- An Indian trail runs up the west rim of Painted Canyon to towers and meets trails running east and west. Loops can be done. I put GPS tracks on peakbagger under Blink Benchmark.
- PAINTED CANYON TRAIL WEST LOOP - this one goes up the canyon then on the left rim up to the towers. Then I took one running west and looped back. This is the best hike on this page. From the Painted Canyon TH, I walked up canyon for 1.2 air miles to a main fork. I stayed left for half an air mile then took the obvious tourist trail up the rim. It goes down the rim to Ladder Canyon, but the Indian trail goes up the rim to the towers. At el 1500 it goes over a steep little hill but there is a wuss route around the left side. I got to the towers and the trail fades but I circled left to one at N33 39790, W115 59042. It follows a road along the wilderness boundary. At 39713, 59698 it shortcuts a bend in the road and angles up to the right to hit the road again. All remaining coordinates are W116. The trail leaves the road and down a ridge at W33 39634, W116 00553 and on to 39584, 00759 then 39420, 01227. At the end of the ridge an obvious low saddle is to the left. I went thru and up a wash and up to the rim at 38976, 01789 with gorgeous pavement. I walked south a little toward Mecca Hill and into a wash that took me to a main wash then I went up that to a fork at 38530, 01569. I stayed left then left at the next one and it winds around seemingly the wrong way but nope it leads to the divide at 38436, 01375. I dropped down there in mud hills and walked downstream back to the start. 5 and a half hours, 11.4 miles, and maybe 500 noticeable gain. Next time I'll reverse it to be going downhill on the steeper parts and the sandy Painted Canyon. Posted 2024.
- PAINTED CANYON TRAIL EAST LOOP - this time I took the trail to the towers and came back in an east fork of Painted Canyon. From the Painted Canyon TH, I walked up 10 minutes to the sign for Ladder Canyon and went up that to get on the rim. I walked it all the way to the towers and stopped by Blink Benchmark. I then walked the road and headed for an Indian trail at N33 39873, W115 57898. It must have taken them to Box Canyon but so much vehicle impact makes it no fun now. It's better to just plot the best route along the flats to a fork at 38936, 57362 on the north side of peak 1707. It's soft sand down that back to the start and that's why I wouldn't reverse this. 5 and a half hours, 12 miles, 500 noticeable gain. Posted 2024.
- NORTH TRAILS - peak 1513 has trails on the west ridges. The Cactus City exit on I-10 has a high clearance road running south to towers. Westbound drivers have to use the next exit to the east and drive 3 miles on an easy 4wd gas road. Before the towers are two roads forking right. The one on the left at N33 40348, W115 58263 is best. It goes to the mouth of a canyon then a spotty trail goes up canyon at 39889, 59212. It goes over the rim to 39935, 59570 then to 40044, 59809. It soon crosses a road then goes level on the left of a drainage then up a little to the road again. It crosses and soon crosses back then on down a ridge and hits a main wash. There I went right across the wash and up the rim and walked a spotty trail back to peak 1513 and followed the high ground back to the first trail. When I got to where I first crossed the road I left that trail and walked the road. It has a trail but mostly bulldozed. I saw later on the sat image that I could have veered right off the road to a trail at 40034, 59556 then to 40025, 59138 where it runs down a drainage and back to the start. 3 hours, the app has the gain at 800, all easy. All roads are high clearance except the gas road that westbound drivers use. Posted 2024.
- LOST PALMS OASIS is in the southern part of Joshua Tree NP. An easy one way hike is possible. I put a track on peakbagger under Mastodon Peak. At the southern entrance to the park there is an aqueduct. Go east along it on a graded road for 4 miles then left along power lines for a fifth mile to a gate. Leave a car there then ride an ebike 12 miles to the upper TH in the park. The topo shows the trail to the palms. There is a signed side trail to Mastodon Peak. At the palms the trail forks. Left goes down to the palms then it's just down canyon with a couple of minor boulder obstacles then there is a pipeline trail on the right bank at N33 42360, W115 45349. Not used in years, it needs pruning. I could see it on the sat image. It follows the pipeline and hits the creekbed below Victory Palms. Soon there is a canyon on the left that goes to good palms at Summit Spring. A cairned route on the right bank goes up then merges back to the creekbed at 42475, 44859. It's less than 10 minutes to the palms and spring but dry that day. Back in the main wash there is an option to go up a gully at 42206, 44717 to get on a huge bench and avoid ATV tracks in the main wash. Near the end of the bench is a low saddle that offers an alternate route but rocky and takes longer. It is more scenic though and has no tire tracks. For that, go thru the saddle reading 41877, 442222 then a faint trail goes along the right side of the canyon then down. Get on the left bank at 41249, 43829 and then the last steep bouldery drop has a route on the far left. It took me 4 hours and 9 miles and that includes the side trip to the peak and walking the easy way in the main wash at the end. The gain is all super easy but for about 400 and half of that is the peak. A side trip to Summit Spring would add an hour. The only water was a tiny stream about 10 feet long at Lost Palms. The alternate rocky canyon at the end of the hike had a huge pothole full of water. Posted March, 2024.
- COTTONWOOD BASIN is in south Joshua Tree NP and SW of the visitor center. A one way hike can be done by entering by way of Pinkham Wash then out the easy east wash. I parked on the highway at BM 2826 which is mp 31.5 then rode my Zizzo bike nearly 2 miles to the visitor center then went left on the high clearance Pinkham road for a bit over 6 miles to point 3316. I walked to N33 46591, W115 54500 to get around a point and into the wash. I strolled up to the basin then took a side trip up peak 4262. It's too easy to pass up. I stayed in the main wash to avoid gullies then left it for 700 feet to high ground at 44511, 55538 that leads to a ridge at 44622, 55984 then followed the topo up. I came back down then crossed the basin to a century old marker at 44654, 53889. I went on over the divide to a wash at 44586, 53509 then down it to the highway. 5 hours, 12.5 miles and no noticeable gain except for the side trip up the peak and that isn't steep. A mtn bike and high clearance vehicle is all that's needed. It wouldn't be a bad plan to haul 2 or 3 gallons of water into the basin and set up a base camp. Solitude is a big plus. The Pinkham road goes on over a low divide then down the wash to a graded road along the interstate. 4wds have packed the sand somewhat and my cycle didn't have many traction issues. It's 99% easy 4wd with a few harder obstacles in the central part. Jeeps get thru easy. At the 1960 line there is tricky fork. The real road follows posts to get on the right bank then on to the boundary of the park and then a left fork goes to the graded road. Then it's 3 miles to a freeway interchange. It's 20 miles from the visitor center to the graded road making a total of about 23 to get to the interchange. It's hard to judge if fat tire ebikes can make it down the wash. Posted 2024.
- PEAK 4262 is on the west side of Cottonwood Basin. An easy one way hike can be done out of the basin then down the south ridge. I took I-10 to exit 162 then drove nearly 3 miles west on the graded frontage road to Pinkham Wash. I left my truck there then rode my cycle back to the freeway and on to the visitor center then went left on the high clearance Pinkham road for a bit over 6 miles to point 3316. I walked to N33 46591, W115 54500 to get around a point and into the wash. I strolled up to the basin and stayed in the main wash to avoid gullies then left it for 700 feet to high ground at 44511, 55538 that leads to a ridge at 44622, 55984 then followed the topo up. The west summit had a reg placed in 1986 by M&L with only 2 entries since. I then dropped to the south saddle and walked the easy ridge on around the west side of peak 3905 then to peak 3023 where I turned west. I hit a saddle at 43179, 57768 el 2600 and could have dropped down either side. I went down the drainage on the left as it's shorter and more scenic. Soon I could move to the left rim then down and out in a nice wash. At the main Pinkham Wash I stayed near the left bank and walked pristine washes to my truck. 5 hours, 10.3 miles and the only noticeable gain is the easy 500 up to the peak out of the basin. The next day I did the hike over peak 4493 to retrieve my cycle. A party with 2 cars and mtn bikes can do the same over 2 days. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- PEAK 4493 is an easy walk from the visitor center. I went over the peak to retrieve my cycle from the peak 4262 hike the day before. I parked a fifth mile in on the Pinkham road at a wash. I walked up that then to high ground at N33 45199, W115 49937. I walked with the flow for a bit over half a mile to a main wash then up that then got on the right bank at 45284, 51225. Then I had some good pavement to the wussiest ridge on the map at 45080, 51741 el 3500. I followed the topo up to the summit then down a ridge at 45618, 52968 and used the topo to stay on the easiest ridges down to my cycle at point 3316. 3 hours, 10 minutes, and 1000 noticeable gain. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- COTTONWOOD BENCHMARK el 4372 is south of Cottonwood Basin. I did a one way from the visitor center over the peak then down the south ridge. I dropped my cycle off at exit 162 on I-10 then drove 15 miles to the visitor center. I went left there on the Pinkham road for a fifth mile to a wash. I walked up that then to high ground at N33 45199, W115 49937. I walked with the flow for a bit over half a mile to a main wash then up that then got on the right bank at 45284, 51225. I then followed the low ground around the right side of a hill then on to a main wash at 44720, 51914. I crossed it to the far bank and strolled past a century old marker at 44650, 52161. I kept going a third mile or so and dropped left to a main wash then up to a fork at 44619, 52970. I went left and stayed in the main wash then thru the north saddle of peak 4356 then on to peak 4425. A reg placed by M&L in 1980 was still there. I went on to the BM then to 42997, 54870 where a path took me around a bump to the descent ridge. I went down past peak 3994 then peak 3110 then Cottonwood G which has a rectangular marker. I went south from there then it got rockier so I dropped right at 41068, 55096 then soon went to the right down a drainage and hit bottom. I walked the far bank till it ended then on to a road at 40622, 54973 that goes to exit 162. 6 and a half hours, 11.6 miles, 1500 gain but more than 1000 of that is easy washes. The descent ridge is rocky soil but no boulders or cliffs to figure out. Sheep trails skirt some of the bumps. Thick soles needed. An alternate route for ascent or descent is the main wash at mp 31.5 on the road to the visitor center. Not nearly as dramatic as the ridge. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- MONUMENT MOUNTAIN el 4834 is a huge one along the Pinkham road. I made a good loop up smooth washes from the east then down the south ridge. I rode about 3 miles in on the Pinkham road from the visitor center then headed for the main east wash at N33 47962, W115 50852. I went up that to the first main fork and went right then stayed on smooth gravel along the west side of peak 3846 then SW of peak 4157 and on to the final NW ridge of the peak at 49249, 53834 el 4150. I went up and over the summit then down the south ridge on a spotty hiker trail. The ridge levels off around the 4600 line and I stayed right past all the bumps along there. At a saddle reading 47752, 53238 el 3950, I dropped left to a level ridge el 3800 and walked it to a canyon at 47850, 52830 el 3700. I went down that and it got rough so I stepped up to the left thru a saddle at 47570, 52712 el 3500 then down to the flats. A bike there would have saved me a mile and a half back to the start but I was asleep at the wheel. That took 5 hours, 13 minutes, 11 miles and no noticeable gain until the last 700. I couldn't believe how easy the washes are all the way up to el 4100. I put a track on peakbagger. A mtn bike is all that's needed for this without the shuttle but to avoid the mile and a half at the end would need a high clearance vehicle and bike. Posted 2024.
- LEE BENCHMARK el 3383 is on the west rim of Cottonwood Canyon near the south entrance of Joshua Tree. A one way hike is easy using the ancient road to Coyote Mine. I parked on the highway at mp 34.3 then rode my Zizzo 3 miles up to a mega wash at BM 2826. I walked up the wash to the faint road at N33 44079, W115 50787. It soon fades so I went over the rim to it again at 43908, 50778. It goes down a wash then up left at 43878, 50612 and on to the mine. Then it's an easy ridge to the BM and then I went on to a saddle at 43053, 49813. I followed the topo on thru the west saddle of peak 3155 and immediately veered onto the south ridge of that peak and down to a saddle at 42255, 49589. The ridge turns nasty there so I dropped left out of the saddle down the drainage for 350 feet then I could move left to an easy ridge down then walked the base to my vehicle. 3 hours, 40 minutes for the hiking part and the app had the gain at 860 and all easy. ALTERNATE ENDING - it would easier to walk straight south at the end of the hike to a car spotted at 1778 on the canal road. But it makes for a harder shuttle if all you have for a second vehicle is pedal bike and so I think not worth it. Posted 2024.
- GOLDEN BEE MINE TRAIL - this trail goes from the mine to the crest then it's easy to run the crest to the tipples trail. I parked on the Pinto Basin Rd at the tipples TH at mp 8. I then coasted down a mile and a half on my bike and locked to a yellow sign. I walked the flats to the mine road at N33 54908, W115 56199. It is soon gone so I went straight to ruins at 54675, 56249 then was on the road again and walked it to the end at a spool. A trail starts there and goes to the mine then resumes on the right at 54282, 56124. At a saddle it splits and I went right up the ridge and the trail goes around the north side of peak 3298 and fades. But it's easy to go on to peak 3641 then along the east side of the plateau to the easiest ridge down at 54486, 58216 el 3550. I hit the wash then thru a low saddle to 55089, 57813 and on down canyon to the fork with the Golden Bell Mine. I walked a road up the fork to the mine then a trail at 55486, 57506. It goes to mines then up to the right and on up the right slope of the canyon and to the tipples where a tourist trail goes to the highway. 4 hours, 2000 gain, 7.5 miles. Easy terrain. SHORT VERSION - take the trail to the tipples then go east on the ridge and soon the trail to the Golden Bell shows up.Then just follow the topo on to the Eldorado and on to the highway. Posted 2024.
- WASHINGTON WASH - the upper part is the best. I did a loop down into it from Hexie Mtns high point. I parked on the west side at point 4067. I could have drove a car all but the last 5 miles then ebiked it. I walked to the south side of peak 3903 at N33 51720, W116 01852 then to high ground at 51684, 01048. I just kept going up to peak 4725 then peak 4491 and on down the ridge to peak 4161. I dropped south down a ridge there at 51925, 56693. I went down that to the final ridge at 51180, 56673 el 3650 then at 50520, 56614 el 3100 I dropped down to the right to hit the wash. Then I just went up canyon on smooth sand to a fork at 51267, 01089 and went left back to the start. 8 hours, 15 minutes, 18 miles with 3000 gain. The last 1200 gain is up the easy wash. Rocks were not an issue except for the last 300 down to the wash. The reg on Hexie high point was the only sign of humanity but for balloon trash. Sheep tracks were in the wash. Where's the water? Show me the water! I put a track on peakbagger under Hexie high point. Posted 2024.
- TWENTYNINE PALMS MOUNTAIN el 4560 has two roads up that can be connected for a loop. The 4wd Gold Park Road goes in from town as shown on the topo. The road that branches off toward the summit has a locked gate at the base of the mountain. So I just went on past that road for half a mile and parked. Then I walked to the closed road and on up to the summit where I could see the other road to the south near peak 1308. I walked down that back to the start. 3 hours, 1500 gain. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- PAYMASTER MINE LOOP - the 4wd road in by way of Gold Park is closed at point 1118 south of a guzzler. So it's better to come in from the Pinto Basin Rd at the sand pit. There is a faint road cutting north of peak 3607 and it connects to the road to the mine. Some relics are there and a risky tunnel.There is an option to go on up canyon to get on the easy ridge to peak 3734 or just go down the easy wash running west of it then pick a route back to the start. It measures out on the map at 8 miles or so. I came in the Gold Park route and went to the mine then along the ridge to peak 3734 then down to the wash and back. It took 3 hours, 40 minutes. Easy hike either way. Posted 2024.
That's all there was in the book on peak 4262 west summit.
HIKES ON THIS BLOG ARE FOR EXPERIENCED HIKING FANATICS ONLY. INFO HAS NOT BEEN CHECKED. I posted a table of contents on the March 2025 page. All times listed are round trip. Any issues not mentioned such as brush, wading, tricky climbs etc usually means that they weren't an issue. Peakbagger is the main map app I use but Natural Atlas has a free version that shows more trails with mileages. "Civilization is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there".