HIKES ON THIS BLOG ARE FOR EXPERIENCED HIKING FANATICS ONLY. INFO HAS NOT BEEN CHECKED. I posted a table of contents on the March 2025 page. All times listed are round trip. Any issues not mentioned such as brush, wading, tricky climbs etc usually means that they weren't an issue. Peakbagger is the main map app I use but Natural Atlas has a free version that shows more trails with mileages. "Civilization is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there".
Saturday, April 27, 2024
Wildflowers at Tecopa
One of the highlights was a 12 mile walk I took in the badlands north of town near Chappo Spring.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Pinto Mountains, California
- PINTO MOUNTAIN el 3983 has an easy route up the NW washes. The topo shows roads going to the Star Mine from the Gold Crown Rd. Just before the mine a secret road keeps going west to point 744 then to a saddle el 2550 on the rim of the NW wash. I dropped to the wash then up it to high ground at N33 58631, W115 49546 that leads to the wash east of peak 2939. I went up it and turned left at 57876, 49200 and walked the edge of a wash to the west ridges of the peak. The easiest one is at 57588, 48915. That took 5 hours, 13 minutes with 1400 noticeable gain. Several peaks can be done from the same parking area such as peak 1121. I put a track on peakbagger. All roads easy 4wd with plenty of washboard. Posted 2024.
- PEAK 967 meters starts near the same spot as Pinto Mtn. I started up at N34 00206, W115 47599 and followed the ridge up staying right around the larger bumps. At 01072, 47362 I went up an easy gully and on to the summit. 3 hours, 700 gain, all easy. Posted 2024.
- PEAK 1121 meters is SW of Humbug Mtn. The best way in is Artemecia Road and it goes in from mp 43.8 on highway 62. It's easy 4wd and ebikeable. Follow the topo to the Goods Mine and there is a camp spot at the end of the road. From there, a trail goes to diggings then I just went right until I had a smooth route up the ridge. I went right around some bumps at the 850 line to N34 02187, W115 50686 where I could level off some to get around peak 914 then up the ridge to the summit. It had survey junk and a reg placed by Vitz in 2019 with only 2 parties since. I walked on to a ridge at 01239, 50529 to get down to peak 1028 which I had to go over for an easy ridge down to the start. 3 hours, 1700 gain. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- PEAK 1036 meters has a trail most of the way from near the OK Mine. Trouble is, there is no decent road to the mine. I rode my 125 in there but with a 4wd it's bound to be way better to come in from the south out of the national park. I wouldn't drive beyond the Gold Rose Mine. Then just walk the road toward the OK Mine and aim for the trail on a slope at N34 02810, W115 41678. It goes up and fades on the SW ridge then it's easy on to the summit. I kept going on the crest to the east saddle then stayed right of center on paths to get past bumps then on to the descent ridge at 02660, 40508. I stayed right around crags then back to center then along the right side of peak 857. I hit a trail south of that peak at 02223, 40454 and went left to check out a tunnel but didn't have a light. I walked the trail south to a fork at 01977, 40437 and went right down to a cabin near the Brooklyn Mine. It had a guest book. I went on to the LA Mine then down a trail and on to the Rose Of Peru Mine. It has huge room in rock. I'd be back at the start here if I drove if from the south but I had to walk the road back to the OK Mine. The loop takes nearly 5 hours with 1600 gain and not steep. I would camp in there for days to check out countless mine trails. Jeeps are still going one way past the OK Mine then down canyon to the Gold Rose Mine. They take the right fork at 02990, 42634 north of peak 811 to get to the OK. The next fork is better for cycles. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.
- IVANHOE BENCHMARK el 3330 is infested with mines and trails. I made a loop up the north canyon all on trails and roads. At mp 53.4 on highway 62 is where a sandy road goes in. Stay left on main roads for 2 and a half miles to the canyon mouth as the topo shows. I parked there and walked up the left fork and soon and ancient road comes into view. I went up it a short way to a fork at N34 04368, W115 41744. I went right on a trail there as it's less steep. I lost it where it moves to the right side of the canyon but I only had 50 feet or so to get back on the road so I did that and followed it up as the topo shows. At a switchback I shortcutted past a bottomless shaft at 03854, 41693 then got back on the road and there is another shaft. I could see a tunnel nearby but didn't check it out. I went on up the road to the end as the topo shows then two trails are in view. One goes to the summit and the other down canyon. I went up to the summit then came back and down canyon. The trail goes along a talus slope then switches down to the creekbed. At a bouldery drop it crosses to the left bank. A trail forking left there likely goes over into the next canyon and would make for another loop. I went on down canyon and lost the trail but found it on the left bank at 04352, 41848 and soon I was back at the start. That took 3 and a half hours with 1600 gain. I could have drove a jeep or my cycle a half mile closer. Hiking in from the highway should only take 5 hours. Bikes are no good here. I put a track on peakbagger. I wouldn't reverse the loop. Posted 2024.
- BOISE BENCHMARK el 3325 has easy terrain for a loop. The road in by way of Gold Park is easy 4wd and goes like the topo shows into Music Valley. It goes into the park and ends at a row of posts at N33 59356, W115 56042 el 2760, west of peak 3521. I walked a half mile down canyon to 59102, 55553 where I turned left up a side canyon and stayed on the left bank to get past rough stuff. Then I had it easy to the saddle then up to the summit. I went down an easy ridge at 58764, 54502 to get into the east basin then walked down that into the wash that drains it and kept going downstream to a little ridge at 57619, 52452. I could see a saddle up to my right and I went thru then to a ridge at 57570, 52835 and down that to the main wash and back up that to the start. 4 hours, 43 minutes, and 11 miles with 1600 gain. Half of that is the easy wash at the end. This is the best wash hike I did around Joshua Tree. Next time I'll skip the peak and do just the washes and basin. Posted 2024.
- TWENTYNINE PALMS MOUNTAIN el 4560 has two roads up that can be connected for a loop. The 4wd Gold Park Road goes in from town as shown on the topo. The road that branches off toward the summit has a locked gate at the base of the mountain. So I just went on past that road for half a mile and parked. Then I walked to the closed road and on up to the summit where I could see the other road to the south near peak 1308. I walked down that back to the start. 3 hours, 1500 gain. I put a track on peakbagger. Posted 2024.