyond here doesn't open until June 15. Turn left for nearly half a mile to the next fork at soldier graves. Go left for half a mile to the TH on the right at a gate reading 25453, 43905 el 6100. Hike the road all the way to the summit at 27582, 44482. 4 hours, 2000 gain. There is a fork going left at el 7100 that goes south on the plateau. When dry, 2wds can get to the 6000 ft level within a mile of the TH. Many game animals were standing around staring at me as if wondering what happened to my other 2 legs. ALTERNATE: the 4WD Barnhardy Rd goes south from Hot Springs Cg and gets within a mile of the summit el 6800+. It's steep and brushy from there. The road is closed until Aug 1 so I didn't get to check it. ANOTHER HIKE of interest starts a mile up from Hot Springs camp. Take the Barnhardi Rd and turn west at 29287, 42502. In half a mile park at a gate el 6900. Hike the road to the top el 7500. I stayed on the main road to the west rim where a bright colored rock outcrop stood out. Nice views. DEGARMO CANYON FALLS makes a nice short hike. About 10 miles out of Plush is a sign for the canyon. Turn and keep right at the first fork then left at the second. It's half a mile of easy 4wd to the TH. Then it's a steep semi brushy trail for 2/3 mile to the 30 foot fall.