Friday, February 3, 2012

Chuckwalla Mountains

Indian trail at Irish Wash

  • BLACK BUTTE is the high peak but hard to get at. Use the Bradshaw Trail south of the range to get to a 4wd road at N33 32299, W115 21163. From the end of the road el 3000, go up the main wash to the main saddle. Be sure to get on the left bench at 33419, 21344. From the saddle, climb right. At 33809, 21161 start contouring to the right around a bump then another little bump right after. The rest is obvious to the top at 33686, 20692 el 4400+. 3 hours, 1500 gain. I rode in from the north on the nasty Dupont Road. Much deep sand and rock. Not as good a hike as Pilot Peak. This range is part of Chuckwalla National Monument as of 2025.
For CORN SPRINGS area,take the Corn Springs exit off I-10 and go nearly a mile east to graded Corn Springs Rd. It's nearly 8 miles to the pay campground.
  • For CORN SPRINGS PEAK el 2900, go a mile past the campground and park at an easy canyon on the right. Hike up this to a main fork. Go right to a basin at N33 38320, W115 20208. From here, climb the high class 2 ridge on the right. At the top, go along the left side then thru a saddle then on to the peak 38236, 19023. Stay off the ridge center. Go over to the twin peak, then down the ridge to the campground. 3 hours, 1400 gain. Take a stick. This is the high peak seen on the right when entering the range.
  • CORN BENCHMARK el 3150 is fairly easy. Drive 3 miles past the campground to the end of county road then go right up the 4wd road for a fifth mile and park. Hike across a big wash to a trail at N33 38327, W115 22555. Walk that into another fork of the wash and go up to the correct channel at 38603, 22779. Go up that to a fork at 39081, 22172. Get on the bench between the forks and go another quarter mile to the divide el 2300. Start up the slope on the right and angle left near the top to get into a minor saddle then go on up to the BM at 38893, 21448. 3 hours, 1200 gain. Posted 2016.
  • SHIP CREEK - a one way can be done up the Indian trail in Irish Wash to the mine trail then that leads to Ship. Then down and out at Sharp Peak. I went up the main west fork of Irish. At a minor fall I took a channel on the left to get around and soon took a shortcut on the left bank. I went on up and got in the fork at N33 36826, W115 24614. I went up that to a trail on the right bank at 36635, 24838. It goes bank to bank then at 36387, 25054 it runs on the right bank almost continuously to a fork. It goes right but I went left to a game trail at 35864, 25492 el 2900. It stays high on the left bank to the mine trail at the saddle then that trail is easy to follow to a boring mine. I followed the topo to the saddel south of peak 3523 reading 34734, 24045. I went down canyon using a game trail on the right and used the right bank at 34504, 23891. At the last straight section before Ship I got on the right bank but it's better to stay in the wash. Then in Ship I got on the right bank at 34013, 23134 and then on back into the wash and down to small pools and cattails at the 2640 line. Remains of two sheep means there must be a cat around. I went on down and got on the left bank at 35169, 19219 and on down to the exit canyon at 35646, 17100. I went up staying off high banks. At 36148,17845 is a little fall. It has a flow and shallow pools after wet spells but only puddles that day. In another quarter mile there is a fork where I went right at 36344,17780. Then left at the next fork then right at the next fork. It tops out at the north saddle of Sharp Peak. I went down a ridge there reading 36754, 17162 and stayed left when it split. At the bottom it's a short walk to the road. 10 hours, 19 miles and less than a 1000 noticeable gain. If backpacking this I would go out the mouth then along the base. The last 2 miles to the road has an Indian trail. There was good looking water at the cattails even though it was a dry winter. I would wait for a wet spell just in case. The reading for those pools is 34519, 21216 el 2640. I put on track on peakbagger under Sharp Peak. Posted Feb, 2025.
  • IRISH WASH LOOP - this one goes up the wash to the mine trail on the topo that goes to Red Cloud Canyon then down that and back. I rode the easy 4wd road past Corn Springs to Irish Wash and went on another 2.3 miles and parked where the road gets hilly. I coasted back on my bike to Irish and went up the main west fork. At a minor fall I took a channel on the left to get around and soon took a shortcut on the left bank. I went on up and got in the fork at N33 36826, W115 24614. I went up that to a trail on the right bank at 36635, 24838. It goes bank to bank then at 36387, 25054 it runs on the right bank almost continuously to a fork. It goes right but I went left to a game trail at 35864, 25492 el 2900. It stays high on the left bank to the mine trail at the saddle. That trail is easy to see but drops to Red Cloud a little before the map shows. I strolled on down Red Cloud then veered right to an Indian trail at 37342, 27695 and it goes to 37495, 27557 then to a road. I walked the road up to a ridge then on to 37705, 27225 where I dropped to a wash. I went up and got on the left bank at 37818, 26935 and walked it to a smaller wash at 37747, 26608. I went up that and got on the right bank at 38124, 26341 then a few feet to the rim where I could see the road and went straight to it. Then I had a half mile to my cycle. 6 hours, 12 miles with noticeable gain of 3 or 400 feet. It's mostly easy washes. I put a track on peakbagger under peak 3120. To do that peak I would go up Irish to the south ridge then over the peak. The track I put up for Ship Creek under Sharp Peak shows more of the trail in Irish Wash. Posted 2025
  • PILOT PEAK el 4200 - there is a trail from Corn Spring to the Skipper Mine and on to el 3800 below the peak. Drive to the cabin about a half mile past the campground. Turn left on a 4wd rd which is #478. Go less than a mile to the trail at N33 37264, W115 20708. The trail goes thru the south saddle of peak 2063 into the canyon beyond. It goes along the bottom a short way then climbs up a point on the left. Soon a rock dated 1904 appears on the trail. Keep right at a fork at Egg Head Rock and get on the correct trail at 36409, 21396. About a quarter air mile past the rock is where the trail crosses to the right side of the main wash. Just below are seasonal pools. Go up the right side of the wash to get on a hidden trail at 36303, 21661. Follow it behind the mine at 36061, 21792. A road comes in here but washed out. To climb the peak, from the mine, take the trail up the right side of the canyon to 35940, 21853 and then 35778, 21865. It gets easier to follow and then crosses to the left side at 35699, 21902 and switches back. Stay on it to 35443, 21783 el 3800. Leave the trail here and climb the right slope. Near the top start angling right toward the peak to hit a minor saddle at 35359, 21910. It's a short walk to the peak 35315, 22013. I went down the easy north ridge at 35411, 21986 then took a right down a spur ridge at 35659, 22047 to get back to the mine. 5 hrs, 2300 gain from the lower TH. The mine that the trail ends at is a boring shallow hole. I put a track on peakbagger in 2025. Updated 2025
  • Another interesting trail is the BLUE DICK CAMP TRAIL. Go 3 miles past the campground to the end of county road then go right up the 4wd road for 4 miles and park at the wilderness boundary. Hike the old road as it swings right then go right at a spur at N33 38390, W115 26349 that soons becomes a trail. It takes you thru a saddle el 2900 then down the canyon to a mine at 39306, 25848 el 2400. Lots of recent stuff here. Keep going to BLUE DICK CAMP at 39888, 25204 el 2150. More stuff here. 4 hrs, 1300 gain. The trail keeps going to the Granite Mine area. To hike up from the bottom near the Granite Mine, get off I-10 at the Eagle Mtn Rd exit. Go south 3/4 mile to the power lines. Go left along the lines then keep straight when the lines veer left. Go another mile to a deep wash. The next mile to the end of the road is nasty. At the end of the road are tailings. Look for the trail on the right at N33 40542, W115 25914 el 1600.
  • LONG TANK and SPRING TANKS are south of Desert Center. Use sandy roads from the exit or the Eagle Mtn Rd to get on the power line road closest to the mountains. Turn south at N33 41735, W115 23650 and go to Long Tank near the end of the road. A spur road goes east to the next canyon. Hike up it for half an hour then get on a faint trail at 40152, 22720 and go another 250 feet to the mega tanks. Likely there's water here year round. 
  • BLUE DICK / SPRING TANK LOOP - a loop can be made by going up the Spring Tank canyon to the road from Corn Spring then walking west to the Blue Dick TH. Exit I-10 at Desert Center. Use sandy road #415 from the exit and go about a mile to the power line road closest to the mountains. Go left on the power line road for about 300 feet then turn south at N33 41735, W115 23650 and go a bit over a mile to road #423 that goes a quarter mile east to the next canyon. Hike a trail into the canyon then go up it for half an hour then get on a faint trail on the left at 40152, 22720 and go another 250 feet to the mega Spring Tanks. Go on up canyon with easy walking nearly a mile to a fork on the right with a guzzler. Stay in the left fork to a bouldery fork at 39245, 23628 el 1900. The boulders are easy to climb.  Go left there and stay in the main canyon to the divide at 38881, 23928 el 2450. Go down the other side to a fork at 38598, 24339 el 2250. Go right to a road on a bench at 38457, 24630. Walk that a short way until it turns the wrong way then cut across to the correct road at 38296, 24903. Walk west on that to the wilderness boundary. Stay on the old road as it swings right then go right at a spur at  38390,  26349 that soo becomes a trail. It takes you thru a saddle el 2900 then down to a creekbed. It goes down the bed a short way then resumes on the left bank and follows the canyon to a mine at 39306, 25848 el 2400.  Keep going to Blue Dick Camp at 39888, 25204 el 2150. The trail goes left around the camp then down to the lower TH at el 1600. Just before the TH, stay on the ridge to another trail at 40604, 25909 el 1750. Walk that to a road cutting across the ridge. Go right on that to the end then drop down a washed out trail to a mine at the base where I should have stashed a mtn bike. The reading here is 40885, 25750 el 1300. I walked the flats back to the start but had to deal with a lot of gullies. The loop took me 7 and a half hours but with a shuttle it would be an hour less. The gain is about 2000. Study a map before trying this and make sure you can go into reverse if you get lost. Posted 2016.
  • ZION WASH is what I call a canyon near Desert Center. A hippie commune known as Kingdom of Zion was here in the 1960s. Exit I-10 there and go east on the paved frontage road to a building then follow the gas line road to a fork at N33 42028, W115 20437. Go right then left to the TH in half a mile. Walk the trail for 5 minutes to the Mustard Seed Dam and foundations. The trail goes on another quarter mile to minor falls shown on the map. Then the trail gets fainter and finally drops into the wash. I went up as far as another fall shown on the map at 40827, 21283, but it's a laughable 5 foot high drop. The whole hike took 2 hours, easy. A prehistoric habitation site, recorded as RIV-1383, is at the mouth of this canyon, right in the energy corridor. Those Indians should have stuck around. Now they have gas and electric right to their village. Posted 2016.